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peace with Al-Qaeda

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Agreed that it should have happened during the first Gulf war when they legally went to the defense of another nation.

But, I did say that they should get out at the earlist possable moment.

Not right this minute.

As soon as they can.

i agree, as soon as they can.
and with the pull out plan of something like 50% less troops by spring, i'm wondering if that's too fast.

but people that run countries know better then me....i hope  :o 
Manimal said:
but people that run countries know better then me....i hope   :o    

If only. We probably would have a lot less trouble in the world if they used common sense.

Zipper said:
If only. We probably would have a lot less trouble in the world if they used common sense.

Yeah but who said "Common Sense" was Common.  ;D
Manimal your posts would make a lot more sense and be taken more seriously if you would take the time to use punctuation, proper grammer and a spell check. You make some valid points but it is painful to read your posts as you have written them. If English is not your first language I apologize, if not then you need to work on your hand writing skills.

This is not meant as a slam but as advice to a new troop who might want to someday move up the chain of command.

Now back to our regularly scheduled thread,,,,
yeah, you're right.
part of the problem is that i have been on night shifts, and i did write that in the afternoon, but that's was after waking up with only a few hours sleep.
i tend to run on at the best of times, doing so in type does make it difficult.
the spell check was used, it's more my typing the wrong word, "is" in stead of "if" etc. and proof reading was never a strong point for me either LOL.

thanks for the suggestion.
Manimal said:
the spell check was used, it's more my typing the wrong word, "is" in stead of "if" etc. and proof reading was never a strong point for me either LOL.
Try typing the post in Word or Word Perfect.  The grammar checks will catch most of your problems (and you learn each time the computer shows you your mistakes).
MCG said:
Try typing the post in Word or Word Perfect.   The grammar checks will catch most of your problems (and you learn each time the computer shows you your mistakes).

i re read what i wrote, and the one thing i noticed was the run on sentances. and the typing "if" when i wanted "is" which i think i only did twice. but still confusing. and of course the lack of upper case letters, which i only use in formal papers LOL. but i thought i would run it through word, (cause the night shift leaves me with a lot of paper work, and i need something to keep me awake).

other then upper case letters at the beginning of a sentience, it did not stop my run on sentiences, and i had only one sentence fragment. i also used the word 'that' once when it should have been 'which' my bad, sorry you don't like my format. i'll watch the run on's though.
All we have to do is capitulate to their demands, convert to Islam, forcibly convert everyone else to Islam, murder every Jew on the planet, and turn the world into a dictatorship with theocratic overtones

In Persia, Muslims didn't have to pay the same taxes as people of other religions... Will that also be enforced in "Al Europe" and "Al America"?    ;D
but wait...there's more.

Have you seen that footage from the first Gulf War where all the Iraqi prisoners are on their knees and reaching out to kiss the Marine's hand while on there knees???
Don't be fooled, there being good little Muslim's when they do that.  The Koran tells them, "when your enemy is stronger than you, kiss his hand and pray for his destruction."

They also want you as a non Muslim to get off the road when they come by.  I believe bowing down in the ditch until they have passed is acceptable.  And don't feel so bad, if you refuse to convert to Islam they might let you live. (Though they have the GOD given right to kill you for being an Infidel) They do however have a tax they will put on you for keeping your own religion.

Their Koran tell them that the Jews were God's first chosen people but they screwed up, then God moved to the Christians but they screwed up.  So, now, guess who the only true children of God are....that is Islam's take on the religous World.

Did you know there is a verse in the Koran that states "If a Jew is hiding under a rock, the very rock will cry out There is a Jew hiding here, Come and kill him!!!

Regretably this isn't just a stupid rant, it's the scriptures they grew up with.

Wow, benevolence and forgiveness.

How sweet.
Their Koran tell them that the Jews were God's first chosen people but they screwed up, then God moved to the Christians but they screwed up.   So, now, guess who the only true children of God are....that is Islam's take on the religous World
Hmm... I think I'll skip Islam and go straight to Oprahism... You might not get a Tax deduction, but you do tend to find presents under your chair!   ;)

Maybe one should look at Jewish or Cristian countries GNP ( edited  :-[ ) vs Muslim countries to see who really screwed up?

Or maybe the countries look on Human rights?

Or Freedom?

Maybe a certain group of people should start reading the newspapers instead of the Koran!!!
Mojo Magnum said:
but wait...there's more.

Have you seen that footage from the first Gulf War where all the Iraqi prisoners are on their knees and reaching out to kiss the Marine's hand while on there knees???
Don't be fooled, there being good little Muslim's when they do that.   The Koran tells them, "when your enemy is stronger than you, kiss his hand and pray for his destruction."

They also want you as a non Muslim to get off the road when they come by.   I believe bowing down in the ditch until they have passed is acceptable.   And don't feel so bad, if you refuse to convert to Islam they might let you live. (Though they have the GOD given right to kill you for being an Infidel) They do however have a tax they will put on you for keeping your own religion.

Their Koran tell them that the Jews were God's first chosen people but they screwed up, then God moved to the Christians but they screwed up.   So, now, guess who the only true children of God are....that is Islam's take on the religous World.

Did you know there is a verse in the Koran that states "If a Jew is hiding under a rock, the very rock will cry out There is a Jew hiding here, Come and kill him!!!

Regretably this isn't just a stupid rant, it's the scriptures they grew up with.

Wow, benevolence and forgiveness.

How sweet.

Not to stir the whole religious pot again (we have threads upon threads of this...) but what is your source of information?   Would you happen to have actual verses from the koran that reflect this, as your post is quite interesting.


Same here... I don't intend to read the whole thing, but I would like a reliable source to post interesting extracts, or references where I could find them without going through the whole thing.
[quote author=the 48th regulator]
Not to stir the whole religious pot again (we have threads upon threads of this...) but what is your source of information?   Would you happen to have actual verses from the koran that reflect this, as your post is quite interesting.




Pretty good Koran search capabilities on this University of Michigan site:


Input either Christians, or Jews, or both and see what it says
I've been busy searching for these phrases on various Koran and Hadith websites. I couldn't find exact references to kissing your enemy's hand. I did, however find an opinion piece where the author says:

"The Arabs called Israel "The Little Satan" and America "The Great Satan". They had a few pertinent, folksy sayings, like "First the Saturday people; then the Sunday people" and "Kiss the hand of your enemy until you can cut it off." These indicate the deep, enduring roots of the enmity that led to the 9/11." from: http://www.freeman.org/m_online/oct02/winston2.htm


If this is going to turn into an Islam-hating session, I'm going to lock it up (with the appropriate warnings).  Religion is a neutral force - people make of it what they will.  You can go through all other Holy Books and find contradictions, various interpretations, and things that are considered not nice in today's world.
Infanteer. My apologies. I was just trying to figure out where the previous poster got his idea from. I certainly couldn't find any such quotes in the websites I visited on the Koran or Hidath.