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Hey Lil T, how are things going?  I hope you are getting the rest you need and healing quickly!  I stop checking in for a few months and look at what happens.  I know you can get through this and when you get back to the mega just keep your head down and give it your all, without breaking yourself again!  Most of the staff is good there and they will help you however they can to get through basic.  I know because I had staff climb the cargo net beside me encouraging me to deal with my fear of heights.  Also, I remember quite vividly by PO yelling at me that he's never seen someone try to go through the 6 foot wall, ice, slip, slam, right into the wall :)  After that, I finished the course with help, my knee was busted but I wanted to finish it, one of my Mcpl's let me dry my hands off on his shoulders for the monkey bars and he held my busted leg a bit for me so I wouldn't land on it.  I had nightmares every time I knew we were going to the obstacle course and I would hope that the weather would be too bad to go :P  I went through that obstacle course more times than I want to remember but I survived and you will too, have a candid talk with a good staff member when you get back to the mega and they will support you through it.
Best of luck and have a happy new year!
It's going pretty good today - we wnt to the art museum and then a lunch date... the leg's feeling a bit better, though it's rather tender after all the walking today.  I have this crazy fear of doing the obstacle course again, I know I have to get over it, but I think I'm going to need a little help in that department.  I go back to St Jean the 11th for an appointment, and then I'm back there the 31st.  I find myself really looking forward to physiotherapy.  Anything that makes me more mobile I am all over like a fat kid on a smartie.

You know, you really gotta keep in touch more often or the next time we talk might be after my grad parade ;)
I am glad things are going well, I am sure once you start physio things will boogy right along!  I start again at physio this week, they have finally determined that some of the damage to my foot is now nerve damage and as I am getting ready to deploy to Alert for 6 months they want to have me all tricked out :)  How was your appointment yesterday, how was it seeing the Mega again?  You will do great once you start basic again, as for the obstacle course, just get through it safely and know you will probably never have to do it again, in your trade.
I will try to keep in touch more; however, I am being to gear up for Alert, once I am there I am sure I will have plently of time to e-mail you and follow your escapes through to your graduation. :)
Take care!
So i finished my application and everything i needed in the past few days, the sergeant at the recruiting center said that i should be expecting a call within the next few days, (the call came as soon as i walked in the door from the recruiting center) they planned my CFAT in 2 weeks and said that i should be shipped to BMQ to anywhere from 6-8 weeks, i applied for signal operations and land communications and information system tech. I am only 18 and in decent shape from highschool, im going insane right now waiting for this to come up, any advice for anything? preparing working out, anything would help
newmet said:
I am glad things are going well, I am sure once you start physio things will boogy right along!  I start again at physio this week, they have finally determined that some of the damage to my foot is now nerve damage and as I am getting ready to deploy to Alert for 6 months they want to have me all tricked out :)  How was your appointment yesterday, how was it seeing the Mega again?  You will do great once you start basic again, as for the obstacle course, just get through it safely and know you will probably never have to do it again, in your trade.
I will try to keep in touch more; however, I am being to gear up for Alert, once I am there I am sure I will have plently of time to e-mail you and follow your escapes through to your graduation. :)
Take care!
  Thanks:)  I've been doing physio since the end of October - and going back yesterday was good.  I like starting new stuff.  Dr's appointment sucked, my fracture at the top of my tibia isn't "knitting" together it seems and my ortho isn't happy with the rate of regrowth there, but at least he's not suggesting surgery again.  Needless to say, I'm a bit disappointed/ heartbroken at the lack of progress on that section of my leg.  The other break is healing well (or at least it was until the baby fell of my leg last night :\).  I have some appointments this morning that I'm kind of looking forward to, but nothing's going to change the fact that my 3 month tcat has been extended another 3 months and I have to go back again in 6 weeks.  I guess I stupidly thought that since I"m walking around without any help and feeling less pain, things would be a lot better than they are.  :\  It was weird seeing the Mega again, good to see some friends though. it's funny, driving up to the Mega seems to always elicit the same response, nausea. 

