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Never mind Tobin, what about Parrish?

TCBF said:
Great letter.   But, wots all this about women in leather cat suits getting arested?   I may have to exchange the birthday present I bought my wife.


Women in cat suits - that`s Sen Kenney`s story I added in - a ref to the Brit Spy girl Emma Peele and her bowler hatted buddy Steed.
MP on Gen. Hillier: 'Muzzle the beast'

OTTAWA -- Pit bull Parrish is at it again.

Outspoken Independent MP Carolyn Parrish sent an open letter to Defence Minister Bill Graham yesterday, blasting his chief of defence staff as "truly barbaric" and calling on the government to "muzzle the beast."

Parrish, who was turfed from the Liberal caucus after calling Americans "bastards" and stomping on a George Bush doll for a satirical TV program, said she's offended by recent comments made by Gen. Rick Hillier. Canada's top soldier called terrorists "murderers and scumbags" and said the armed forces must be prepared to kill people.

"For the top general in this country to emulate the simplistic phrasing of Mr. Bush, on behalf of you and our government, is to degrade the hard-earned reputation of this country and its people," Parrish wrote. "I am shocked that you have tolerated it."

Parrish called on Graham to tell the public Hillier does not speak for the government to build confidence that Canada is dealing with the terrorist threat in a calm, reasonable and confident way.

Stop this undignified and confrontational dialogue before it gets even further out of hand," she wrote.

Graham said he stands behind Hillier "100%" and suggested Parrish may not understand the difficulties facing troops in Afghanistan.

Parrish said yesterday her missive will likely kill any chance of her returning to the Liberal caucus. She had previously spoken with officials in the PMO and Liberal caucus about rejoining the Grits.

"If they wanted me back -- which after this, of course, they're not going to because there's Carolyn, she's up to her old tricks again -- it would be purely on the basis that there are no strings attached," she said.

God...I'm really fed up with this witch!
54/102 CEF said:
My draft letter to Caroline - feel free to send me your 2 cents or two bucks worth - the Voters of Carolineville must be a four footed lot

Anyway here it is - http://www.donlowconcrete.com/FNPL/CP2005.htm

Why not forward it to the PMO, her and several newspapers?
No one is going to change the way Ms Parrish behaves, since that seems to have been a "winning combination" for her political career and status. Based on the last newspaper article fwd on this thread, she apparently doesn't even know (or care) that Gen Hillier is not only the military commander of the Armed Forces, but is also the chief military adviser to the government as well, and is entitled to a seat at the cabinet table to give this advice.

For those of you who remember French comics from the 1980s, this whole thing is starting to resemble "The Airtight Garage" and similar pieces by "Mobius", concerning fantastic actions in essentially self contained universes. Titanic battles erupted, cultures, stars and galaxies were laid waste, and in the end, the hero slipped back through a transdimentional door to a subway platform in Paris, with a slightly wrinkled suit. Army.ca and writing to her constituency office is the Airtight Garage; we need to focus on the real world of the subway platform.

Unless we can present proof that Ms Parrish was heavily involved in Adscam, or convince her to ride the TTC every day, or maybe visit the mosque and argue theology with a radical Imam, there is no practical way we as members of the CF, Army.ca or private citizens to get rid of her. Even her defeat in a general election won't suffice, look at "Pink Lloyd" Axeworthy, who's various ramblings are carried in the press as somehow newsworthy and full of "insight". People, remember the principle of "Economy of effort" and focus on something that will generate real results.

MP Parrish furious over Afghanistan mission
Ex-Liberal says she'd vote government down if troops die in new role

Anne Dawson
The Ottawa Citizen

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Independent MP Carolyn Parrish lashed out again at the Liberal government yesterday-- this time criticizing Defence Minister Bill Graham for sending combat troops to Afghanistan and Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan for making "taunting" remarks about Canadians being potential terrorist targets.

Ms. Parrish is furious that Canadians and their politicians have not been consulted about what she calls the new role Canadian soldiers are being asked to carry out in Afghanistan, a role that includes killing, which is not the traditional job of peacekeeping. She warns there will be outrage when Canadians in uniform return home "in body bags."

Ms. Parrish, who was booted out of the Liberal caucus last year after she criticized the government of U.S. President George W. Bush as "bastards" and "idiots," also said she is interested in returning to the Liberal fold, but only if she receives a personal invitation from the prime minister that has no strings attached.

