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Last Gasp for Forsake the troops

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arg .....im so pissed at this JAR head...

I cant even begin to process what i want to say ...arg
This guy really is too much:

I was reading his forum. One of the people who had his forum entries deleted was questioning why, if Freedom of Speech was their claim, did his forum entry get deleted?

The reply, in part:  "Forsake The Troops encourages free speech, to a point. We will not tolerate posts that contain obscenities, even if they are muted by the automatic censor. We also do not tolerate posts that disrespect us, the site, or our cause."

Wow.  Encourages free speech, to a point

So, Freedom of Speech to this guy means he can express his own views - and so can you, if you respect the site, the cause, etc.

Hypocrasy at its finest.

Well, where I come from, respect is a two-way street.

CFN. Orange said:
what radio station is this guy on? i wanna call in..

I'm more interested in meeting him in the parking lot afterwards...  ::)
CFN. Orange said:
what radio station is this guy on? i wanna call in..

Says on his site that he'll be on "The Border" on May 6th between 6am and 7am. "The Border" is a Kingston and Watertown area station, but maybe there's a live feed over the internet.
Maybe just boycott the radio station and his website: what would really drive him nuts is if no one called in (or visited his webpage) at all .

This guy's obviously an attention-deprived jackass: ignore him!
I might call in and tell him what I think of him... But I'm not sure if they allow that type of language on the radio. ;D

I know some of you have said to ignore this, but, fuck!! This guy is not what the world needs right now.Shit disturbers like him are only going to cause more strife among us...And to even say this kind of crap when May 8 is nearing, pisses me off even more.
Now could he be a target for the Feds? I read part of that interview and it said he was part of a group that supported White Supremsis...Damn,...just give me a clear shot and we can end this right now...

Well, I am done with my rant..Just disgusted! >:(
I know attention is what he wants, so I won't play his game... that being said, he truly deserves a good monkey-stomping. I'm pretty open minded when it comes to freedom of expression, but when you say the things he has about a group of people you shouldn't complain when someone in that group hands you your ass.

Funny someone mentioned he's probably a failed soldier with an axe to grind... that's what I though too...
Someone, somewhere, right now is grinning in his basement with a loaded rifle, waiting for this guy to make a personal appearance somewhere. I can't believe he could start a site like that, i mean i'm all for freedom of speech, but this guy just sighed his own death warrant. I'm sure some Marines who just came back from combat would love to see this and then claim PSD when they do something about it. :salute:
Maybe he thinks Canadian women (or men.....who knows?) will give him the attention he so desperately needs.  >:D
S_Baker said:
Now now WES,

Pretty sick. Only in America!



The only in America thing was a little tongue in cheek (sorry if I rustled any US feathers), but the pretty sick thing is for real. I just find it really sad that anyone could condone and praise the death of it's own citizens while serving their country, and then GET AWAY with it posting such crap in their homeland for others to see there, and around the world too. Free speech is one thing, but what that site represents is treason as far as I am concerned. I would not blink an eye if this sub-human grub was beaten to a pulp by the 'true blue' citizens out there. Infact, I guess I would condone that.



beach_bum said:
Maybe he thinks Canadian women (or men.....who knows?) will give him the attention he so desperately needs.  >:D
Just take a look at this Poindexter's pic.  He obviously failed to meet the "cast a substantial shadow" requirements for VFW Ladies Auxiliary.  Couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a 100 lb bunch of bananas on his back.... >:(

Kat Stevens said:
Just take a look at this Poindexter's pic.   He obviously failed to meet the "cast a substantial shadow" requirements for VFW Ladies Auxiliary.   Couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a 100 lb bunch of bananas on his back.... >:(


Kat, from you i would have expected nothing less that this high-class analogy......
thats f*****g brilliant  ;D
Internet toughguy.  Nothing to see here.
A quick internet search worm turns up tons of details on this gentleman, and several other forums and blogs that would
like 10 minutes alone with him in a dark alley.....

This one says he's tried this before with a web site called Citizens against the troops

This one lists his internet service provider and information to complain about his site to his ISP ...

HOWEVER.....  You should all check out this ....


Phony 'Forsake Our Troops' Site

A new shock site called Forsake Our Troops (http://www.forsakethetroops.info/index.html) is doing the rounds. It purports to be the homepage of an organization "dedicated to the notion that our nation's military is grossly overcompensated, at the expense of the American taxpayers." In actuality, it's just an attempt to be outrageous. Apparently it was created by a White Power activist called Michael Crook (according to the True or Better (http://trueorbetter.blogspot.com/2005/02/do-it-yourself-cointelpro.html) blog). Crook seems to have a history of doing things like this. Last year he created a fake group called Citizens Against the Troops. Seems like a charming fellow. Of course, this character could insist that he sincerely believes everything he's saying. But I would contend that he only sincerely wants to be obnoxious. (via Malkin Watch (http://malkin-watch.blogspot.com/2005/02/forsake-journalistic-integrity.html))
Update: This is the same Michael Crooks who once claimed to find (http://www.wixt.com/news/local/story.aspx?content_id=84943B7C-660C-40BC-BEEA-D8D72CEA9814) a soldier's digital camera at a football game and told the media that he would return it for a 'finder's fee' of $1000
In reply to the question about what radio station....

"The Border" turns up WBDR radio licenced in Watertown New York.

Real or not, I think this looser has lost his tinfoil beenie and now the alien/CIA/Santa Claus rays are frying his feeble brain...

You know, if there is anything good to be drawn from this its that every single entry in his guest book are from people who want to kill the little bugger...Obviously there is lots of support out there and people are not ready to support this little clown in any way...Not only that but if I was him I would fear for my life, judging by some of the comments I saw there. ;D


Yes Wes, your right and your wrong, Yes its pretty sick, No, only in America, We've got our share
right here in Canada, sad as it is.

They're all in the Liberal Party. No joke...There are actually members of parliment that don't think Canada needs a CF!... ::)
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