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October 2009 BMQ

Yay Finally got my enveloppe today I guess I am a liiiitttllleeee bit nervous :blotto:
I start my BMQ in 17 days, 3&4th.
When starting your Basic (I'm unfortunately a weekend warrior), how does the beginning go? For any of those with spare time on your hand that remember your own experiences. Are the first days mere gear orientation etc? This I would assume or is it learning from day one on drill or anything I haven't mentioned. Thanks for your time!
From what I've seen and heard the first week is mainly instruction, getting your gear kits, and the CF Express Test for fitness. If you want a more visual aid I suggest watching Basic Up, it follows 5 people through BMQ from start to finish.

heyyyyaaaaaaa !!!! my swear in is the 23 of sept and my bmq is the 5th ?? ( i thought the 3rd ill find out when i swear in )
jondux said:
heyyyyaaaaaaa !!!! my swear in is the 23 of sept and my bmq is the 5th ?? ( i thought the 3rd ill find out when i swear in )

BMQ always starts on a Monday so you're looking at Oct. 5th. You'll travel to Montreal on the 3rd most likely and take the weekend shuttle to CFLRS.
i swear-in in montreal ( 23spt )....
i guess i herd the 3rd then they said the 5th ....
now i know ... would of found out at my swear in  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Apparently I am also doing BMQ on Oct. 5th. I got a call a few days ago saying I had to wait until my trade opened up again in April, but then the next day I got a call saying someone didn't show for their enrollment and they just happened to be in my trade, so now I start on Oct. 5th.... waiting for another phone call for it to be official though.
:nod: yes!!! I am SOOOO excited! Nervous/scared...! Getting sworn in soon too!  ;D
I received the offer today for November 2nd. The RC calld back a hour later asking if I wanted October 12, I said yes ( after talking to my wife) i would gladly accept. Swearing in on September 24 and leaving for BMQ on the 11 of October. See you there.
Well I am officially a member of the CF!! I was so happy to meet many very nice guys ( I was the only girl  :P )
I met Jondux! We talked alot, very nice guy.
So my course number is R0287F I know people that are R0289F so I guess there is two french platoons that are starting on the 5th?
I get sworn in on the 1st of oct. Exciting times!

Navy > Steward. Why? Because.  I can go ops but no fun in ops if you can't do boarding as a secondary now is there? Yes I plan on doing some infantry on ship. And I get to clean beds and serve people too!