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JTF2 & AFG (merged)

scm77 said:
From the Diemaco site.

"Now go out and get yourself some big black frames
With the glass so dark thay won't even know your name
And the choice is up to you cause they come in two classes:
Rhinestone shades or cheap sunglasses."
                                                          - ZZ Top
If all JTF are pioneers and all pioneers are bearded men- are all Bearded men JTF?

I remember that photo from the paper about  4 years ago....I was shocked at his beard and rounder shape........I was young an naive.....
If all JTF are pioneers and all pioneers are bearded men- are all Bearded men JTF?

OH! OH! OH! So if I grow a beard I should have no problem making it through selection right? Dammit, I knew their was a trick to it; they won't let you pass unless you have beard! Screw that PT shit, I'm just throwing away all my razors!

Gentlemen, I think we're on to something here.
That Cpl on the bridge in kosovo would scare the crap outta me, he looks like a bear holding a toy gun ::)
Gentlemen, I think we're on to something here.

This has got to be one of the funniest threads I have ever read!

PBI-I'm with you completely regarding DHIST. Although their actions are probably well-intentioned they should stick to writing about all the wonderful stuff we do in the various conflicts we get involved in. Let the regiments do for themselves...I don't think that there is a concern for standards being kept up as the infantry regt's usually are the ones to set the standard anyway.

If ZZ TOP is really JTF1...Who do you suppose AEROSMITH is? ;D

Slim :salute: :cdn:
Slim said:
Gentlemen, I think we're on to something here.

This has got to be one of the funniest threads I have ever read!

PBI-I'm with you completely regarding DHIST. Although their actions are probably well-intentioned they should stick to writing about all the wonderful stuff we do in the various conflicts we get involved in. Let the regiments do for themselves...I don't think that there is a concern for standards being kept up as the infantry regt's usually are the ones to set the standard anyway.

If ZZ TOP is really JTF1...Who do you suppose AEROSMITH is? ;D

Slim :salute: :cdn:

Back in the 60's scientist played around with making super soldiers through drug and gene therapy- Aerosmith is the failed results.
rw4th said:
Given the insurmountable evidence that:

1- Assault pioneers guys are big burly guys with beards
2- JTF guys are big burly guys with beards

But then...where did all the skiny guys go?
Northern Touch said:
But then...where did all the skiny guys go?
failed particpants in the JTF selection process end up on menu .....no really :skull:
Northern Touch said:
But then...where did all the skiny guys go?
If I may... 8)
I worked with Cpl Massey in Kockavo... the reason for the un-"Slim-Jim" look is the fact he could bench press IIRC 450 lbs at the time. The Pioneer WO encouraged upper-body strength, and again, IIRC, most weightlifters look like they have a (in my best F@t Bastard voice) "bit of a bellay!" I remember when the order came down to either shave the beards or trim them to CF standard. Broke the morale of a very proud sub-unit. :rage:
I saw a group of large bearded men go through town on Harleys the other day.


Old Guy said:
I saw a group of large bearded men go through town on Harleys the other day.



lmao, man JTF2 must have like half the Federal budget to support all these guys, there are just SOOO many......
Old Guy said:
I saw a group of large bearded men go through town on Harleys the other day.

Harleys are only used by the super secret JTF-3!

Shhhhhhhh   :-X

Darn, I've said too much already. Mods, please delete this post before the black Hyundai Accents (Canada can't afford black helicopters) show up to destroy the servers    :o
rw4th said:
Harleys are only used by the super secret JTF-3!

Shhhhhhhh   :-X

Darn, I've said too much already. Mods, please delete this post before the black Hyundai Accents (Canada can't afford black helicopters) show up to destroy the servers    :o

I thought KIA got that contract?
I saw an episode of American Chopper yesterday. OCC is now making the JTF super secret choppers. Paul Sr. is actually a JTF MWO........

Seriously though folks, why is it that in the CF each and every soldier, sailor, airman and officer thinks they have the need to know?

There are some things that are just best left alone. While the average soldier thinks they have a need to know what is happening to be informed of the 'big picture' there are usually reasons a unit has specific need to know and opsec concerns.......If we all had a right to know what the opsec concerns were........There wouldn't really be a 'need to know' now would there? I am not SF. I have had work in the CF where too many people ask stupid questions which they do not have the right to ask, there can be problems more serious than you are aware of........Thereby outlining one of the many reasons for opsec.

The JTF boys are recognizable, and they're not. Sometimes they're meant to blend, sometimes they're not. It's the little things.......Extended mags on the pistols, some other gucci kit........Or they look like your avg. crunchie.........Like whales being watched in the wild, if you bother them, or try to see more of what they're up to, they'll disappear and maybe not reproduce.........If you wanna know what the whales are doing, become a whale! (ok thats weak i know).

