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Last Gasp for Forsake the troops

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-Hutch- said:
for some reason the video wont work for me.

This one should work better. :)

Wow :o, this guy is truly sad... especially near the end, he practically dug himself a hole and put both feet in his mouth... :-[
OK that guy was a very stupid stupid human.

But now what I don't get is, why Fox aired this? the interviewer said I shouldn't even be talking to you because you are a moron, but then again the network plays it, and invites the guy over. I just don't get it.
MysticLies said:
OK that guy was a very stupid stupid human.

But now what I don't get is, why Fox aired this? the interviewer said I shouldn't even be talking to you because you are a moron, but then again the network plays it, and invites the guy over. I just don't get it.

One Word.. Ratings.
OK i finally got to see it. all i can say is WHAT A FRICKEN MORON. the guy is just am idiot. i never really knew who he was before but now that i know i wish i didn't know. god some people.
www.Forsakethetroops.info has been taking down and the domain has been bought by a USAF forum
now the only thing on that site would be Michael Crook Being a stupid ass on the fox interview
It seems hes condensed all of his retardedness including his forsake the troops, forsake the police and Michael crook.com sites into one super mecca of the retarded fascist websites


there you would find his weblog and suprising its more about current affairs then the military even though its still and key subject.
you can post comments freely and this site seems less frequented than his previous sites
paracowboy said:
wishful thinking?

i remember before the "forsake the troops " site closed down that the was a report posted that he ahd been killed.....we had another thread about this.  I'll see if i can find it.  We all figured it was a hoax........
there we go....found it


His site and weblog on Michael Crook.com Had said that he had died after being attacked by military personnel from the Fort Drum army Base then one day his sites were back up and all posts relating to his death were deleted.

This is a man who gets his kicks out of being a ass, he's shown it on numerous occasions, he can't defend his views, (if you can call them his views hes probably unemployed. I shouldn't have even put the links up as it might give him enough traffic to get ads that pay for him to shit there all day and write stupid shit
I watched the clip of him talking on that FOX show. I didn't want to comment on it anymore since the topic was locked, but I've been very suspicious since the beginning.

Let's think about this from Karl Rove's perspective.

OK, so support for the Iraq fiasco is slackening, more and more Americans are becoming disillusioned with the Bush regime and the on going war, we need something to give national morale a jolt, and to inject some more sympathy for the US military.

Stage one: So we invent "Micheal Crook", a guy with no background, no history, and website filled with irrational hatred, undefendable viewpoints, and an outlook that puts together all the worst stereotypes of how "liberals hate America". Spread the word around and make sure lots of people visit the site. Ensure everyone sees what a complete bufoon the guy is.
Stage two: "Invite" Micheal Crook to appear on FOX, a TV network that everyone knows is strongly neo-conservative and pro-Bush/pro-Iraq war. Have Micheal Crook appear on national TV as the most clched stereotype of the pasty faced, long haired, effeminate liberal, find an agressive host who will pepper him with insults("questions") while at the same time cutting in happy tearjerker pictures of troops reuniting with their families, being happy, smiling kids, etc. Reinforce the contrast between the brave troops risking life and limb for home and country, while our wimpy little liberal sits there weakly putting up petty little attacks. WOW liberals are such ingrates huh?

Stage three: On the reorg, throw out some internet rumors that Micheal Crook "Fakes own death! tries to blame disgruntled soldiers! How low can liberals get!". Start up a few more sites bashing the police, firemen, grandma......

Result: People who followed the entire saga are appalled that the liberal leftwingers can be so evil, get a great mental blowjob watching the purpotrator being torn apart on FOX,  feel a newfound appreciation for their armed forces and what a great job they are doing. Hmmm, better scratch my name of the list for the next anti-war rally, Wouldn't want to be associated with *gasp* Micheal Crook now would I? Better just let the army boys do their job, get myself some yellow car magnets  and stop questioning the war, god knows the kind of liberal crap they have to put up with, like *gasp* forsakethetroops.com.....

Honestly, I didn't realize it until late in the game when I saw the FOX clip (not my fault, since I don't generally watch that kind of drivel), but once I did it all made so much sense. If "Micheal Crook" was such a die hard anti-war hippie, why the heck would he agree to go on the FOX network, a news channel that is essentially a mouthpiece for Bush/Neo-cons? Did he expect some kind of reasonable, intelligent debate? Why not any of the liberal shows? Hmm.........




AHHH, very, very clever indeed.  >:D

OK, I know this is all tinfoil hattery, and I got nothing to prove any of this, but *if* Karl Rove were pulling the strings behind this whole dog and pony show, then he is truly a fsucking political genius, and this little stunt will be held up as an example  in the Marketing and PR textbooks for years to come.
Did not the one guy doing the "interview" say he doesn't support the Iraq war? I think this guy was just somebody POed that he didn't make it in the army himself and decides to hate on those who did. Infact he even had it up on his blog at one point. (there was a thread here about it somewhere). Showing up on fox news just gives him more publicity (even bad publicity is good publicity) and brought more people to his web site, thats probably why he did it.
The best part is, officials could (have? done?) do things like this and nobody would ever know ..........ever  :-X
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