The request for Disability Compensation on behalf of xx was reviewed by DCSM.
Based on the information on the file, xx was injured while playing [the sport]. This activity does not fall in the parameters of CBI 210.72(4) - Deemed Class A Service, as [the sport] is not a prescribed activity, as part of an authorized fitness program of the CF Expres or the LFCPFS program.
If this was a Unit activity directed by his Commanding Officer, xx should have been signed in at the time of the injury, which he was not.
Unless further information is made available, this request cannot be approved.
P.S. I noticed that the term Reserve Disability Compensation has been used. CANFORGEN 115/08 also officially changed the name from "Compensation for Disability and Death Gratuity - Reserve Force" to "Reserve Force Compensation (RFC) During a Period of Injury, Disease or Illness." I have to keep reminding unit Adjt's and Adm staff of that change of name