Thats the mystery!! Thats the game! The next time someone flashes a special piece of ID at you, or you haven't seen them around camp before and they look like they don't want to mingle......... and you think you need to know what they're business is, think twice.....Maybe just leave them alone, or try not to whisper as they walk by........They're not jerks, they just don't want to have to lie to you, or be asked a bunch of bone questions. If they're new and on the camp for awhile, you'll eventually get to know what they do.....Or not........

Smiling, but recalling with mild annoyance, :warstory:

Mr. HHitman,
Hey, it's always been that way.  In Vietnam the SF guys invented stories to scare the crap out of us REMFs.  At least, I hope they were invented tales.  Curiosity, man.  Curiosity.  The bane of conspiracies.

The unmarked helos headed north and west.  Um . . . from Cu Chi that's pretty much into Cambodia. 

No Swift Boats headed that way though . . . . :)

I don't think that its the rank and file that want to know, so much...It strikes me more that the media take a huge exception to being left out of the "big picture." I mean after all, if Peter Worthington and that other silly tart (who actually drove out to Dwyer Hill and camped, looking for a photo op) that work for the Ottawa Sun can't know there had better be a good reason! ::)

Seriously though, Ive been around the unit some (I think I have anyway) and no one seemed to make a big deal out of it at all. Most just let them get on with it (whatever "it" may have been ;)

Its a bit like seeing a movie star sitting at a coffee shop in Yorkville (Toronto) Most just let them be.

I think that its great we have so many musicians in the CF...ZZTop, Aerosmith, ect,ect... ;D

Cheers and beers


PS-Oh, and JIm, I once met Richard Marcinko. Got his autograph and everything...Want mine??!! :blotto:
Old Guy said:
I saw a group of large bearded men go through town on Harleys the other day.



"We never confirm or deny the presence of these people."  ;D
Saw this, on the front page of the globe and mail this morning.


JTF2 to hunt al-Qaeda
Canada's top soldier announces mission to root out 'murderers' in Afghanistan


Friday, July 15, 2005

OTTAWA -- Canada's elite JTF2 soldiers are heading to Afghanistan as part of a 2,000-troop deployment that will target the "detestable murderers and scumbags" behind the rise in international terrorism, General Rick Hillier said yesterday.

In a blunt briefing that signalled a new aggressiveness at the top of the Canadian Forces, the Chief of the Defence Staff said the impending operations are risky but necessary in light of last week's bombings in the British public-transit system.

"The London attack actually tells us once more: We can't let up," Gen. Hillier told reporters.

He said terrorists are ready to target Canada as much as any other Western country and that Canadians have to be aware that their soldiers are in for some "risky business" as they head out to Afghanistan

It was the first time Gen. Hillier has confirmed that members of the Joint Task Force 2 -- the country's secretive commando team -- will be involved in combat missions against the remnants of the former Taliban regime and supporters of al-Qaeda.

"These are detestable murderers and scumbags, I'll tell you that right up front. They detest our freedoms, they detest our society, they detest our liberties," Gen. Hillier said.

He stressed the new face of the Canadian Forces, which he said are now focused on the first job at hand: protecting Canadian interests at home and abroad.

"We're not the public service of Canada, we're not just another department. We are the Canadian Forces, and our job is to be able to kill people."

Previous Canadian missions in Afghanistan have provided security in Kabul, the capital. But the next three missions, involving 2,000 troops, will be heavily centred in the southern mountains, where soldiers will be called upon to hunt down and fight the insurgents

Gen. Hillier said Canada is already in the crosshairs of the terrorists, and he does not believe it becomes a bigger target by participating in military operations that give hope to the Afghans.

"We're not going to let those radical murderers and killers rob from others and certainly we're not going to let them rob from Canada," he said.

He pointed out that during the Second World War, Canadian soldiers did not shy away from fighting the Nazis.

"Did they say, 'No we might be attacked over here if we actually stand up against those despicable murderers and bastards?' No, they did not," Gen. Hillier said.

The native of Newfoundland has been the top soldier in Canada for five months. Bolstered by a growing budget, he is promising a "radical transformation" of the forces to make them more effective in their daily operations.

With his straight-talking style, Gen. Hillier has already effected a major change at the top of the military hierarchy in comparison with his blander predecessor, General Ray Henault.

Gen. Hillier is a popular figure among the troops, and he has impressed his political bosses with his vision for the forces.

His goal now is to rally Canadians behind the military and convince young talent to join the expanding forces.

He would not speak about the number of potential casualties among Canadian troops in Afghanistan, while stating there is no such thing as a safe mission.

"You can't reduce the risk to zero," he said.

The recent Canadian rotations in Afghanistan have been centred at Camp Julien in Kabul.

Gen. Hillier said that the coming missions will "shift the centre of gravity to Kandahar," the area of southern Afghanistan that saw the rise of the Taliban.

