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Just got called!!

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Homer_Simpson said:
try paste   do I get my kit at BMQ or do I get it after I sworn in

and see if you can find anything.

Try and paste "Joining Instructions"
George Wallace said:
I think some Unit will have to open up a ID 10T file soon.

I was about to wonder why it took a year and a half to get into a reserve unit....  but not anymore.
Just have a quick question ...

I have completed my CFAT, Medical and Interview. I was given a form to take to my Eye doc to verify my prescription. I returned that the following day. I got a call on Tuesday from Recruiting stating my file had left for Ottawa the previous day.

Am I to expect a phone call from recruiting or will I receive something in the mail from Ottawa? I was told everything is good with my Medical *my eye doc said Im reading at 1 line above 20/20 vision with corrected lenses* so I'm wondering why my file had to leave Halifax. I'm anxious to get started and it seems like my phone will never ring regarding my call.

Thanks in advance

S.Bradbury  :cdn:
Your medical file still has to get the OK from Ottawa, if yours is as straight forward as you say it should not take to long...or at least that was the impression i got when i spoke to the WO about my own file. My medical was sent in this week as well, just waiting now!!  You will get a call from the recruiting office when they are ready to offer you a position or advise you of anything else once the medical is OK'd by Ottawa.
Keebler.... the Medical OK comes out of Borden - not Ottawa
oops i stand correct, i am sure i was told ottawa, but so much information, i could have gotten it wrong!!
Doh!  Kincanucks, you guys are trying to confuse me, aren't you?
Yes, the medical office is in Ottawa now. I just got my medical rejection letter from there. My medical officer said it was because of my drug use and violent history in high school. I was told by her to write a sorry letter to the MD in Ottawa which I did. She said that if I try and make amends and say I haven't done drugs in over 3 years (which I haven't), I can get in possibly. One of the kids in my neighborhood just got into infantry after a 3 YEAR WAIT!! He had to wait because he said he took mushrooms a few months earlier.

What do you guys think of this letter and pronunciation?


February 22, 2007


Dear Captain 0000000,

Thank you for reviewing the medical documents that were provided to you along with my application. The documents you received indeed indicate that I had been diagnosed with recurrent substance induced psychotic disorder in 2004. These symptoms only occur with consistent use of substances. I have not taken any sort of these substances for over 3 years now. Dr.Hirst has not seen me since mid-2004; the documents you received are old and obsolete. I feel that I am more than capable of completing any task in the Canadian Forces.

The common enrolment medical standards must ensure that all recruits are fit for training. This is true in my case as I have trained rigorously and abstained from substance use to exceed physical and mental standards. As for the medication, I would not need any type of it because I am not prescribed for it. Ultimately, medication, physician follow-up or laboratory services are a non-issue with me.

The only limitation of my abilities would be those set forth by the Canadian Forces. I truly believe that I can perform well in extremely hostile circumstances and environments with tough and vigorous training. In no way shape or form would I jeopardize the safety or well-being of the men and women that would be serving along side this recruit.

Please take the opportunity to further consider my application. If you have any questions, you may contact me directly on my cell phone which is 000-000-0000, indirectly at 000-000-0000.



Don't be silly. And dont recoil at the rathe of this site.
Drugs and the forces don't mix.
It you don't like it don't apply.
If your clean, join up and run the race, if not piss off.
Simple enough eh!
1.  you say that Dr Hirst has not seen you since 2004... would sound 100 times better for him to say that he has examined you and that you are no longer the same person... really.  For you to say that the good Dr has not seen you only means that he hasn't seen you, not that you haven't dabbled.

2.  you say that you were rejected because of your violent behavior - but you do not address this issue at all.

3.  "as for the medication"  what medication? I thought you said you were off of it

time to break out the pencil and work on the letter again IMHO

Good luck
I know this is a little off topic from the current conversation but.....I'm very pleased that I just got called! Joining up with the infantry reserves this summer! I was told I would be swearing in sometime around mid-april. This is exciting!
I was just called this morning by CFRC Hamiton!

I've been accepted through a Component Transfer from Infantry Reserve to Reg Force Sig Op, date of employment March 30th 2007! Report to CFB Kingston March 31st! Straight to trade training folks! Can't ask for anymore then that....

Anyone else starting in Kingston anytime soon for Sigs?

Great news, Joe.

I've followed your process on here for some time and it is true, good things come to those who wait.

Congratulations and best of luck!

Congrats!! Best of luck with the rest of the journey!

Hope you will have the time of your life...for all the waiting you have been doing :) good luck
(woulda been better if you had gone Sapper but...) congratulations!

I got the call yesterday for Pilot, starting April 15th in St. Jean!

1 year, 3 months since my application and being the last of my group to get called after passing Nav/Pilot in Trenton in August was tough (they are in basic now).  But the call DID come through when I wasn't expecting. So be patient everyone who has their files for selection.

Well, I accepted of course and will see whoever got into basic the 15th. 