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Never mind Tobin, what about Parrish?

Edward Campbell

Army.ca Myth
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This, from this morning's Globe and Mail, should restore our confidence in the Liberal Party of Canada, especially given Ms. Parrish's deep knowledge of Canadian military history and her views on the CDS.

Parrish, Liberals may kiss and make up
Outspoken Independent MP is in talks with Grit officials about rejoining party


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 Updated at 3:56 AM EDT
From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

Ottawa - Carolyn Parrish, the former Liberal MP who stomped on a doll bearing the likeness of U.S. President George W. Bush and was kicked out of caucus for her anti-American statements, is negotiating with senior officials in the Prime Minister's Office and the party to return to the Liberal fold.

"I am having discussions with some members of the party, but a lot of my colleagues want me back," she said in an interview yesterday.

The outspoken member of Parliament for Mississauga, Ont., said she will make up her mind by the new year.

"My decision is going to have more to do with how comfortable I feel and how comfortable they feel with us rejoining forces," she said.

Ms. Parrish, who was first elected in 1993, was thrown out of the Liberal caucus last year after a series of statements in which she referred to the Bush administration as "bastards" and "idiots."

"I do not inspire tepid responses in people," the 59-year-old MP said, noting that people either love her or hate her.

"So, I would imagine there are some around the Prime Minister who would rather slash their wrists than see me back, and there are others who think it would be lots of fun to see me back."

True to form, Ms. Parrish couldn't resist a little demonstration of her outspokenness in yesterday's interview, criticizing Canada's new Chief of the Defence Staff, General Rick Hillier, for his recent comments.

She called him "dangerous" and a "testosterone-filled general," and added that "somebody should put a clamp on his mouth."

Ms. Parrish, a self-described "peacenik," said she was particularly offended by Gen. Hillier's aggressive comments this month that the job of Canadian soldiers is "to be able to kill people."

He had been speaking to reporters about the Canadian troop deployment to Kandahar, where the troops will target terrorist "murderers and scumbags."

"They talk about me being outspoken," she said. "I'm speaking on my own behalf. This man is purporting to speak on behalf of the government, and I think he's dangerous.

"I'm totally offended by him. ..... We are also not a country that is going to easily throw away 100 years of peacekeeping reputation and noble reputation in the world by a testosterone-filled general, and I think somebody should put a clamp on his mouth."

She has complained to Defence Minister Bill Graham about the general's comments.

Meanwhile, rumours have been swirling around the halls of Parliament that the Liberals want Ms. Parrish back in the caucus.

In fact, there were whispers that some Liberal MPs have been keeping her close, ensuring that she knows she still had friends in the caucus and to show that she would be welcomed back. A federal election is expected early next year, and the Liberals under Paul Martin do not want another minority government. Senior Liberals fear that Ms. Parrish, who is popular in her Mississauga constituency, could win her seat in the next election as an Independent, or take away enough votes from the Liberal candidate to allow a Conservative to win.

The Liberal Party has yet to nominate a candidate in her riding. Sources say she has been negotiating her return with senior PMO official Karl Littler.

She is still a card-carrying Liberal and supported the Martin government on a series of nail-biter confidence votes, including the crucial May 19 budget vote.

Ms. Parrish is weighing her options: adhere to the party line and have a better chance of being elected or run as an Independent but have a free voice.

" ..... if you run as a member of the party, then of course you have to follow all the party lines on everything, whether you agree or disagree," she said.

© Copyright 2005 Bell Globemedia Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved.

I believe the Liberals want and need Ms. Parrish back.  Their grasp on power requires the support of that element of the stupid, corrupt, knee-jerk anti-American fringe which is not, already, wedded, for life, to the NDP.  The Liberal Party of Canada set off down this dark, dusty, twisted road in the mid '60s and has, since 1968, gone nowhere else.  In the process the Liberal Party of Canada - and its uniformly second and third rate 'leaders' - has done incalculable harm to Canada.  Why quit now?

