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Latest Threat to CF in Combat: Smoke Breaks?!?

sigtech said:
Considering our jobs if that is on the ways you help with stress have at it.

There are better ways then smoking, drinking and overeating to control stress. Sex, unfortunately is one of the best, but we can not do that in uniform either.

Tobacco use is bad for all of us.

too bad for those of us in the green army, we can not wear a basebat cap, fire hollowpoint rounds, so nor should we dip. But thanks for the offer.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
There are better ways then smoking, drinking and overeating to control stress. Sex, unfortunately is one of the best, but we can not do that in uniform either.

Tobacco use is bad for all of us.

Wasn't that the last big scandal...."Canadian troops go through huge supply of viagra and condoms."
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
There are better ways then smoking, drinking and overeating to control stress. Sex, unfortunately is one of the best, but we can not do that in uniform either.

Tobacco use is bad for all of us.
Yes it is but if you try and force someone to stop , they will just hide it , let them do educate them and they will stop on there own if they "choose" to.
The thing about beating any addiction (I only have experience with quitting smoking) is that you can only succeed if you're doing it for you. You cannot quit for anyone else, or for any other reason other then that YOU want it. That's the only way to be successful. Like sigtech just said, by putting rules in and forcing them to quit, they're just going to go underground.
Munxcub said:
The thing about beating any addiction (I only have experience with quitting smoking) is that you can only succeed if you're doing it for you. You cannot quit for anyone else, or for any other reason other then that YOU want it. That's the only way to be successful. Like sigtech just said, by putting rules in and forcing them to quit, they're just going to go underground.

Yep 24% of the Army over in the counsellors office (a legal requirement under the addictions disability auspices) every couple of hours when they get stressed out and have a nic fit undergoing the DTs ... only to get home that night and spark one up while saying .... ahh stress relief to begin repeating the same cycle again the next morning.

Well, I guess every couple of hours beats 24% being on full days or half days stress leave forever and a day.
I found nicotine gum integral to my quitting... it bad to be the mint tho (not fruit flavoured) only because the menthol in it would make your lip turn numb, which made it feel like it was working. :D I actually enjoyed that stuff way more then I ever did smoking (eventually...)
Although I don't agree with being "just like the Americans", they do ban smoking in basic trg and I think that's an excellent idea.
I've heard everthing now, has this idiot fool ever been in the military. I had a real good laugh at his expense. Its bad enough these idiots are trying to get us smokers to butt out in civilian life, but now they're delving into a world they know absolutely nothing about. ::) I think he may have watched to many "wanabee" Audey Murphy war movies as a child and it's scarred him for life  ::)

I'd like to have some of what he's smoking, and i don't mean cigarettes. ;D

So he says that the enemy can smell smoke, and follow spit stains on the ground that haven't already evapourated in the 60 degree weather.  Well, I guess i better bottle my pee and bag my shyte and hump it out of Afghanistan so that they don't gather int value from my shyte contents.  We could always leave nicotine patches as a trail for the bad dudes to follow, eh.  Perhaps we should stop farting at work as well, as I really don't like smelling other peoples guts.  Its all about quality of life is'nt it?  Smoking MAY cause death, but if I am so uptight from not having a smoke in the last 20 day operation that I screw up and get dead, well, I would take cancer 30 years down the road anyday.  What about blood, no more bleeding troops, damnit.  The enemy gets int from that...maybe.  This is gay.  Buddy is a clown who gets paid by the government for making up the stupid posters we have to look at while at work, and the sad thing is, he gets paid more than any of us!!!
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
I agree 100% that the CF should be a tobacco free zone.
The military even gives the nicotine patches, gums and councelling for free.
Its bad for you, its bad for those around you. There is no good reason anyone in the CF should smoke.
We do enough things as part of our job in the CF that can hurt and/or kill us.

What about the people who have had multiple DUI charges?  Make them quit drinking? Driving? Both?  And don't even get me started on our so-called "zero tolerance" for illegal drugs policy..... >:(
I agree with Vern, I'm not trying to encourage smoking either, but as Munxcub said, people have to quit for themselves, not for anyone else.  If they ban smoking on DND property, well, I guess my breaks will just be longer when I get in my car and drive off the base.
Was not the first round fired long ago with the removal of smokes from ration packs. Hmm, finish timed 10 miler, 3/4s would light up. And yes it did pay to smoke during 'smoke breaks', "Hey you over there, standing there doing nothing, get over here I need this latest pile of bovine..... dealt with.
I would not encourage anyone to smoke or to dip.  However I posted for a bit fo levity since this recent blurb is getting a little too out of control.

I never appreciated 7 guys smoking at once in an Arctic tent - when I was the only non-smoker, but there should be a happy medium where one can enjoy one's legal vices and still not infringe on others.

I would not doubt that the CF has more problems from troops with heart problems from  all the double doubles at Timmie..

I6 sums it up best.

As well, I agree that this is getting a bit out of control, let's ease up a bit - calling the whole thing "gay" adds little to the conversation except fodder for more criticism.

I would honestly prefere my Plt WO to smoke while over seas. Even if it kills us slowly... I am sure he"ll kill me, without a smoke.

So this waste of an idea is NOT a win win deal!
Dip spit leaves a trail that can easily compromise troop location.

and that  my friend, is why I spit in a bottle........................ ::)
anyways; I spit in a bottle? so take that?
While my first post on this topic was fairly sarcastic, I think that a troop undergoing a severe nicotine fit is at extra risk. For Pete's sake, we used to issue cigarettes to the troops to help them unwind; what do we give them now, tofu shakes?

Oops, can't kick the sarcasm habit. Is there a patch available?
Only complaint I have about smokers is when they do it in the artic tent, usually all at once.
If you are smoking a cigarette, we can see you at five miles. If you are smoking a cigar, we can spot you at ten miles.
-- F-16 pilot with NVGs

There are certain situations when smoking is tactically dangerous -- NVGs picking up the glow or people or dogs smelling the smoke (I'm sure that you have noticed that cigarette smoke is far more potent than sweat or bug repellant). Spitting out tobacco juice is also a concern when it is possible that you are being tracked (unless you use a bottle as Yeoman does).

But the situation at hand should determine whether it is safe to smoke or not. Does the enemy have the capability to do this? Do they employ these tactics? How concerned are you with remaining unseen? These should be determining factors in whether smoking is acceptable in the front lines or not.

As for on DND property and such, I do not smoke but have no problem with others smoking as long as it does not affect me. If people are smoking in some place that I do not have to go, such as a smoking point, I don't care if they decide that polluting themselves in order to relax is best for them. Luckily I haven't had the problem with the arctic tents yet.

As for the use of tobacco affecting people's vision, isn't that what the vision tests everyone takes are for? For the reduction of night vision, if this is a concern, maybe they should include a night vision test for eveyone (if there isn't one already -- I've never had to take one). Finally, as for fitness, again there are fitness tests that everyone takes. Whether someone is a smoker or not shouldn't matter as long as they pass these tests.
PDF from US Navy about smoking: