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Latest Threat to CF in Combat: Smoke Breaks?!?

geo said:
Smoking is dangerous?
Duh - no kidding!

Remember the old story of "three on a match" being unhealthy for the last guy to lite up?
Sniper sees flare, sniper aims, sniper fires... real old story that goes back to ww1

the glow of the cigarette and the smell of the cigarette giving away your position?... hell - there are a hell of a lot larger clues that will do that.... the rumble of the LAVs diesel engine, the drone of the generator, the wire, the trenches, etc, etc.....


And don't forget the well aimed fire and artillery followed by AH or airstrikes... If your close enough to smell the dirty smokers, you should be dead shortly.
PMedMoe said:
Quote from article:

Ummm, ya think?  Next thing they'll be telling us not to drink!!  :o

I thought they arleady did that, aren't the tours there dry?

No go on the girly mags either If I am not mistaken.  Man next meat will be removed the menu as it may cause heart disease!


284_226 said:
It may surprise you (or it may not) to learn that Donald Dery is coordinator of the March 1st "I Quit" program from - you guessed it - CFPSA.

And we all know CFPSA would never do anything to attract attention to themselves to gain even more power than they already have...

I wonder if mister Dery is aware of how many of the CFPSA staff in KAF smoke.

I dunno about anyone else here, but I've never smoked during a recce or patrol, day time or night. While we may kill ourselves slowly with nicotine, there is a sense of self-preservation and discipline.

This article is make-noise BS.
the 48th regulator said:
I thought they arleady did that, aren't the tours there dry?

Well, sort of.....but the article was referring to recruits.

Hey, where's my bracelet??  >:(  ;)
I agree 100% that the CF should be a tobacco free zone.

The military even gives the nicotine patches, gums and councelling for free.

Its bad for you, its bad for those around you. There is no good reason anyone in the CF should smoke.

We do enough things as part of our job in the CF that can hurt and/or kill us.

And no, I am not joking nor being sarcastic.
Though there is the valid question:  if DND/CF opposes smoking why do we (a) provide smoking areas and (b) let people take smoke breaks?  We don't provide ongoing support to other addicts during the day - no heroin breaks, or booze breaks, so why to we enable and encourage nicotine addicts in their day-to-day self-abuse?

ArmyVern said:
I can't be the only one who used to have to drop the kit and the uniforms outside the front door before being allowed into the house after a mere 2 weeks in the field on an exercise (and I'm a mere Sup Tech) so they could air out for 24 hours.

I'm guessing I'm not the only one to throw away, shall we say, no-longer-wearable "inner wear" in such situations, too.  ;)

dapaterson said:
Though there is the valid question:  if DND/CF opposes smoking why do we (a) provide smoking areas and (b) let people take smoke breaks?  We don't provide ongoing support to other addicts during the day - no heroin breaks, or booze breaks, so why to we enable and encourage nicotine addicts in their day-to-day self-abuse?

Because it would render whole generations of corporals mute.

Remember: "Smoke if ya gottem.  If y'aint gottem borrow one from a friend.  If y'aint got no friends, go trew da motions!"
From the perspective of air ops, if they banned smoking, where would one go to find enough troops to put together a tow crew or recovery crew? At least with the 'smoke tent' out beside the hangar, I always knew where my techs were.
Super great idea, let's take a bunch of guys already under a ton of stress and say you can't smoke, then give them a loaded weapon and send them out on patrol.

hmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder if that would turn out badly
I just want to know, how our military did so well in all its previous conflicts when the smokers were at a higher percentage?
He urged the military to adopt a smoking ban on all CF and DND property and grounds, to establish a policy that rejects new recruits who smoke, to prohibit puffing while in uniform and to strictly enforce human resource policies on breaks.

I like this line the best.

Seeing it is not possable because the Supream Court has ruled that smoking is a disability (I'll have to find the case link when I get home :( darn work computers ::) ).
to establish a policy that rejects new recruits who smoke

I missed this bit.

Let me get this straight. We are driving recruiting so hard that we actually REMOVE the fitness testing from the application process, but he want to reject smokers....

Sig_Des said:
I missed this bit.

Let me get this straight. We are driving recruiting so hard that we actually REMOVE the fitness testing from the application process, but he want to reject smokers....


Yep, be as unfit as you want, but don't be a smoker.  Or have visible tattoos.   ::)
Sig_Des said:
I missed this bit.

Let me get this straight. We are driving recruiting so hard that we actually REMOVE the fitness testing from the application process, but he want to reject smokers....


too funny. I started smoking in Cornwallis. It seemed to us recruits that when a 'smoke break' was called, the non-smokers were often called on to do some kind of job. It paid to be a smoker.
Oh my God, I have visible tats, and I smoke! I guess I'm a bag, and that's it....

I'll have to walk the NDHQ halls covering my head, yelling "Unclean!".

Oh waiiit.....I can pass my fitness testing.

St. Micheals Medical Team said:
And no, I am not joking nor being sarcastic.

Nor am I when I say, so does alcohol. But it's not illegal either. Alcohol has also caused the premature deaths of CF members and of innocent bystanders etc etc.

Wait a minute though, the exact same may also occur while doing our job on the two-way firing range.
RetiredRoyal said:
too funny. I started smoking in Cornwallis. It seemed to us recruits that when a 'smoke break' was called, the nonsmokers were often called on to do some kind of job. It paid to be a smoker.

Hell ya one of the reasons I started again, when the only way to get a brake is to smoke, what do you do ? You start puffing

Yes send us you fat and lazy , the people ready to drop with hart attacks from over eating but please keep the smokers and those evil evil people away with tattoo's (BTW I smoke and have many tats  :) )

I understand trying to get people to be more health aware, god I can't count the times I have stopped smoking and as of the 1st I am going to try again, but dame it don't tell people they can't smoke if someone chooses to do it let them. Considering our jobs if that is on the ways you help with stress have at it.
I wonder if Donald Dery knows he is being mercilessly mocked on these pages.

Maybe he will have to step outside for a smoke to calm his nerves...... >:D

Be a real man -- and chew  ;)