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Let's get rid of the Beret (or at least tell logistik unicorp theirs suck)

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I believe you are referring to DOROTHEA Knitting Mills, who made many fine pieces of kit for Her Majesty's Canadian Formed Arses many years ago.

The last time I wore a beret was in the Boy Scouts. I thought it a rather poor choice of headwear, especially for working outside in the hot sun.

The beret was originally for use in tanks, I believe. Not for use in full sun or other extreme weather conditions.

This is just my opinion, but for full sun I think that a cap similar to the one worn by the French Foreign Legion might be more suitable. It offers some protection to the eyes and neck, and if issued in disperse pattern would improve concealment.

(At least there wouldn't be a bright red sunburn on the back of your neck....)

For cold weather the answer is simple, you wear whatever keeps your ears from falling off.

That being said, berets are traditional. They do look sharp. I have no doubt that they'll be around for a good long time.

Best Wishes,


Bertets have not been the exclusive use of tankers....

Boyscouts wore stensons before they wore berets......... been there and done that.... and if anyone thinks the forage cap was a pain in the tush.... the stiffened & flattened stenson was even worse.
I will agree with the original poster in echoing the thoughts of logistikunicorps attempt at making a beret.  They are by far the very worst berets ever created.  The cursed things should come with an apology when you get them in the mail.  I love my beret, but logistikunicorp just doesn't cut it.  The William Scully Co. out of Montreal made a by far superior beret.  The berets logistikunicorp (I find anyhow) have way too much material, it keeps your right ear nice and warm in the cold weather and looks ridiculous.

time expired said:
...I counted the number I was issued in 26yrs. of service...
                Ballcap green with earflaps*
                Winter tea cozzie,imitation astrakan*

                 *These hats I never wore.
Just after unification I saw,in Borden I think,a group of PPCLI offs. wearing the green wedge cap,
what was that about?.
Ballcap green with earflaps - (Elmer Fudd hat)  I actually considered this a useful piece of kit, though it looked stupid especially with the flaps down.  It kept my ears warm (during a miserable winter) when marching between barracks and school in Borden while on TQ3 course.

Winter tea cozzie,imitation astrakan.  Had to wear that piece of crap once, on a parade during winter.  When the order came to wear it everyone in that particular guard scrambled about looking for their's.  Many had chucked it away years ago, but by lots of scrounging we managed to come up with enough to cover all the heads.  IIRC, a couple of guys had frostbitten ears by the time that cluster**** ended, amply proving what a useless winter hat it was.  The only successful employment of this piece of kit that I've witnessed was literally as a 'tea cozy'.

Yes, I also remember PPCLI officers wearing the green wedge in the 70's, and recall some Militia (a Rifle Regiment?) officers wearing them around NDHQ in the 80's.  But I also have to confess that I bought one when I was posted to an Air Force base in the 80's (pre DEU's).  My boss didn't like my well-worn beret when wearing S3, 'suggesting' either the forage cap or the wedgie. 

reccecrewman said:
I will agree with the original poster in echoing the thoughts of logistikunicorps attempt at making a beret.  They are by far the very worst berets ever created.  The cursed things should come with an apology when you get them in the mail.  I love my beret, but logistikunicorp just doesn't cut it.  The William Scully Co. out of Montreal made a by far superior beret.  The berets logistikunicorp (I find anyhow) have way too much material, it keeps your right ear nice and warm in the cold weather and looks ridiculous.


Funny thing how styles change.
I still have my father's WW2 Three Rivers Tank black beret..... those frigging things were monstrous - and would pull down way, way below the ear...
I remember my 1st beret in 1970 - A "cherry bery" in infantry red (before the MPs jacked the darned thing)... again that one was big - not WW2 big, but big nevertheless... then there's muy parkhurst one (CME Kitshop)... and that one is "tiny"... pick and choose boys, pick and choose.
Well lets choose something with a little bit of quality.
mover1 said:
OK So there I was pulling my beret out of my pocket and to my great surprise it was ripped right above the cap badge. Well now I am in a hum dinger of a situation. No headdress. I order from Logistic unicorp and I can never get one that fits properly. As well as the fact that the quality sucks......

