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peace with Al-Qaeda

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First off, I am fairly right wing in my politics.
Now that you know about me, I'll get to the point...

I am sick and tired of people in the west trying to justify a peaceful solution to the war in iraq, and the war in afghanistan. Everyone is turning into a sofa quarterback when it comes to these topics, when in all honesty most people's opinions on the topics are based on loosely absorbed blips on t.v.

Al-Qaeda originated in pakistan, in an effort to help its muslim brothers fight a Jihad against the occupation of Afghanistan by Russia... It worked, and to simplistically put it, they figured why stop there, lets move onto America. But enough about that...

My point being, Al-Qaeda's initiative is clear, they *DO NOT WANT PEACE* When you have people in the streets chanting " Death to the west" Why are we as westerners sitting here trying to figure out a peaceful solution? there is none that I am aware of. As far as I'm concerned, if these people want to kill us, wage war on us, and end our very way of life, I say fucking bring it.

This left wing pussy foot approach of "war is bad" is so simplistic, unrealistic, and completely irrational. It reminds me of those one sided beatings in highschool, where the tough guy would find an excuse to start a fight with the idealistic, peaceful, intelligent smart guy. It didn't matter if the intelligent guy was right, or peaceful, he still got his ass kicked if he didn't fight back.

/rant off

What does a gooat farmer 11000 miles away know about me and my way of life. I know exactly as much about him.

Al Qaeda does so want peace.  They've pretty much spelled out the conditions of the peace they are seeking to achieve.
Any link or substance to your remark would be kindly appriceated for those of us who only know what Ted Turner will let us belive.
"Al Qaeda does so want peace.  They've pretty much spelled out the conditions of the peace they are seeking to achieve."

i think what he means is peace through war, thus meaning, destruction of the west until they are satisfied and no longer wish to wage war against us.
AQ doesn't want peace so much as it wants controll,

i mean if you want peace you fight for it, politically and forcefully and you do it out in the open.

AQ is just scaring large amounts of people so they can gain controll, so they can dictate and determine the rights of others without asking them what they want first

they're harming innocent people to do it, thats not peace thats just dumb..
if the west got out of the middle east, soldiers, embassies etc, everything, do you think they would just stop the terror on the west? i doubt it. it's too much apart of their lifestyle. you just don't change your culture when you get closer to your goals. you just want more, and keep trying what's worked before.
you hit the nail on the head manimal.  All of these whiny babies that oppose the war in the middle east, I am always hearing them whine, and complain, but never once have I heard them offer a realistic solution to the problem in the middle east. I get really frustrated with alot of people on this issue, mainly because they see a movie like saving private ryan, and think my god war is horrible, we can't have any war! So they march around with flags of protest against war, when in truth they are just completely uneducated when it comes to the conflict in the middle east. I too think war is a horrible thing, but if someone declares war on me, I'm not going to sit there and try to justify a peaceful solution while the enemy plots to kill me.

This whole attitude kind of reminds me about the allied approach to hitler, what was the presidents name who came back with a peace treaty with Hitler from germany in 1938, Wilson? I'm rusty on my history... but alot of good that peaceful approach did.

People just want to live their lives without rocking the boat, but sometimes rocking the boat is the only way to get things done.

People just don't seem to grasp the concept of Jihad.

Its an all out balls to the walls waging of war, saying Canada, or any western country that supports America is insucceptable (sp?)  to a terrorist attack because we played a smaller role fighting alqaeda, is almost as absurd as Italians in WW2 saying something like "The allies won't attack us, we didn't play as big of role in the conquering of europe and northern africa as germany did"

Jihad is ALL OUT WAR against ALL ENEMIES .... and we just happen to be an enemy.
Manimal said:
if the west got out of the middle east, soldiers, embassies etc, everything, do you think they would just stop the terror on the west? i doubt it. it's too much apart of their lifestyle. you just don't change your culture when you get closer to your goals. you just want more, and keep trying what's worked before.

Your painting an entire culture with a pretty wide brush there. Be careful.

Al Qaeda is but a very small radical group that is trying to push there views upon a greater world at large. How are you going to stop it? By killing large segements of population in countries where they exist? I don't think so. Your just pushing more people into to thinking like them.

bled12345 said:
This whole attitude kind of reminds me about the allied approach to hitler, what was the presidents name who came back with a peace treaty with Hitler from germany in 1938, Wilson? I'm rusty on my history... but alot of good that peaceful approach did.

One little difference here (or big if you like). Germany was a country that had a lot of power behind it and no one wanted a repeat of WWI which was barely 20 years in the past. Terrorism has no central point with which to hit.

What needs to happen is to have the very people that may believe what their doing change their minds and start ignoring them.

How do you do that? Good question.

But when its answered, the terrorists won't have much success recuiting new suicide bombers.

This whole attitude kind of reminds me about the allied approach to hitler, what was the presidents name who came back with a peace treaty with Hitler from germany in 1938, Wilson? I'm rusty on my history... but alot of good that peaceful approach did.

You are telling me you are rusty in your history...it was Chamberlain and he was the Prime Minister of Britain.
lol thanks for the correction, I knew I was wrong.

