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Individual Meal Pack (IMP) [Merged]

NATO Boy said:
The Baked Cherry Dessert is also good for when you don't wanna completely eat it; you can take little bits here and there since it's a baked dessert (and not some liquid oddity.)

Or failing that make it additional armour in your flak vest.  ;D
Fry said:
IMP steak sauce is deadly

All too true. A joke that went around on our BMQ: What have IMP steak sauce and CLP got in common? Both can be fatal if ingested...
Never had a problem with it...

If there's a condiment in an IMP, whether it's normally associated with the meal in civvie circles or not, you will eventually become unable to eat said meal without said condiment (Off the top of my head, Lamb Stew + Mustard... god I've come to love that for some unknown reason)
Anyone else remember the little square boxed IRPs?  Those were great.. field meals are always more civilized with a can of hormel cocktail wienies, somehow.  And the church key inside was a godsend, too.  Cross and Blackwell Chocolate Walnut Cake in a can, anyone? Yummers...

G-Man said:
Or failing that make it additional armour in your flak vest.  ;D

Heh...of course, now I know the real reason why the Tac Vest has a Map Pocket!  ;D
Kat Stevens said:
Anyone else remember the little square boxed IRPs?  Those were great.. field meals are always more civilized with a can of hormel cocktail wienies, somehow.  And the church key inside was a godsend, too.  Cross and Blackwell Chocolate Walnut Cake in a can, anyone? Yummers...


I thought the old IRP's were okay. I've never had one of these newfangled IMP's but they sound pretty good in comparison to what I recall in them. (I never had  cocktail weinies in an IRP, must be after my time!)
Remember the cold greasy bacon in a can that came in the IRP's? Deadly if eaten cold, not too bad warmed up.
Do they still have the Hungarian Goulash (sp?).  Man I loved that stuff...
Remember the canned bacon and eggs?  Definitely an acquired taste,,,


How about the RP-4s issued circa 1971?  Cardboard box with 24hrs of food, mostly cans.  Jambalaya was the most detested menu.  They were replaced with something that came in two cardboard boxes - cans in one, the rest in another. Then, the two cardboard boxeswere replaced by two half boxes covered in plastic shrink wrap. (IRPs I think). 
am i the only sicko here that misses the "lung" (omelet)? i seem to recall it disappearing sometime in the 90s.
Joe Blow said:
Do they still have the Hungarian Goulash (sp?).   Man I loved that stuff...

I remember that stuff, I think they pulled it a few years ago
MikeM said:
Agreed with your statement about the Baked Chocolate Tom, eating a few of those will turn you into a diabetic.. jesus.

speaking of things that will turn you into a diabetic, how about those Carmelized Apples
x-grunt said:
I thought the old IRP's were okay. I've never had one of these newfangled IMP's but they sound pretty good in comparison to what I recall in them. (I never had   cocktail weinies in an IRP, must be after my time!)
Remember the cold greasy bacon in a can that came in the IRP's? Deadly if eaten cold, not too bad warmed up.

You are thinking of the older RP 4 rations (I dating myself).   They had all that canned stuff.   Some of it was pretty good.   If you had a "cook" in your section who had some imagination and time, by the time you came back from a patrol, he could have made a gourmet meal from all of your Rats.   You definitely needed a frying pan for that bacon.
There was always something in the RP4s being pulled. The sardines in tomato sauce springs to mind, as does the chocolate bar.

You could make a decent meal on the march out of the packet of instant mashed potatoes mixed with ambient temperature water from your canteen followed by the canned fruit cocktail with a packet of sugar added.

The canned chicken was not too bad cold, except for the congealed fat.
I'm still waiting to get issued my portable replicator. Anyone got theirs yet? :D
wish they'd include more drink crystals per package, or more potent crystals. not enough drink... lol