Ms. Parrish will fit right in - O Canada! Ohmigawd, Canada!

Looks like her stint out of the liberal caucus did little to increase her intellectual grasp on reality.  You have to wonder about all the fine folks in her riding who elected her to parliament...
As someone who lived in her riding in TWO elections, I am proud to say that I never voted for her.

I'd just like to make clear that her election was never my fault, even siderally.
Happily, being a publicity-seeking political hack, Parrish can be e-mailed:


Fire for effect...  ;D
Now all we need is the Creitianistas to push for her as a leadership candidate after the next minorety government, and all will be well.... >:D
thanks so much for her email address it was nice to her a an email.  But parrish is wha the liberal are and try to hide.  Anyone who votes Liberal and believes in Defence and the future of CF is just out to lunch... the two don't mix.

Can we start calling Carolyn Parrish a terrorist?  I think I'd prefer bin Laden over her....
Infanteer said:

Can we start calling Carolyn Parrish a terrorist?   I think I'd prefer bin Laden over her....

I suspect that Parrish is more able than bin Laden to do real, lasting, long term harm to Canada; what's more I suspect she will rejoin the Liberals and do just that: harm, to our country.
I wish I had a Carolyn Parrish doll so I could stamp on it.
Too bad Parliament doesn't have Mods to tell her, "Your out of your facken lane stupid!".
She could demonstrate her comittment to our "noble heritage" by volunteering to ride on the TTC every day so lang as the rest of the Western Alliance is prosecuting WW IV... >:D >:D >:D
I'm still trying to figure out where this clown got "100 years of peacekeeping heritage" from?

Peacekeep this, Parrish....
Hello Miss Parish,

My name as you might have guessed is David, first off I would like to congratulate you on being reinstated in parliment (potentially). This I belive will be a step in the right direction for our country, we live in very hard times and your antics will surley bring an election in which your Liberals will fail. Hopefully the change of Regime as you will, would bring new and hopefully better perspective to our foreign policies and allow our armed forces to flourish, trade with the United-States to expand. You Miss Parish are a bufoon in the political world, myself, a young adult would be able to act much more appropriatly in such a world. You cater to those who cannot think further than their nose. "Whoa, man she stopped Dubya...that's cool" Learn to behave and give a better example to my generation, please and Thank-you. As I said I have my fingers crossed that you do get your seat back so we can finally move on.

Sincerly, David

P.S. Feel free to write back.

Thought I could share my letter with you all, very satisfying
Cpl.Banks(Cdt.) said:
Thought I could share my letter with you all, very satisfying

You should have run spell check before sending that off.You look like a buffoon.
My draft letter to Caroline - feel free to send me your 2 cents or two bucks worth - the Voters of Carolineville must be a four footed lot

Anyway here it is - http://www.donlowconcrete.com/FNPL/CP2005.htm
54/102 CEF said:
My draft letter to Caroline - feel free to send me your 2 cents or two bucks worth - the Voters of Carolineville must be a four footed lot

Anyway here it is - http://www.donlowconcrete.com/FNPL/CP2005.htm

Great letter, unfortunately she'll never read it, one of her staffers will and chuck it.  People like Ms Parrish don't respond to reasoned arguments or facts for that matter. She got were she is by pandering to the 30 second sound bite and the brainless few in this country who think CF's main job is to hand out blankies and chocolate bars to the starving milllions, shine up our blue helmets, and hold wienie roasts singing Kumbiya. She'll continue making stupid and outlandish statements because it gets her media attention. What really bothers me are the people who vote her in. Is there something in the water supply in her constituency?
Great letter.  But, wots all this about women in leather cat suits getting arested?  I may have to exchange the birthday present I bought my wife.

Caroline Parrish

I am a proud canadian. Having you as a politician is embarrassing.

I and many others are extremely fed up with you and your BS.

Please F*ck off and die.

love and kisses. Strong message follows

