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JTF2 & AFG (merged)

Honestly if Dave, Quirky and QV weren't there, it'd just be a back slapping echo chamber of CNN links and Trump hate.

It'll honestly get worse just before the court dates or after a verdict so we'll have to watch it closely. I just feel if we set a standard now, it'll be easy to carry through during the tough times.
Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by Pelorus has been reported by Fishbone Jones. Reason given:
This is a flat out personal attack, loaded with vitriol. I hold a different opinion than the status quo. I shouldn't be attacked for that. It's an attempt to diminish my stance and cancel me.

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Dershowitz is no friend of Trumps. People should read about his background and who he really is before discounting his opinion(s).

First off, I just want to say that it's incredible to me that good-faith actors here continue to engage with you.

This specific thread on this forum is an amazing study of the human psyche: A criminal indictment or other serious, fact-based accusation against Donald Trump is submitted to US federal court. @brihard comments after he's personally reviewed the indictment with a much-better-than-most layperson's interpretation of the document, explaining why he thinks the most recent indictment is significant. You @Fishbone Jones shitpost a bunch of random right wing (note I'm specifically not using the term conservative, because conflating the two here isn't helpful) chaff "articles" designed to stoke right wing anger in response.

@brihard asks you if you've taken the time to read the indictment yourself, and if you have anything to offer to counter the items being discussed. You (by my count near 100% of the time) ignore this, and instead post a National Review, Daily Wire, etc. article about Hunter Biden to try to distract from the facts that he's trying to discuss. This has repeated for nearly 200 pages of this forum.

Regarding Alan Dershowitz: I would think that by this point he's a problematic public figure, given the numerous accusations made against him that peg him as an associate of Jeffery Epstein and a visitor to his island:

Alan Dershowitz Cannot Stop Talking

Alan Dershowitz helped Jeffrey Epstein get a plea deal. Now heā€™s tweeting about age of consent laws.

Jeffrey Epstein Victim Said She Was Forced Into Threesome With Alan Dershowitz

Etc., etc.

Now since then, one of the key witnesses has come forward to say that she could have been mistaken, likely as part of ongoing legal proceedings:

Epstein Survivor Says Accusation Against Alan Dershowitz May Have Been 'Mistake'

Epstein Victim Says She May Have ā€˜Made a Mistakeā€™ in Accusing Dershowitz

I have not followed this case closely enough to take an educated position as to whether or not this is indicative of Dershowitz being "innocent", or rather the victim saw an unprovable case in front of her and took a settlement instead.

My gut tells me that Trump, Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, and a number of other Western elites were probably involved in some gross stuff relating to Epstein's Island, and I can only hope that the truth will someday come out. Again, I'm not going to call Dershowitz a sexual predator without proof, but can probably conclude that his reputation as an independent constitutional scholar is likely not as clean as you make it out to be.

Given that the standard of evidence for conspiracy theorists is typically so rock bottom, and that your profile picture says, "I IDENTIFY AS A CONSPIRACY THEORIST. MY PRONOUNS ARE TOLD/YOU/SO", I have to conclude that you have no interest in seeking the truth or any sort of philosophical resolution to the events discussed in this thread whenever they put Donald Trump or his shitty grifter family in a negative light. Instead, I have to conclude that you are here to repost Newsmax et al., trash and hopefully convince others to adopt your angry, paranoid worldview.

Again, the fact that reasonable members of this forum continue to engage with you IMO speaks to their patience, not to your value-added to this community.
Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by Navy_Pete has been reported by Fishbone Jones. Reason given:
Seriously, this just proves my point that this thread is all about Trump. Anything else is met with this hostility. Can we change the thread title to reflect that? Then have another thread on the rest of US politics, including Biden? Or with the Biden stuff about to break open, maybe a thread just about him and his problems. It's going to get crowded and confusing in here. Maybe keep it separate and appease those that want to make Trump, explicitly, the full content of the thread. Perhaps Biden needs one also. I can spend my time there and leave the others to worry about Trump.Tanks!

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Are there any politicians there that aren't corrupt? There's a lot of money that's going unaccounted for, iirc. We know Shokin was looking into Barisma and biden got him fired. Hunter remained on the board and the investigation was washed away under the new guy. Is he crooked also? Many think so.
Besides it's not Shokin or his replacement we need look at. It's the Biden crime family we need to concentrate on and their involvement and why they meddled.
So you want to ignore the how ever many federal and state charges against Trump and co (and lawyers) and instead focus on Biden?

They have an impeachment hearing on the go, so if they have a case they can make it, but whether or not there is a 'Biden crime family' doesn't change the fact that Trump, his family and hangers on are greasy, fraudeulent white collar criminals. It also doesn't change the fact that Trump refused to peacefully change over after losing a fairly contested election (despite the gerrymandering), and got his supporters to try and break the Constitution in the house, while getting a mob to storm Congress.

This isn't an either/or thing, and your obsession with vague unproven facts on one side, while ignoring mountains of documented proof on the other is a bit unhinged.
Looks like only one side getting his panties in a knot, and showing that TDS goes both ways.

Dave doesnā€™t need to have a customized Me vs Anti-Trump World thread, IMO.
Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by Fishbone Jones has been reported by Fishbone Jones. Reason given:
Remove please. Double post

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Read what I wrote again.
"By going to SCOTUS first, if he can get a favorable ruling, it will nullify Trump's opportunity to go to the appellate court and asking for a ruling on immunity. Going to the appellate court will throw Smithā€™s time lines off to get him tied up in court for the first two months of the official campaign start."
Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by Fishbone Jones has been reported by IKnowNothing. Reason given:
Blatant russian propaganda

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So we have these things called laws, and seeing as CBP personnel are Federal Law Enforcement, and some of our laws deal with Federal LE, and how it's generally not a wise idea to obstruct them.

States have no authority to conduct duties that are assigned to the country. Furthermore the fact that Republicans in congress did a U turn on the border negotiations, just shows how sad this MAGA manufacturing of an imaginary issue is.

Both Gov Abbot, and his moronic AG Paxton are really out on a ledge with no legitimate grounds for their actions.

Worse the Russians are funding this idiocy to try to create even more cracks in our nation.
So just rip that portion of the border wide open again then? Let in more undocumented, untraceable terrorists and criminals. And drugs. And human trafficking. And disease. And, and, and.

I don't think the Republicans are off base. It's a simple construct. Close down and protect the border and the US, as is your duty, and return to the previous working policies or you get no more money to give to Ukranian oligarchs. I see nothing unreasonable about that. I see it as more Schumer and Biden's plan to leave it open as the real impediment. Just like Canada and the liberals, they simply can't be trusted any further than you can spit.

Yup, more Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion.
Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by Jarnhamar has been reported by Fishbone Jones. Reason given:
Can we move all the chip/ covid stuff out of this thread? Tanks.

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Not to legitimize the suggestion there are microchips in the C19 vaccine

There was a decline of 22% in infant mortality between 2002 and 2021 in the US.

It rose by 3% in 2022, the first time in 20 years.

Could be due to covid. Could be due to the vaccine šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø