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January 2010 BMQ

Two Weeks left until BMQ on January 9th at CFB Borden.  Taking bus from CFRC Oshawa.
PMW said:
Two Weeks left until BMQ on January 9th at CFB Borden.  Taking bus from CFRC Oshawa.

Three weeks here! So hyped for it.  ;D Feels so close, but so far. Have my train ticket to Toronto purchased already and having a friend drive me up to Borden on the 16th!
  If your're  doing BMQ in Borden...you're lucky!!!  They have it better compared to St. Jean.  Have fun guys :)
CDN Aviator said:
They are also the same for officers.

Lucky for you, they teach ranks over there at the old BMQ.

Fail in the focus department........

I wasn't the one stating that I had been studying the ranks. Personally I'm just making sure I am physically ready and not over thinking anything that could happen in BMQ.  :christmas happy:
Sorry if this has already been asked before but, are the locker where we store our stuff such as wallet/sin card/private documents in our bedroom area? Is it well secured? How big is it? I got a netbook for christmas and I was wondering if it would be wise to bring it to bmq (even though I won't get wifi because I won't be returning in Calgary for awhile)? Also, will there be time to read a book on weeknights and weekends?
redsuspenders said:
Borden BMQ is broken into 4 platoons: Atlantic, Vimy, Britain, & Normandy.  Each platoon will start close to 60 recruits.  We lost some in the first express test, and gained some from St. Jean to take their place.  Now we are at 50.  We graduate this Thursday. :salute:

You were on my platoon.  8)  Give me a hint...section? Initials?  ;D
Dante43 said:
Sorry if this has already been asked before but, are the locker where we store our stuff such as wallet/sin card/private documents in our bedroom area? Is it well secured? How big is it? I got a netbook for christmas and I was wondering if it would be wise to bring it to bmq (even though I won't get wifi because I won't be returning in Calgary for awhile)? Also, will there be time to read a book on weeknights and weekends?

If you are at Borden, you get a personal box (which remains in your bottom drawer) to put your documents and other goods in. After indoc, you can keep your cell phone and camera in there as well. In SJ, there is a very small locker next to your closet, about 1' by 1'.

Laptops will stay in civvy lock-up (an empty room that is locked) until after indoc and even then you will only have access to it on weekends. There is no wireless connection in the barracks (neither at SJ nor Borden).

No personal reading material (i.e. books, magazines, etc.) during the week...your staff will want you to study for your military classes and work on 'kit and quarters', but once again, after indoc and on weekends, you can get all that stuff out of civvy lock-up. That is, if you (your platoon) don't lose the privilege.

It's incredible how much you find yourself missing the simple things like listening to music during those first 5 weeks.  :P
Hi there, I am staring BMQ Jan 11, 2010 in Borden, and I am 46, and will be an RMS Clerk. Time is flying and not much time left, oh boy!
armygirlangie said:
Hi there, I am staring BMQ Jan 11, 2010 in Borden, and I am 46, and will be an RMS Clerk. Time is flying and not much time left, oh boy!

Hi armygirlangie,

Welcome, the BMQ has a good mix of older recruits and I am looking forward to reporting in at Borden on the 9th of January and meeting everyone.  I sent you a PM with the URL to the Facebook group for BMQ 0340
Thanks very much. I am driving my car up from St. George, Ontario. What time are most people arriving? Don't want to look like a geek, or be too early or too late.... I have wheels, oh yeah...
armygirlangie said:
Thanks very much. I am driving my car up from St. George, Ontario. What time are most people arriving? Don't want to look like a geek, or be too early or too late.... I have wheels, oh yeah...

I am taking the bus leaving CFRC Oshawa at 10:30 and it stops at CFRC Toronto and leaves at 11:30.  I would say arriving at Borden between 13:00 - 14:00.

I will bring my car after the 4 week indoctrination is over.  It will be nice to have the ability to go home on weekends.
heheheh...get ready for your world to be flipped upside-down!!!!!!  And probably your freshly made, ready for inspection bed too, lol.  ;D    I'm not kidding, but it's a good time nonetheless ;)
I'm driving as well. I'll probably plan to get there  between noon and 1pm. Give me an hour or so to relax from driving and just take some time before I actually go inside. How is everyones physical prep going so far? Assuming that your are preparing yourself. I'm doing ok. Smoking 20 years has seemed to slow me down a bit.  :-\  Gonna have to head out for another run later today. Can't really let this chilly weather stop us, not with only 12 days to go.
Swearing in next week and leaving for BMQ the week after. Fully hyped!! god damn :D
I don't know about all of you but Christmas did not help, that darned eggnog is so good teamed up with some cookies  :'(. I'm leaving my job in 2 days so that leaves me 2 full weeks to really cinch down on things.

All of you heading out on the 9th must be getting really excited. I'm going on the 16th and I'm already getting anxious.
Swear in on the 7th, fly out the 16th starting BMQ @ Borden 18th. 

As far as physical prep goes, just running a lot, not fast or anything, doing the weights etc.  Mostly trying to get the cardio up. 

Very excited and nervous at the same time!
CallOfDuty said:
...remember, the first one there gets to be course senior!!!!

I have that title in both age (50) and rank ( Cpl. )
Yes, finally got my registration complete! Anyways my swear in on the 14th of jan, fly out on the 16th, and start on the 18th.

I'm interested if any of you are young like myself......18.