Good2Golf said:Can he still get $10.5M and other Government-of-Canada provided rehabilitative loving and caring if he stays in the U.S.?
Well, maybe a photo op next time the PM visits the US.
Good2Golf said:Can he still get $10.5M and other Government-of-Canada provided rehabilitative loving and caring if he stays in the U.S.?
Jarnhamar said:What is it about Islam that makes people so violent and not just want to kill non-believers but actually try to?
Jarnhamar said:I don't think you're facing the reality of what's going on in the middle east and much of Europe.
AbdullahD said:Why do you say this? My previous comment was not polite.
jollyjacktar said:ER, IIRC, pointed out though if you were to go back in time to different periods, it was "this" group or "that" society who were running amok, hacking and slashing.
At this particular juncture, it seems as if some elements of Islam are off their rockers and running amok.
Seeing as it's varied on who the retards of the moment are throughout history perhaps it's more of a species flaw that has been manipulated by con artists ready to act. This week, it's Islam week.
Jed said:I would say your 'week' timeframe is a little skewed. A time span crossing 2 or three generations is probably more accurate. I would pile on with Jarnhamar's opinion.
jollyjacktar said:I was not being literal with "week". But, seeing as you went "there", l think you'll find that three generations ago, it was Germany that we had issues with. Not Islam.
I am critical of Islam but not in a harsh and condemning way, however I am very condemning of terrorist extremism which, to me in this day and age seems to be predominantly by muslims.AbdullahD said:Yes 58 pages or more if you count other threads on this site, no doubt many more.
But you have made an allegation which implies my interpretation and understanding of Islam is "watered down" or "modernized" and biased. Which makes me wonder how many of my replies to your query or the queries of others you have actually read. A lot of my replies center around evidence from scholars from hundreds of years ago or are extremely main stream in the Islamic world, ie followed by thousands and thousands of Muslims. Many of the scholars, who I reference have never EVER been accused of watering down or modernizing Islam.. yet you seem to feel they did by launching those allegations at me.
So i as always enjoy your critical eye, but it seems, as if the burden of proof for me is far higher then it is for you.. simply because you view me as a biased convert, with no real world exposure. So I admit No, I have not seen battle or blood, but I do not admit to being ignorant unless you care to show me where I have shown you that I am so. Then I will concede and leave it be and comment no more.
I argue that social, economic, monetary and psychological issues are what truly fuel radicalization and religion, politics and ideologies are simply the excuse that is used to whip up the masses to see red.
I blame Muslims for Muslim issues ie Isis the Taliban etc. I don't sit here and whine about who invaded those Muslim countries or tried over throw them or funded different interest groups. Which I could, but to me it is a moot point because everyone will answer for himself before God and should do so in this life too for the decisions they make. So of course I know we will argue in circles, but I for one, think the world needs it.. even if we never agree.. but let's just try to keep it cleaner. If you feel I truly am these things then display your proof or reasons and I'll counter and we either stop or move on.
You are a wise person and not afraid to be critical of things you think deserve it.. I just hope I can make you critical of these idiot Muslims who do these acts and not Islam. It's an uphill battle, with every disadvantage for me but I think you deserve me annoying you
Ps it was rude Mikeha ha lol
AbdullahD said:Yes 58 pages or more if you count other threads on this site, no doubt many more.