Meanwhile, the opinionated MP spoke harshly about Canada's new role in Afghanistan.

"We're sending in armed troops to kill people (in Afghanistan). This is a drastic change in direction. I don't think anybody has consulted with the Canadian public. The first time Canadian soldiers come back in body bags, you just wait for the outcry," said Ms. Parrish, who was elected as a Liberal in 1993 but has been sitting in the backbenches as an independent MP since last year.

"If this thing gets any deeper in (Afghanistan) and we get a couple of dead Canadians back, I'll vote to bring the government down the first opportunity I got."

Ms. Parrish helped prop up the fragile minority government when she voted with the Liberals on a number of confidence votes, including the budget and same-sex marriage legislation. Since then, some of her colleagues have been speaking to her about rejoining the caucus.

But she remains as outspoken as ever, criticizing Liberal cabinet ministers.

"Anne McLellan's not helping," added Ms. Parrish. "Every time I have the TV on there's a comment from her (that) 'we're not safe, we could be next.' What are we doing taunting people?"

Ms. Parrish made her comments as Prime Minister Paul Martin begins two days of business travel to Toronto, Timmins, Ont., and Winnipeg for his first public events in almost two weeks. Mr. Martin has spent most of his time at his Quebec farm since he returned from the G-8 summit in Scotland on July 8.

Ms. Parrish fired off a letter to Mr. Graham 10 days ago about her concerns in Afghanistan, and was particularly critical of Canada's new chief of the defence staff, Gen. Rick Hillier, who she said should be "muzzled." Speaking to reporters about the Canadian troop deployment to Kandahar, Gen. Hillier referred to terrorists as "murderers and scumbags" and made clear he believes the job of the Armed Forces is "to be able to kill people."

In the letter to Mr. Graham, Ms. Parrish wrote: "I implore you to muzzle the beast, assume command of Canada's agenda in your usual articulate, dignified and intelligent way. Let the Canadian public know Gen. Hillier does not speak for our government."

Mr. Graham, who was in Edmonton for the send off of 110 Canadian soldiers to Afghanistan, was unavailable for comment Wednesday but his spokesperson, Renee Filiatrault, said the minister "absolutely" supports the job Hillier is doing.

© The Ottawa Citizen 2005

I think she's the one who needs to be "muzzled". ::)
I wonder how long is it before she crosses the floor and joins with either the NDP. I have my doubts she will go to the Conservatives.
scm77 said:

"If this thing gets any deeper in (Afghanistan) and we get a couple of dead Canadians back, I'll vote to bring the government down the first opportunity I got."

That type of comment is another 12" spike in her coffin. She won't be asked by the upper echelons of the Lieberals to come back. They don't need anymore embarassment or scandal, they're doing that well enough on their own.
scm77 said:
We're sending in armed troops to kill people (in Afghanistan). This is a drastic change in direction. I don't think anybody has consulted with the Canadian public. The first time Canadian soldiers come back in body bags, you just wait for the outcry,"

So what was it that 3VP was doing in Afghanistan in the Sha e Kot and on the "Whale's Back" in 2002 anyway? I would be fascinated to see if Ms Parrish had a coherent answer to that one.

She actually does have a point with #2 (nobody consulted the Canadian public), but I don't recall any consultations prior to deploying to Gulf War 1, Yugo, Kosovo, Somalia, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, the Sudan......no one seemed to mind then, so what has changed now?

As for #3, well we have had members of our brotherhood come back "in body bags"; to a very muted response (to say the least).

Members feel free to use these points in your letters to the editor, personal blogs and on phone call in shows.
PUBLICATION: National Post
DATE: 2005.07.29
EDITION: National
SECTION: Letters
BYLINE: Johan Lee
SOURCE: National Post
Where Parrish belongs

Parrish's crime was not that she "harshly criticized" the Bush regime. She labeled all Americans "bastards" and their coalition allies "idiots," hardly the conduct of a government spokesperson. Nonetheless, there was little furor from the PMO until she started attacking the Martinites.

In response to Parrish's outrage over having a "beast" in charge of our armed forces, I humbly suggest that the good MP take the next plane to Kabul, and demonstrate to the men and women of our armed forces how to disarm terrorists who are hell-bent on the subjugation of the Afghan peoples -- without using force.

This Canadian is proud that realistic folks like Gen. Hillier do not subscribe to such ignorant fantasies.

