recceguy said:
How are modern Muslims trying to stop the tribal fanatic islamists, ISIS, AQ, and the rest?
Basically Islamic scholars are doing all they can I think I posted a pdf file for a list before.. I may have to search for it.. But here is a primer anyways Mufti aasim has a lot of work here that helps prevent recruitment via education. His YouTube and Facebook channels are good too.
Can they withhold donations and things like that? How do your scholars approach that problem?
My friends that I know personally believe more in prevention through education... I'm not sure how scholars could influence the financial industry that I would think is more of a national and international issue. Muslims don't exactly do fundraising for extremists and then go "haha we fooled you" and keep the cash they usually just report the extremists.. or the countries bomb them.
Fox reported we report.. that surprised me I have to use it lol
If any Muslim scholar I know of was told to send money to extremists, he would not and he would report it.
What kind of pressure could they bring to bear to stop what's going on?
Military alliance to stop it sound good?
But lots of theological fatwas etc have been passed to try and curb/stop the issue. Again see earlier posts.
Is there a way to get Middle Eastern countries to start taking care of their brethren. Saudi Arabia, for example, has refused to take in a single refugee from other countries like Syria. That would seem to me as 180 degrees opposite from what the Muslim faith espouses, is it not?
If it was true, I would completely agree.
I know there are different sects that hate each other, but aren't the basic tenets to be followed by all? Similar to all the different Christian sects? I'd be interested to hear your Imam's point of view on this. Maybe something we haven't thought of. Or maybe something that can be accomplished together.
If you believe these 5 things your Muslim. Period, end, of, story.
*puts on rose colored glasses* we do get along shayk badat yusuf is a chap i respect and follow to an extent. (I'm actually singing "lets all be friends" right now, I need help

*takes off glasses* but outside of the West this is a very serious issue and it ticks me off that one Muslim kills another because he believes just slightly different. But it is not as bad as it is made out to be. But that is anecdotal from my friends in different countries that currently have issues.. they don't understand either and are surprised how much media time this issue gets. So I can tip on this if shown to be wrong with objective evidence.
Sorry, I know that's a lot of questions and I'm not looking for an immediate answer on any of them. I just need to try understand things a little better. Take your time and consult your Imam if you wish, which I hope you do, as I'm interested in their opinion also.
The consulting part is embarrassing because of my new phone I lost a LOT of numbers, I'm getting calls from random numbers and they are buddies numbers I lost. But I'll post stuff of scholars I follow for generic knowledge here. Again I am embarrassed it's been a while and a lot of my bookmarks are missing so it is doubly embarrassing.
Shayk Atabek shukrov on Isis via taymiyyah he has more academic stuff that is amazing to read if you have lots of time he covers a lot of issues. I am currently trying to get a book he has done too.
I have met syed as well as shayk badat used to have both their numbers.. But they are active in a fight against radicalization on many fronts. If you guys live in Calgary do meet syed he is awesome and shayk badat in toronto.
Mufti aasim and my friends in the bcma and their program against terrorism
If you peruse shayk Syed, Shayk Yusuf badat , Mufti Aasim Rashid and Shayk Atabek Shukrov you will get a good idea of what my friends believe. Those are the most Google noticeable of the guys I know. If you want another good one from a guy I respect but do not know look up Mufti menk he is an easy listening preacher. He has a lot on YouTube too