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My Obstacles to Joining the Canadian Infantry

Hey all,

Got my mark back on my math course, 86, not bad considering Ive been out of school for 7 years. Im working on the end of science right now and Ive also started training, jogging every second day right now. When I finish my science exam I will increase it to every day.

Just thought I would drop by with an update.

Talk to everyone soon.
Just handed in my final 3 units, booked my exam for tomorrow morning. :D

Will let everyone know.
good for you Hoot.
keep it up, the reward will make everything worth it.
When I finish the exam I am taking a week vacation up to Pet, as I said my brother is stationed up there so he will be helping me train and get ready for BMQ.
Keep up the good work, if you put the same dedication into your schooling into the military you will have a long and successful career, good luck and keep us posted! :cdn:
Well I wrote my science exam yesterday, the usual time frame to get your marks back is 2 - 3 weeks. I sent my marker an email and explained my intentions and asked her if she could speed things along for me, she told me she is hoping to get me my final mark by monday at the latest, that cuts 2 weeks off my wait time, I may even be able to submit my application tomorrow.

Following that I called the recruiting center here in Barrie and asked for a timeline, he said if there are no snags it would take 4 - 6 weeks to get my interview, another 4 - 6 weeks until my swearing in and then the wait til BMQ, made me a little upset but Ive come this far.

I was hoping to motor through the application process like I did the school work and have it done in 4 weeks or so.

Anyhow, Ill let everyone know if I get my marks, what they are and how my application is going when I find out.

Thanks for reading :D

Hey hoot
those timeframes you were given were probably just the average wait times. I put my application in the end of July and leave for St jean the 7th of October. Thats 10 weeks total from handing in the paperwork to starting basic. Also a bunch of guys at my swearing in this week were in a very similar boat. So, stay positive. It will all work out for you.
Hey Hoot....congratulations on your great mark there and on your determination to join. You have to keep that determination because there will be obstacles large adn small along the way in the process of becoming qualified and trained. Sometimes the big cumbersome system can be slow and you can't let it get you down. Your hard work is paying off and it sounds like you're well on your way to your dream. I'm going to enjoy your updates.
Blessings...Padre IHS.
Hey all,

Got my mark back, got a new transcript, the whole she bang.

Went to the recruiting center today and got a bunch of forms.

I also had to get a TBS/SCT 330-60E for which is the long version of the security clearance form apparently, When I was 19 I was married, left the country for 10 months returned and was divorced. Will this effect my recruitment???

I have all the paperwork filled out along with 10 years of addresses and employment and will be bringing it in tomorrow.

Someone please let me know if you think the marriage will effect my chances of joining.

Thank you

hoot33 said:
Hey all,

Got my mark back, got a new transcript, the whole she bang.

Went to the recruiting center today and got a bunch of forms.

I also had to get a TBS/SCT 330-60E for which is the long version of the security clearance form apparently, When I was 19 I was married, left the country for 10 months returned and was divorced. Will this effect my recruitment???

I have all the paperwork filled out along with 10 years of addresses and employment and will be bringing it in tomorrow.

Someone please let me know if you think the marriage will effect my chances of joining.

Thank you


depends where you went. marriage does not effect your recruiting.
depends where you went. marriage does not effect your recruiting.
But recruiting can affect your marriage. I haven't seen the numbers in recent years but in many countries armies, marriages do not fare well.
I stayed in Missouri USA for ten months, thats all, following that I came back home and have been here since.

Just got back from handing in my application, I got my cfat booked, but they said it could take up to one year because I was out of the country for more than 6 months without a return visit.

Does anyone have any experience with this?? What is the usual time it takes when an applicant has been out of the country for more than 6 months?

I was hoping my application would go through as fast as possible, I have been training so that I am in the correct shape when I get sent to BMQ.

Any theories would be great.

Called today and got my Service ID and recruit ID.

Have been doing some tests online which are apparently close to the cfat and have gotten next to perfect on all of them. Seeing as Ive been told studying is impossible Ill revisit these tests in a few days.

Taking a trip up to Pet for a week starting Monday until saturday to train and visit.

Will let everyone know how everything goes when I find out.

Thanks everyone, hope you're all doing well.

Keep at it, you are heading in the right direction.

Sgt Robinson at the recruiting centre called me at 08:30 this morning and informed me that if I were to go to Commissionaires Great Lakes and have myself finger printed. Send those fingerprints to the FBI, and return the results to him when I receive them. If I am clean. I can be processed as a normal recruit.

I am clean Im not worried about that, but the FBI say 16 - 18 weeks. Which is a long time but still shorter than a year.

I got the call this morning and already have an appointment for tomorrow, my prints should be in West Virginia by Monday.

Again, will let everyone know.


          Don't give up wish you  the best of luck on getting in .
          Its well worth it the CF is an amazing career to have  , I may have been forced to place  my  own career on hold cause of a  Knee injury but  I am hoping that after losing some more weight and getting a green light from my family Doc I am hoping to reapply to the CF next spring. 
Today I went and got fingerprinted. Sent all my info to the FBI, now I have a 16 - 18 week wait. Hoping it goes by a little faster though.

Has anyone gone through a security clearance check with the FBI before?? If so how long did it take you??

Thanks all.
