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LGBTQ Stuff (split from other political threads)

Every farmer will tell you that there is incontrovertible proof that homosexuality is a natural part of life: They have observed in every flock of geese, or herd of cattle, horses or sheep, etc. a certain percentage of animals that prefer to stick to their own sex for ... sex and companionship.

Of course, there is no way of knowing if animals also feel mis-gendered because they tend not to talk about it.
No. There is more to what appears to be homosexual behaviour in cattle and sheep.
This debate has gotten to the point that from one side, if you as a parent want to have information about what is going on at the school you are a homicidal fascist. And from the other, the schools today is a den of gender fluid grooming and there are surgical teams waiting to change the gender of your child as soon as they can.

All nuance has been lost. I'm almost glad I don't have any grand kids. :(
Yup - and not just on this issue :(
This debate has gotten to the point that from one side, if you as a parent want to have information about what is going on at the school you are a homicidal fascist. And from the other, the schools today is a den of gender fluid grooming and there are surgical teams waiting to change the gender of your child as soon as they can.

All nuance has been lost. I'm almost glad I don't have any grand kids. :(

Exact same thing during covid lock downs. If you questioned anything the government was doing you were labeled anti vaxer, extremist, anti science. Etc.

Certain people In this country has done everything they can to shut down debates.
There's so much to unpack here...

First off, one example does not a epidemic make, and you shouldn't base your non-professional opinion based on one example. Secondly, Kayla Lemieux is punking everyone.
Yet it is your ideology that is permitting these abuses of the system, these insults to our collective intelligence, and much, much worst.
The Evidence for Trans Youth Gender-Affirming Medical Care

Second, NO ONE IS BUTCHERING THEIR CHILDREN. Stop spreading fucking fake anit-trans bullshit. Children cannot get sex re-assignment surgery.
Except that's just not true. At all. All in there ⬇️

Not only is this mutilation occurring but the extremists at WPATH want to make it even more prevalent, at ever younger ages. We could be silent until it happens, or we could actually, you know, push back on this ideology before it mutilates more, younger kids.
This is where your colours really show, and I now realize debating with you is in vain. If you believe that gay people are "mentally afflicted", then your are terrible humane being, full stop.
Really? You take the very sentence where I defend gays against this assault on their bodies and reinterpret it to paint me as a homophobe? Classic. Predictable.

The "twittersphere" may be full of "experts", but there are plenty of actual experts saying that gender dysphoria is not an illness, and that discussing ideas such as homosexuality and transgenderism in school is a good idea.

Well allow me to try and explain it to you. Next to homosexuality, transgenderism should be the easiest to understand and accept, because even if you have bigoted views (not saying YOU do, I mean the general "you"), you can still accept the reality of what transgendered people are going through, and act accordingly (i.e. act like a good person).

A transgender person believes that the gender that they they "feel" internally is opposite to their sex at birth. Here is why this is easy to
a. you can believe that gender and sex are independent, and can be opposite of each other, and therefore gender dysphoria is something that can clearly happen from time to time (i.e while rare, is nonetheless "normal");
b. you can believe the above, but also believe that gender is not binary, but rather a spectrum... or not;
c. you can believe any of the above, but also believe that gender is wholly or partly a social construct (not just genetic)... or not;
d. OR, you can believe none of that, that gender and sex are not independent, and/or that gender is binary, and/or that gender is genetic, and therefore if any of this "confusion" is taking place (i.e. gender dysphoria) then its a mental disorder.

In any case, it doesn't matter what you believe, because what you have is a person who themselves believes that their gender and sex don't match, and therefore is experiencing mental distress, both from the internal sense of misalignment, but also (and probably more so) from the external social stigma of being transgender and "different".

So what are you suppose to do with someone who's sad and distressed? You act nice to them and give them support. If the support they need is for your to accept who they are, then do that. It doesn't matter which of the cases above (a thru d) is true; if you refuse to help them* because you don't believe them, that just makes you a fucking asshole. *also, helping them does not include trying to "change their minds". That's like conversion therapy.
The fun part is that I don't actually disagree with the core of your message. I just don't understand why you're so hell-bent on forcing this onto children and down other people's throats.

Of course I'll call a MtF a she/they if she wants to.

