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Moronic topics that get ones blood boiling


Army.ca Fixture
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We all have heard them some we can relate to others we cannot, tonight on my way home two guys in their late 30s were removed off the bus. The reason they almost came to blows on whether or not the USS Enterprise (Galaxy class) could take on an Imperial Star Destroyer. It definitely made a otherwise boring bus entertaining.....

BTW my money is on the Star Destroyer..... :D >:D
Ex-Dragoon said:
We all have heard them some we can relate to others we cannot, tonight on my way home two guys in their late 30s were removed off the bus. The reason they almost came to blows on whether or not the USS Enterprise (Galaxy class) could take on an Imperial Star Destroyer. It definitely made a otherwise boring bus entertaining.....

BTW my money is on the Star Destroyer..... :D >:D

Im struggling to think of something worse, but cant think of anything.
I once saw two guys duke it though, because one guy said he hated his mom, but the other guy said he hated his own mother more... this town was only big enough for one ultra extreme mother hater.

Seriously though, that star trek thing is ridiculous.
The Star Destroyed would win.The enterprise is an exploration vessell with self defence weapons in place.... the star destroyer is meant to erase worlds and carries hundreds of tie fighters and thousands of personnell and exponentionally more lazer turretts.
No way could the enterprise fight off all those tight fighters... the phasers can only target one thing at a time.

..... I did not just say any of that.
Not to mention the CF...I mean Starfleet...contracted Bombardier Space Systems to build her....

(Which explains why the Enterprise has such an astronomical breakdown rate...)

As for Starfleet Command  being proof that the CF rises to become the predominant power...please note the Ships Counsellor Position.....

However, the Enterprise's shields are tuning for specific frequencies.  If the Star Destroyer's
"lasers" are not adjustable in wavelength, then the Enterprise's shields would be extremely effective
at repulsing the energy.  Wide photon torpedo detonations would disable or destroy mass-launched
TIEs and significantly disrupt the exterior of the Destroyer.  It appears the Enterprise is able
to achieve warp more quickly for a faster getaway than the Star Wars capital ships. 

Another question is who is hotter; Carolyn Parrish, the Battlestar Galactica Cylon girls (I kinda like
Boomer), Princess Leia, or 7of9?

Anyways, I'm going downstairs for a Romulan Ale. 
Forget the USS Enterprise 1701-D vs Star Destroyer debate, as we all know it should be the USS Enterprise 1701-D vs a SUPER Star Destroyer, you know the really massive ships that are like 100 Star Destroyers put together (You see quite of few in Return of the Jedi).
Bert said:
Another question is who is hotter; Carolyn Parrish, the Battlestar Galactica Cylon girls (I kinda like
Boomer), Princess Leia, or 7of9?


see.. thats an argument you can actually have (minus the Carolyn Parrish)

Cylon girls are actually hot.....  I know this
None of us understand the specs of a battlestar or the enterprise .... and don't say you do
because its doesn't exist and can't be translated into todays world.

Hot girls...

Thats totally debatable.  We all understand the dynamics....

My vote goes for that hot blond in the red dress who hangs around the Dr.
Ok so I phoned my brother and asked him this question,  he is the biggest sci-fi freak in the world,  he has a book about these ships.  He looked it up and told me that  the Enterprise has about 10x the weapons range, it weapons are put about 100x the fire strength and can move faster sublight, but that the  Star wars guys can (jump, sorry I dint know the term)  any where, and that Vader would kick kirks but and take the green skin woman(  what is that suppost to mean ????)
Make that a three way battle with a Magog World Ship...... I have no life...
Kat Stevens said:
Make that a three way battle with a Magog World Ship...... I have no life...
Andromeda! 8)
What happened to the "hot chicks" debate?  All you guys all that geeky?

Jeri Ryan (7 of 9 for the geek-class lurkers) is incredibly hot.  However, Tricia Helfer (Cylon 6 of 12 - Seeing a pattern here?) is devastatingly hot and as a bonus is from Donalda, Alberta.  Given all relevant criteria, I say the hottest is both of  them wrestling me in a hot tub filled with Jell-O.  Remember - there's always room for Jell-O!
You b@stards, you just stole 5 minutes of my life and i want them back! Oh, who am i kidding? I'll just waste them anyways...
Bert said:
Another question is who is hotter; Carolyn Parrish, the Battlestar Galactica Cylon girls (I kinda like
Boomer), Princess Leia, or 7of9?

All "borg implants" considered, seven of nine...
I'd take Cally, you know the deck hand on BSG... oh she is sooooooooo cute!
Are any of you people the same guys that had a starship bridge built in thir garage up in Pet?

7 of 9 Yum factor 10.

(I can't believe I wrote that) Golf rules.
George Wallace said:
I'd have to go with Lexa Doig, Amanda Tapping, and/or Claudia Black....
Laura Bertram has bigger, firmer boobs than Lexa Doig though... And she looks like pre pub kid in a way...