The goal is to bring stability and democracy to the area, he said, adding that this is "the exact opposite of what people like Osama bin Laden, Mullah Omar and those others want."

Later this month, 250 Edmonton-based soldiers will head out to southern Afghanistan to form what is known as a Provincial Reconstruction Team.

The soldiers will be accompanied by officials from the RCMP and the Canadian International Development Agency, the federal aid agency, to develop ties with local officials and help with the reconstruction of the war-torn area.

In addition, 700 soldiers from Petawawa, Ont., are heading to Kabul to help the Afghan authority conduct a general election, planned for September.

After the vote, a large portion of the forces will move down south to join the PRT and prepare for the arrival of the biggest deployment in Kandahar.

In February of next year, about 1,100 soldiers will set up a new camp in the area, heading up a new multinational brigade that will eventually operate under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, alongside American troops already in the area.

Gen. Hillier also said the army is sending at least 100 armoured vehicles to Sudan.

The Grizzlys are military surplus and several will be sent later this month, with the remainder to follow, he said.

Canada's role in Afghanistan

The Canadian Forces are entering a new stage in their operations as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan in coming months, with a renewed focus on the more volatile southern region of the country.

Three distinct deployments involving more than 2,000 soldiers are in the works, culminating with the presence early next year of a combat force in Kandahar, the birthplace of the terrorist-supporting Taliban regime.


Late July and early August:

250 soldiers leave Edmonton to join a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Kandahar. The goal is to patrol the area in armoured G-Wagons and forge ties with local officials during the six-month mission.

Late July and early August:

700 soldiers from Petawawa, Ont., head out for Kabul to provide security for the general election, scheduled for September.

Late 2005: After the vote, a number of them will join the PRT and prepare for the arrival of a Canadian-led multinational brigade in Kandahar.

January-February, 2006:

1,100 soldiers from Edmonton head out to Kandahar, which will be the home-base for the Canadian-led multinational brigade. Canada will ensure leadership of the brigade for nine months, but the Canadian Forces will provide troops for a full year. In addition to patrolling streets in G-Wagons, the Canadian Forces will use larger armoured vehicles to hunt terrorists and Taliban supporters.


May 5: Attempted kidnapping of 3 foreign World Bank employees in Kabul is foiled.

May 2-6: 10 Afghan soldiers and scores of Taliban militants are killed in fighting.

May 7: 2 Afghan civilians and a UN engineer killed by suicide bomber in a Kabul Internet café.

May 9-13: 16 people killed in violent demonstrations prompted by a Newsweek article on the desecration of a copy of the Koran in Guantanamo Bay.

May 11: A parliamentary candidate and his driver are killed in Ghanzni province.

May 15-16: 5 people are wounded and 1 killed in violence between supporters of rival warlords in Faryab province.

May 18-19: 11 Afghan employees of Washington-based Chemonics company are murdered in 2 separate incidents.

May 18: Afghan television presenter, Shaima Rezayee is shot in the head at her home in Kabul.

May 29: Rocket hits an ISAF compound, slightly injuring a soldier.

June 28: 16 U.S. special forces troops die when their helicopter is shot down during a mission to rescue a 4-man Navy SEAL team. 3 members of the SEAL team are killed and 1 rescued.

July 1-17: Afghan civilians are killed by a U.S. Air Force strike on a suspected militant compound.

July 11-4: Arab al Qaeda militants escape from a U.S. military detention centre at Bagram.



Highly mobile, well-armed and well-protected reconnaissance surveillance vehicle, designed to detect hostile forces using a combination of day camera, radar, thermal imaging, and laser range-finding equipment.

Ballistic-steel hull protects against small-arms fire, mines and high-explosive airbursts.



Currently being phased out, the ILTIS is a 4 x 4 light utility vehicle. In service since 1948 the ILTIS were poorly armoured and difficult to maintain.

AV III (Light Armoured Vehicle)

Fast, well-armed troop carrier. The vehicle is well protected and can be used day and night, in all weather conditions, in battlefield smoke and on most types of terrain. Capable of speeds of up to 100 kilometres per hour on roads. Good anti-mine performance and an automatic fire and explosion suppression system provide additional safety for the crew and soldiers.

NEW IN 2004


Replacing the ILTIS, the new G-Wagon will be used to provide tactical transport in the fields of command and control, liaison, reconnaissance and military police.

I am sure this one line
"We're not the public service of Canada, we're not just another department. We are the Canadian Forces, and our job is to be able to kill people."
is going to piss a lot of people off (mainly the NDP lib-left type).  Frankly as mentioned in the other post of Hillier, this is exactly what we need in our CDS. Someone who is not afraid of shattering the notion of the CF as "lovable peacekeepers with the blue berets".  Now if only we could do something about are recruiting videos to reinforce this view.  :D
Well now it is out in the open, so as to get people to take their heads out of sand and realize that are Canadians out there "fighting" these dipsticks.