But no, I'm not going to let them confuse my kids. No I'm not going to use made up pronouns. No I'm not going to let males into my daughter's bathroom. No I'm not going to let males tackle my daughter on the rink or on the pitch. No I'm not gonna let schools teach my kids that the traditional models of femininity and masculinity are toxic or outdated.

See, the bold is where I take issue, and with the pedantic doublespeak that gender dysphoria is not a mental illness/condition/disorder/whathave you.

It's ideologically driven dogma based on the bolded false equivalency/ the fear of the slippery slope to that false equivalency. But is is a false equivalency- gender dysphoria and homosexuality are fundamentally different things.

In a word without homophobia, where homosexuality is completely de-stigmatized- there is no mental distress, no internal friction point, nothing to treat. Ergo- conversion therapy serves no/zero purpose other than bully people into a heteronormative box - an expression of bigotry

In a world without transphobia, where transgenderism is completely de-stigmatized- gender dysphoria creates a status of mental distress, requiring treatment to alleviate. You can treat the body to align with mind, or the mind to align with the body- both -theoretically- are viable courses to address the source of internal friction and remove the mental distress. One of these has been demonized because of the aforementioned false equivalency. There is no logical rationale to reconcile "gender affirming care is healthcare" and "gender dysphoria is not a mental illness/disorder," and frankly the doublespeak is insulting and detrimental to the overall de-stigmatization of mental illness as a whole.

Above all else, all people deserve to be treated with compassion. This is a healthcare issue, it should not be a political one.
  • Patients and doctors should be free to pursue gender affirming care as current best practice treatment, without fear of governmental reprisal or social ostracization
  • Doctors and researchers should be free to ethically investigate alternative, less invasive treatment methods, without fear of governmental reprisal or social ostracization

And as IKnowNothing eloquently described here, it's disturbing that your Left is in the business of vilifying people with mental health disorders. Which is what you're doing when you ascribe a negative moral connotation to those words.

I say your Left because I used to be part of the Left, until everything got crazy and they lost their collective minds.
Of course I'll call a MtF a she/they if she wants to.

But no, I'm not going to let them confuse my kids. No I'm not going to use made up pronouns. No I'm not going to let males into my daughter's bathroom. No I'm not going to let males tackle my daughter on the rink or on the pitch. No I'm not gonna let schools teach my kids that the traditional models of femininity and masculinity are toxic or outdated.
This is probably 98% of society right here.
I say your Left because I used to be part of the Left, until everything got crazy and they lost their collective minds.
It's gone too far.
West Borough Baptist church has entered the chat....
Was thinking about this ... WBC has probably less than 100 members. How many people on university campuses along are committed to allowing boys/men to play in girls'/women's sports?

Not much point in trying to assert equivalence when the populations probably differ by three to four orders of magnitude.
If you look down from altitude on all of this, one could maybe see the whole brouhaha as a psyop or massive diversion.

On Friday, nobody's talking about it, nobody's worried about it, it's not even an alt news story or on anyone's radar.

On Monday we have kids being taken to drag shows, PRIDE parades, being bombarded with gender confusion, pressure and mixed signals about who they are. All before their brains are developed enough to understand what is going on or even starting puberty. Children removed from parents by child welfare, because they won't call their daughter, their son. Or allow them to take puberty blockers etc. Look at the division it has caused and continues to cause unabated. Who is feeding this? Why are they doing it?

Class divide, nanny state, a whole generation of children who lost two years of education, now being confused beyond their years. Gender reassignment that will lead to mental health problems and an increase in suicide down the road. A complete breakdown of the nuclear family and a saturation of the news on the subject. This poor generation of children has been ruined. Those old enough to understand find their futures gone. No homes, no jobs, no wholesome food, no travel, lack of education and no money. Their only chance of survival is to turn over their souls to Big Brother. Every aspect of their lives will be administered by the government. Manliness is toxic. Don't be brave, don't be protective, don't be an individual. Don't get married, don't have children. Don't promote intestinal fortitude.

An increase in racial and gender angst created by CRT and destroying the strong female figure by letting men attack women in sports and relegate them back to the kitchen.

This is not about all of the above. The above points are tools. The end goal, of the project, is the destruction of a whole generation, that has neither the will or the knowledge to fight back against the oppression being fomented as we speak.

Just needed to get that out. I might be wrong. I might be right. Or somewhere in between. Feel free to "🙄there he goes again." if you wish.