To the other guy, I completely agree that just bombing the shit out of countries that host Al-Qaeda is only going to fuel the fire. But the whole idea about afghanistan and Iraq, isn't just to go whoop terrorist ass, its to stabilize the country, set up a stable, strong government within that country, and make the country inhospitable to terrorists. The majority of islamic follower do not support the terrorists, so the whole goal with going into the middle east (as far as I understand it) Is to get those majority into power, stabilize, and then get the hell out of there so that country can contain and control the terrorist threat within their own community under the watchful eye of the U.N. and the west.

I know it may not happen for awhile, and its a tough goal, but like I said, as far as I understood it, thats what the initiative of sending troops to afghanistan and iraq is. I also believe from what I hear that is why we are sending infantry regiments to Khandahar soon, because Kabul is stable, and Khandahar is the wild west of Afghanistan. So we are going to try to stabilize that area now.
The ultimate goal of Muslin extremists is to establish a global Islamic nation governed by Islamic law and they will not stop until this is achieved. If we let up the pressure, then they will take control in countries that have weak governments, and build up their power base. What if the West just backs off completely and they gain control of Pakistan? Do we want a country ruled by Islamic law to have control of nuclear weapons?

The extremists do not want to just be left alone, they want everybody to boy down to their will and they have the tacit support of many Muslims all over the world.

I can't see an easy solution: â Å“live and let liveâ ? certainly isn't one, and neither is capitulating to their demands.
The only peace a member of Al Qaeda, Taliban or any other terrorist should find is the one that comes shortly after a Soldier with a cammed face and uniform burst through the door of his mud hut, and "double taps" him to the next world.  :threat:
peace with al-Queda is possible, and simple.
All we have to do is capitulate to their demands, convert to Islam, forcibly convert everyone else to Islam, murder every Jew on the planet, and turn the world into a dictatorship with theocratic overtones. Should only cost a few million lives, our freedom, and the last 600 years of industrial, economic, and political advancement.
Should only cost a few million lives

So you're an Optomist?  ;)

My predeployment leave ended yesterday. Soon I'll be in the TB and AQ playground.  :threat:
~RoKo~ said:
So you're an Optomist?   ;)

My predeployment leave ended yesterday. Soon I'll be in the TB and AQ playground.   :threat:

Good luck to you mate.  :salute:
zipper, i was not talking about the middle east as one big culture, but AQ. sorry about the unclearness of it. but you're right, there is a huge difference between Islam, and terrorists. but i must say, at the beach the other day, seeing Muslims, the thought crossed my mind. i don't hate the culture, and it bothers me when i hear about Muslims women or children being attacked out of fear, but the other day, i had a brief glimpse of the terror the extremists are trying to produce. it's not going to help the cause though, push too much, we might end up with camps like with the Japanese and WWII. not pretty, but i could see it come to that if this keeps up.

paracowboy said:
peace with AL-Queda is possible, and simple.
All we have to do is capitulate to their demands, convert to Islam, forcibly convert everyone else to Islam, murder every Jew on the planet, and turn the world into a dictatorship with theocratic overtones. Should only cost a few million lives, our freedom, and the last 600 years of industrial, economic, and political advancement.

again, you back a dog in to a corner, they hit hard, push those ideals too much, those dogs are going to be calling for fast, hard irreversible responses.  COUGH *nuke em*

Israel use to practice recon patrols to watch enemies, if it was too dangerous to bring that enemy in, they would assassinate them instead, i beat the 'west' will be moving that way before this can move to an elevated level from where it is now.
Manimal said:
Israel use to practice recon patrols to watch enemies, if it was too dangerous to bring that enemy in, they would assassinate them instead, i beat the 'west' will be moving that way before this can move to an elevated level from where it is now.

This would be a far better approach, as it limits how many people are involved and still carries out your objectives. Having large bodies of personal in a country that does not want you will only add to the resentment. They need to get out of Iraq and the soonest possable moment, and Afghanistan soon after (not to mention their bases in Arabia and elsewhere).

You have to remember that on one hand the terrorists are demanding they get out, and on the other keep striking at them in order for them to stay and continue the " Infidel oppression" which bring in recruits and media coverage for the terrorists. Vicious circle that we have to break.

Also remember history. These types of actions did not start until we (the west/russia) started going in there and trying to exert our own ideas of control (crusades and otherwise). If they want to stay in the dark ages, that is for them to decide. Besides, a free market economy in the rest of the world will soon have them popping their heads out of the sand to join in. But they themselves have to make that decision.
getting out of Iraq isn't so clear cut as leaving and losing face. if the US pulls out, and leaves them in this state, Iraq would just be a mess, civil war, and very very unstable. the most important thing in the middle east is for Iraq to remain a strong stable place. that is why saddam was put in power, that is why the US backed him, and my CIA trained people there. because the US and the world if treatened by Iran, and training Iraqi terrorists to attack Iran was done, and they are still there, keeping Iran on their toes. if Iraq became unstable and fell, Iran would push threw it, and keep pushing until Israel was gone, and all the Jews were swimming away. many believe that this would happen, and it is on the agenda for Iran like any other Muslim power. a stable Iraq is needed, pulling out would be bad. the US is taking responsibility this time, and are leaving it stable, and training an independent Iraq.....should have happened during the 1st gulf war, but better late then never.