So I said f$%^ it and now I wear my wedge with my combats.  It fits and its comfortable plus its everybit as functional as a beret. After all what does a beret do. It holds a hat badge and goes on your head.

So lets talk about functionality. This past year I was a part of a  WW-1 reenactment. WE had our old piss pots but we also had what was called a trench cap. Think of a soft forge cap. Fits in the pocket and holds a hat badge plus it has a brim on it to keep the sun off your eyes. It looked pretty good to. In the winter the headdress was switched to another hat called the gore-blimey. ....it was a monstrous affair that was used in winter. The reason it was called a gore-blimey is because that is what the initial reaction to the thing was.....

So I guess the useless reason for this post is does anyone think we should adopt a new headdress or still keep the beret. And if you were the fashon police for the military what kind of head gear would you like. Any thoughts on the issue.....
I thought you couldn't decide between your toque or ball cap.  How many hats do you need?  You can't wear one on the flight line anyways.
Spring_bok I remember the words "Hey F^(ker" being uttered in you general direction one fine morning when you were caught sleeping in a threat briefing. 

Yes it is true sometimes I can't decide what hat to wear. I am fickle in my appearance that way. Should I wear my toque, a ball hat beret or wedge. But then I say screw it and go in with no headdress,  jacket undone coffee in hand and other hand is in my pocket. But at least I have the common decency to hold the door open for the RSM. "Bill" I say nodding my head as he enters.
Because we are all on a first name basis in the airforce. You can usually tell a persons rank by the amount of chins one has. bill has four meaning he is a Chief WO. 
I know some people out there are saying "what about the size of his gut"
The Gut is a navy rank.

Logistic unicorps berets suck....I told them so in the survey too.
Your right about beret's getting smaller. This years Regi calender has a bunch of photos from inception through to now. Theres a great pic of a Matilda crew in the jungle, berets so far back on there heads that theres more hair then beret. Plus they'r all at the extreme angle of jauntiness off to the side of their heads as well. And theres just one thing to say about that,
Bring back the french style "doubles-as-a-field-pack,-takes-14-weeks-to-dry-after-a-wash,-can-carry-an-Etheopian-family-of-seven-inside-it" beret.
Simply because they'r awesome.
Good2Golf said:
I actually wore the wedge with the flaps unfolded and pulled down to protect my face and chin.  BCWO freaked on me until I pulled out the page of the 265 (of course, you knew I was prepared for this) and showed him the picture that actually showed it worn that way.  He couldn't believe it.  I told him that I was surprised at his astonishment, especially given that it was clearly shown in the CFP-265 and that I understood that many BCWO's sleep with a copy of the 265 under their pillows...  >:D 


I am almost going to call you on that one.
Can I have the page reference? Because  I looked and couldn't find it.

Before you call him on it make sure that you have the same edition that was in effect when he pulled that off!

The dress manual does change quite often.
I am using the one off the DIN....paper copies are non existant around here.

Excellent!! I knew I had seen that before. I also recall seeing someone in 8 Wg walking around with theirs worn like that one day in the parking lot circa 2000. It caused quite the stir, but that very ref was pulled up and verified!!

I think the response was "well, just because you can, doesn't mean that you should!!" I remember being doubled over with laughter once it was all done.  ;) Our Sup CWO ended up laughing to. It was a good one!!
come on down to trenton to collect your beer. :cheers:..
...however I am in Greenwood ;D

oh I can see a new fad beginning this year....

I can work Geenwood into the schedule, I guess...  ;D
I'm going to borrow my buddies wedge on Monday and see if this is possible....that' s way too funny. ;D
does everyone in land forces get the same beret when they first start and haven't earned there regiment one yet?
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