You won't be hearing about any of my escapades in St Jean, not for a while yet anyway.  Since my medical category has been extended, my staff back in St Jean are going to try to extend my attach posting.  Don't know if that means I'll be staying with the same unit or not, but whatever.  You'll just have to settle for hearing about my attach posting escapades.  :D

Good luck in Alert! Have a good time and try not to go crazy ;D
Well, I am sorry to hear that you aren't recovering as quickly as you hoped but at least your staff is still working on your behalf.  Just don't rush yourself and make sure you are better before you go back.  I certainly understand the nausea comment.  First time I saw the Mega my stomach dropped, same response when I returned after Christmas and then again Easter.  Let me tell you I do not want to see that place again!! :)  Maybe if I ever get promoted to MCpl I will feel comfortable enough to reenter the doors :)
Alert should be interesting, gets me out of the office for 6 months so that should be a good thing :)  No going crazy for me, I hope, I am going to hibernate and maybe not shave my legs for 6 months :P 
Take care and keep in touch :)
haha I've said that too, once I get my Master Jacks or hit PO, I wouldn't mind going back (different perspective and all).  But first, I have to make it through BMQ :P  *sigh*  it's a bit of a blow for sure.  But I'm dealing with it.  Oh, and I am moving.  I'm going over to NDHQ starting Monday.  Should be interesting... I'm a little nervous, but excited to see how things work in the reg force world.  Will try not to be overwhelmed with the vast amount of people there.  ;D

Have a good time in Alert.. :snowman:.. you're gonna need a good waxing when you get back if you decide not to shave for 6 months LOL! 

You'll make it through your BMQ, you'll do great once you are all healed up.  The Mega would be interesting to see even once I have my first hook, might not get yelled at too badly :)  Good luck at NDHQ, you will have fun there and meet some interesting people, I have a few friends in there.
Alert will be alright, get away from the office for 6 months, I can barely wait :)
:D thanks.  I think it's just the waiting to be all healed up that's driving me crazy.  Not  :threat: crazy just  :nana: crazy.  I can't wait to get back so I can get the hell out of there.
Great attitude Lil_T! You'll be %100 in no time and be out there again. Best of luck to you and remember with the great attitude and determination you have right now, keep that for when the time comes to do the obstacal course and you will tear it apart! Again good luck!
shhhhh  ixnay on the obstacle course talk... My positive attitude right now hinges on my not thinking about that thing.  I'll cross that bridge *screaming* when I come to it.  eventually I'll get to the point where I'm ready to get into that mindset again.  Until then, one day at a time.  baby steps
Lil_T said:
shhhhh  ixnay on the obstacle course talk...

Ixnay on the amscray. I haven't heard that since the Bowery Boys!  :rofl:
sheesh what a long, drawn out process this is becoming...
<whine> It would have been nice of my ortho to give me a realistic time line for my leg to heal instead of vague possibilities, I am just frustrated with my situation and want to get back to St Jean so I can get the hell out of there. </whine>
  On the plus side, I'm able to jog - albeit ridiculously awkwardly on occasion now.  So, it's getting better, but damn it's SLOW.  Go back to the ortho in 3 weeks, praying for a better xray/ prognosis.
Whine all you want, you are entitled.  Just remember baby steps and you will get there in no time, even though waiting is depressing and irritating :P  You'll get there, never fear!
Oh I'll get there  ;D  in fact, I'm almost there now!!  Doc says that my leg is "healed" to his satisfaction, so much so that I don't have to go back to see him unless I have a major problem.  :cheers:

Sooooo, once I finish up my physiotherapy (whenever that is) I'll get my fit chit and I am scheduled to go back to prison St Jean  30 June.

Ran into one of my old instructors at the Mega today (had to see my case manager) and had a nice little chat - it was nice to be treated like a real person instead of a student. LOL

Today was a great day, and it can only get better from here.
I'm very glade to hear that everything is starting to workout for you!!! Keep out the great work.... :salute:
Thanks, things are finally starting to look up on all fronts. I'm looking forward to kicking some ass and taking names.
Alright, so I have finished everything, my medical, CFAT, interview, and the clearance i had to get on my head injury and knee injury from my home doctor. I was just wondering how long do I have to wait to find out when I start training? Its been about 3 weeks now and I am getting very anxious.. Any insight would be very helpful, I am stressing out :)