Johan Lee, Richmond Hill, Ont.
Unfortunately troops there are enough Canadians out there who think this moron is a fine upstanding example of Canadian independent thinking! :threat:

I still have a hard time believing that a CDS actually had the parts to make a statement that was guaranteed to upset all the left-wing, peace, love and granola types that seem to occupy both our government and the media! ;D
2 Cdo said:
Unfortunately troops there are enough Canadians out there who think this moron is a fine upstanding example of Canadian independent thinking! :threat:

I still have a hard time believing that a CDS actually had the parts to make a statement that was guaranteed to upset all the left-wing, peace, love and granola types that seem to occupy both our government and the media! ;D

Thank God, its about time we got a CDS with balls
Gen. Hillier's just getting started, all intel says he's a hard charger and won't sell his integrity for the job.

Ms. Parrish on the other hand..........well, in a round about way, she's a walking advertisment for how bad things really are in Ottawa, I think she might actually be doing us a favour, every time she opens her yap, she looks like a bigger idiot, it may bring a few wlaking zombie voters out of the dark  (Cretien ) ages?

Go get em Rick......
Parrish not welcome back in caucus

Canadian Press

July 29, 2005

CREDIT: CP/Tom Hanson
Former Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish

TORONTO -- The federal Liberals slammed the door shut Friday on any notion that Independent MP Carolyn Parrish would be welcomed back into the party fold.

An aide to Prime Minister Paul Martin stifled speculation that he was about to invite the maverick MP from Mississauga, Ont., back into caucus after she was banished for criticizing Martin and stomping on a doll of U.S. President George W. Bush.

"He's not even entertaining the thought of welcoming Carolyn Parrish back to the caucus," said Marc Roy.

Martin did meet with Parrish after she threw her support behind the government in the crucial May 19 confidence vote that kept the Liberals in power, Roy said. But she has not been asked to return to caucus.

"Did the prime minister talk to her, go see her after the vote? Yes. But the fact remains that the prime minister is not entertaining the idea of welcoming back Carolyn Parrish."

In Timmins, Ont., Martin shot down questions surrounding Parrish's possible return to the Liberal party.

"The fact is, that's not an issue," said Martin, who was in the northern Ontario city discussing the region's economic development.

Martin turfed Parrish last December after she criticized him and his team and stomped on a Bush doll as part of a TV skit satirizing her opposition to the U.S. president's ballistic missile defence scheme.

But Parrish garnered respect from her former colleagues when she voted for the government's budget on May 19, helping Martin cling to power by the narrowest of margins.

She showed up for the confidence vote despite suffering severe abdominal pain from what she described as a suspected ovarian cyst.

At the time, Parrish said "lots of colleagues" were urging her to rejoin Liberal ranks.
© Canadian Press 2005

So "lots of colleagues" in the liberal party were urging on ole Carolyn to come back into the fold. If that's true, it speaks volumes about the mindset of the people we elect to Parliament. Maybe it's a good thing the PM keeps a muzzle on the back benchers.
100 years of peace keeping??? I knew I slept in but it can't possibly be 2056...can it!!? :o
Infanteer said:
I'm still trying to figure out where this clown got "100 years of peacekeeping heritage" from?

Peacekeep this, Parrish....

Anyone have a pic of the helmet in the War Museum's Cold war display?
"F*** Peace"
Zartan said:
Anyone have a pic of the helmet in the War Museum's Cold war display?
"F*** Peace"

Well...You have to admit its kind of a catch 22 situation that we're in in terms of the A'stan deployment. Right now its not hard for the "opposition" to label us as "warmongers" or whatever derogatory term is in vogue these days. If we sound like we want to go to war then we're no better than the A.Q. however if we don't then we can be accused of doing nothing.

This has to be turned around!

Slim said:
Well...You have to admit its kind of a catch 22 situation that we're in in terms of the A'stan deployment. Right now its not hard for the "opposition" to label us as "warmongers" or whatever derogatory term is in vogue these days. If we sound like we want to go to war then we're no better than the A.Q. however if we don't then we can be accused of doing nothing.

This has to be turned around!


I believe the term the "opposition" uses is "Crusaders and Jews". (This is the real opposition, of course and the ones we had better be listening to, not oxygen thieves like Parrish, Axeworthy et al.)
a_majoor said:
I believe the term the "opposition" uses is "Crusaders and Jews". (This is the real opposition, of course and the ones we had better be listening to, not oxygen thieves like Parrish, Axeworthy et al.)

Good point Art...you're absolutely right of course.