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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

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Since when is improving your marks ever in vain?

Do your best, and stop second-guessing.  You can't change the past, so do what you can about the future.
This link may have some info on the subject:
First of all I'll say that I really know very little about the RMC Application process, but I'll give you my two cents:

I really can't see *one* term disqualifying you from being accepted provided you continue to work as hard as you have been and keep your marks up as high as possible.  Also if there is a class (or classes) that you are particularly worried about there is always the summer school or night school option to retake them and improve your marks.

At the end of the day, we all make mistakes and it's up to you how you deal with them.  Keep your eye on the prize and stop stressing so much!
Surprising fact is that the averge RMC acceptance grade is lower than you might think. Except for engineering. Those other pillars take time away from studying.
travisvotour said:
Im desperate and worried! I dont want all the work to be in vain.


Desperate is for those who let their lives pass them by and did not (could not) for all sorts of reasons, wake up in time to do better.

Can ANY work done with the heart and efforts be "in vain"? Do you think?
Don't be desperate and worried. You should just keep on working hard and enjoying it all... even if, yes, I can understand, that you take this to heart.

Still, NO WORK IS EVER IN VAIN and you are too young to be DESPERATE.

Take care,
When I applied for Engineering at RMC, they took ALL my grades in high school (from Gr.9 to Gr.11 the current grade I was in while applying) and averaged it. It turned out to be 83%. I as well had a "I don't give a **** about school phase". I was a hardcore gamer that sat in-front of the computer all day long. I basically was in the same situation as you.

Your application will remain competitive as long as your average is above 75% and you do a lot of extra-curricular activities.

Don't fret too much, they pay attention to sports, volunteer, part time job, leadership roles, and academics when considering acceptance for ROTP. So if you academics were not too strong, if you made up for it through other means then you have nothing to worry about.

Don't give up and try not to worry too much!

Ive been worrying about this. My grade 11 marks were not amazing id probably say maybe 60, but im now in all the courses to take a mechanical engineering degree at rmc but will the mediocre marks from grade 11 destroy any chances i had ?
same i printed off my transcript today and im horror of my english marks.
Gr 9  66
gr 10 65
Gr 11 55
Gr 12 (64) Retaking it second semester
Gr 12 Writers class (88) hopefully that will help me. (ECW4U)

Ah well i'm going to do what i can do..

Other then that everything is 70 plus throughout 9-12. Some 80s a few 90s. and in grade 12 when i kicked gear everything was in the 84%+ besides my english and 1 science.

Now that im on my 5th year i should be able to destroy my average and jump from a 79.5% to a 86%. we will see.. how it all goes down.

I'm a little nervous but i'll have to fix my previous mistakes
In my opinion, jumping your average up that far and holding it shows you aren't afraid of hard work and a commitment to improve yourself. Keep the hard work up, and bump your average.
The people that do the selections for ROTP understand that applicants are young, and were very recently young teenagers who may have gone through an "I don't care" stage, and their marks reflect it. They will not turn you down because you had a bad semester. They will love to see that you are improving your marks. However, you also have to consider what you are up against. If there are students who did not have that stage, and had great marks all through high school, they will obviously be more inclined to take that student.

You are doing the right thing though. Even if you don't get in, you are improving yourself, which is great. That means you will have a good grade 12 year, which means if you don't get in your first try, you can try again, and this time they will recognize that you did turn things around and now you are committed to good schooling. Trying to improve yourself in anyway is not done in vain. It makes you a better person in general, and it only strengthens your application. You would be in a lot more of a pickle if you didn't turn your marks around at all.

My tip to people (especially to people who want to be pilots) is that you shouldn't worry about things you can't change. You should be worried about what you can change. If you think you have poor eyesight, you can't change that. If you had a bad term in the past, you can't change that. But what you can do to make yourself as competitive as possible is do better in school NOW and in the future, and start volunteering or taking leadership positions, or playing more team sports.

In other words, do everything you can to better yourself in all aspects of life, no matter how small, because everything counts, and everything you give them will be one more reason for them to overlook your bad marks in earlier high school.
As a high school science teacher I was often asked similar questions by my Gr 12 Bio and Chem students.  For that reason I did some research.  In general Post-Secondary institutions only consider (Gr. 12) 4U or 4C courses for averages and individual course marks when considering your application.  The only exception are specific course that may be highly relevant to a particular College program and not offered as a 4U or 4C course.  This is not all that common. 

My advice for you would be to look at the prerequisites for your particular program your interested in (Phone the College if necessary), Kill all your gr.12, and if the college requires a good mark in a particular course, take it again.

Good Luck.
I am not sure that that information applies all that much to the ROTP program Chilme. Although most post-secondary schools weigh grade 12 marks the heaviest, RMC is not most post-secondary schools. The ROTP deadline is usually before any final grade 12 marks from first semester are even out, and for that reason, the ROTP selection board weighs the most recent final marks the heaviest (ie, your Grade 11 and Grade 10 final marks). I understand that they look at your 6 most recent courses with final marks that apply to the program you want to get into, and they take the average of those 6. But, like I said before, you can't change the past. If you are already showing a trend of increased marks, and doing things to beef up the rest of your application, you shouldn't have much to worry about.
Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone knew anything about getting into RMC after graduating from police foundations. I do not have the high school credits needed for university, so I went to college instead. Any chance I can get in assuming I do good in college?

Assuming that you don't intend to "do good" in an English program, then you should be fine, as long as you have the necessary credits and courses to attend university in your home province, as well as the minimum credits and courses required for whatever program you choose at RMC. If you aren't planning to attend RMC, but do civy uni ROTP, then as far as I know the same applies. It doesn't matter if those courses and credits are from high school or from college upgrading. However, they will look at both marks, so if you didn't do well in high school, then you best perform well in college.
Pudd13 considering you aren't even accepted yet let's try not to pick apart a small grammatical error.  It is possible he is English as a second language or made a simple mistake, the majority of people speak this way so if you intend to take a high road don't draw attention to it.

Ktong747 Contact a recruiter to see how going in from say college will affect your application in contrast to going in from Highschool if you had stayed back a year. They will have the best knowledge on the application process.
SupersonicMax said:
Are you sure the military is for you  :o


He's making an effort to correct a mistake (i.e. his lack of effort in the past).  If he now commits to it, works hard and gets good grades in the end, then who cares?

A lot of the best servicepeople I know didn't do smart things when they were in HS. 
You do realize that you are commenting on Max's post from over three years ago, right?
right now im a grade 11 student just finishing up my first semester. i heard that rmc looks at your grades from all your years and my grades through 9-10 werent that great, this year ill prob finish with about 70-75%. i was just wondering would there be any chances of me still getting into rmc if i were to finish good in grade 12 and 2nd semester grade 11 with say high 70s low 80s maybe balancing my overall grades in highschool to maybe 75ish. i was planning on doing the reserves this year but cause of my late birthday it was all ready full by the time i applyed so im hoping to get into that soon as possible to get me started.  if i dont get into rmc my other plan was that i would just go in as an NCO in the RCR. anyways just wondering if anyone can give me any thoughts.