You can return to arguing about pronouns. Things will continue to roll out while you're being distracted.


Edit: Why is it always white kids we're reading about. I don't think I have seen a single story about this going on with other skin colours or races. If there is, it is way out of proportion.
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If you look down from altitude on all of this, one could maybe see the whole brouhaha as a psyop or massive diversion.

On Friday, nobody's talking about it, nobody's worried about it, it's not even an alt news story or on anyone's radar.

On Monday we have kids being taken to drag shows, PRIDE parades, being bombarded with gender confusion, pressure and mixed signals about who they are. All before their brains are developed enough to understand what is going on or even starting puberty. Children removed from parents by child welfare, because they won't call their daughter, their son. Or allow them to take puberty blockers etc. Look at the division it has caused and continues to cause unabated. Who is feeding this? Why are they doing it?

Class divide, nanny state, a whole generation of children who lost two years of education, now being confused beyond their years. Gender reassignment that will lead to mental health problems and an increase in suicide down the road. A complete breakdown of the nuclear family and a saturation of the news on the subject. This poor generation of children has been ruined. Those old enough to understand find their futures gone. No homes, no jobs, no wholesome food, no travel, lack of education and no money. Their only chance of survival is to turn over their souls to Big Brother. Every aspect of their lives will be administered by the government. Manliness is toxic. Don't be brave, don't be protective, don't be an individual. Don't get married, don't have children. Don't promote intestinal fortitude.

An increase in racial and gender angst created by CRT and destroying the strong female figure by letting men attack women in sports and relegate them back to the kitchen.

This is not about all of the above. The above points are tools. The end goal, of the project, is the destruction of a whole generation, that has neither the will or the knowledge to fight back against the oppression being fomented as we speak.

Just needed to get that out. I might be wrong. I might be right. Or somewhere in between. Feel free to "🙄there he goes again." if you wish.

You can return to arguing about pronouns. Things will continue to roll out while you're being distracted.


100% accurate. Not to mention all the social medias, mainstream medias, Hollywood movies, Netflix/Disney and what not, pushing that f****ing agenda down in our kids throats, and in ours (parents) at the same time.
100% accurate. Not to mention all the social medias, mainstream medias, Hollywood movies, Netflix/Disney and what not, pushing that f****ing agenda down in our kids throats, and in ours (parents) at the same time.
I don’t really mind Disney doing what it does. The public eventually make its will known when profits take a bad turn,
The media isn’t helping but society’s lack of critical thinking skills is evident,
I don’t really mind Disney doing what it does. The public eventually make its will known when profits take a bad turn,
The media isn’t helping but society’s lack of critical thinking skills is evident,
The problem is kids under 18 do not have that common sense.

They do it in such a very subtle way that the seed is already well inside their minds, and the more you consume their bull$shit, the more you get conditionned to accept that crap they're trying to push, and to believe that this is the new reality.

The reality that there's 60 genders out there, that men get can pregnant and have their periods, that ''mom'' and ''dad'' doesn't exist anymore, that masculinity is toxic in every aspect.

They want to destroy the core values of what used to be the American Dream family. The want to bring society to be weak to control them even more. And do believe me, i'm not homophic at all, but this will destroy eventually the strenght and the roots of a society and a nation. Add this to another country invading us tomorrow; it's going to be a piece of cake not having any kind of resistence.

Just my 0.02$.
Add this to another country invading us tomorrow; it's going to be a piece of cake not having any kind of resistence.

Will they let the trannies out if Canada declares 18-50 fighting aged MALES to stay behind and fight?
The problem is kids under 18 do not have that common sense.

They do it in such a very subtle way that the seed is already well inside their minds, and the more you consume their bull$shit, the more you get conditionned to accept that crap they're trying to push, and to believe that this is the new reality.

The reality that there's 60 genders out there, that men get can pregnant and have their periods, that ''mom'' and ''dad'' doesn't exist anymore, that masculinity is toxic in every aspect.

They want to destroy the core values of what used to be the American Dream family. The want to bring society to be weak to control them even more. And do believe me, i'm not homophic at all, but this will destroy eventually the strenght and the roots of a society and a nation. Add this to another country invading us tomorrow; it's going to be a piece of cake not having any kind of resistence.

Just my 0.02$.
Many adults over 18 have zero critical thinking skills. My 12 year old granddaughter can out think a lot of adults