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How many waiting for AEC?

airmich said:
Even North Bay?!?!  ;) hehe...and yes, I will keep bugging you about YYB.  I might even feel bad if you end up getting posted there. 

Jinx #2!  :rage: That's it, Mich, I've got a voodoo doll with your name on it! Stop jinxing me!  :threat:  lol
VFR is all wings basically,and IFR at those 6 that I mentioned.  I'm going IFR in January.  I'm just pre-OJT right now, and DL in October.
Neilio said:
VFR is all wings basically,and IFR at those 6 that I mentioned.  I'm going IFR in January.  I'm just pre-OJT right now, and DL in October.

Was IFR your preference? And what is your pre-OJT like? I hope I'm not bothering you with all these questions. I will be going on this journey next year, and love getting whatever info I can, as it's hard to come by. ;)
My pre- OJT is pretty boring actually.  It will be better once my DL course starts but until then there's some shadowing, pretty much just a lot of stuff not related to AEC.  IFR was my first choice.  But I want to get into TACP in a few years anyway, so just buying time while I get my TACP courses.  Yeah any questions ask away.  But don't try to be too prepared, because no one's path is the same.  People come and go, and career managers come and go, so don't expect your career to go like mine or anyone else's here, because you may just set yourself up for heartache.
Neilio said:
My pre- OJT is pretty boring actually.  It will be better once my DL course starts but until then there's some shadowing, pretty much just a lot of stuff not related to AEC.  IFR was my first choice.  But I want to get into TACP in a few years anyway, so just buying time while I get my TACP courses.  Yeah any questions ask away.  But don't try to be too prepared, because no one's path is the same.  People come and go, and career managers come and go, so don't expect your career to go like mine or anyone else's here, because you may just set yourself up for heartache.

Well, after BMOQ, "boring" might be a nice change of pace.  ;D  What's TACP?
Celticgirl said:
Well, after BMOQ, "boring" might be a nice change of pace.  ;D  What's TACP?
Here is a definition of TAC-P, it is an American one, but the description pretty much sums it up.  What is not mentioned, but is a fact(unless recently changed) people going TAC-P come from a Weapons background not IFR or VFR so if you wanted this you would need weapons training and quals first:
"On a battlefield, they form a tactical air control party team that plans, requests and directs air strikes against enemy targets in close proximity to friendly forces. A TACP is generally a two-airman team, working in an Army ground unit and directing close air support firepower toward enemy targets on the ground"
Gazoo said:
Here is a definition of TAC-P, it is an American one, but the description pretty much sums it up.  What is not mentioned, but is a fact(unless recently changed) people going TAC-P come from a Weapons background not IFR or VFR so if you wanted this you would need weapons training and quals first:
"On a battlefield, they form a tactical air control party team that plans, requests and directs air strikes against enemy targets in close proximity to friendly forces. A TACP is generally a two-airman team, working in an Army ground unit and directing close air support firepower toward enemy targets on the ground"

Is this what Prince Harry was doing in Iraq? They were calling him an "air controller" in the newspaper, but I didn't think he was an AEC or AC Op.
Celticgirl said:
Is this what Prince Harry was doing in Iraq? They were calling him an "air controller" in the newspaper, but I didn't think he was an AEC or AC Op.
In a nutshell, Yes Prince Harry is an "Air Weapons Controller".  Maybe we should invite him to our next mess dinner as the guest speaker?
The following are quotes from British newspaper articles:
"Cornet Wales begins training as a JTAC (joint terminal attack controller) - also referred to as a forward air controller (FAC) - at RAF Leeming near Northallerton in North Yorkshire. He is taught to control aircraft operating over a battle area, ranging from fast jets carrying bombs or surveillance planes to regular troop transports and supply drops."
"He is to work as part of a two-man TACP team in the south of Helmand"
"December 31 - Harry oversees his first air strike. Two US F15 jets drop three 500lb bombs on a bunker system behind Taliban lines in which up to 15 enemy fighters have been positively identified from the air."

Just to clarify (and I don't have my handy TACP presentation in front of me).  There are two types of TACP.  The first, which in the Canadian TACP brief, is called TACP-? (I can't rememeber the letter , and like I said, I'm not at work right now).  It is ordering air strikes from the ground.  The second type is TACP-h.  H= helo, and you are basically bringing the griffons or heavy lift choppers to the troops so they can board and get the hell out of there.  You may need a weapons background to order air strikes, but I really don't think so as an officer at my unit has been asked weekly to take the courses to be qualified, and he's a VFR and former IFR controller.  He has actually done ex's as a TACP controller to see what its like.  So for sure you don't need weapons to do TACP-h, as you are just landing helos on the ground for troops to board what ever other reason.
Basically you are correct.  It is my understanding that the first 'non-weapons' person just went on rotation to Afganistan.  My real message(advice) to you is not to make plans before you complete your basic course.  It is a tough course, and looking to what you would like to do in a few years before you even start your basic course can make things tougher(trust me I've seen it before).
See you in January.
Gazoo, and any others that are interested.  I found out today that to do TACP you don't need a weapons background.  Just crazy enough to do it I guess, haha.  This comes from a conversation with my chain of command.  He's also done some TACP type exercises and said, that you wouldn't need it anyway, but considering I don't know too much about it, I trust he knows what he's talking about, considering he's promoting it.
Oh god, the markets wont stop crashing.... PLEASE TAKE ME CF!!! I don't wanna work another day in finance! People are already checking if the windows will shatter  :P

Oh, my white blood cell count is good now. Hopefully I'll be in before January.
I remember a guy quiting on the second day because he overslept and a sargeant went into his room at 0700 to give him a personal "wake-up call"  >:D  oops wrong thread
koopa said:
Oh god, the markets wont stop crashing.... PLEASE TAKE ME CF!!! I don't wanna work another day in finance! People are already checking if the windows will shatter  :P


Oh, my white blood cell count is good now. Hopefully I'll be in before January.

Hope you hear something soon!
Gazoo said:
In a nutshell, Yes Prince Harry is an "Air Weapons Controller".

No, he is not.

He is an Armoured officer.

FAC is a sideline.

I was a FAC as a Kiowa PILOT, and an authorized observer on the Arty net (ie could conduct fire missions).

I'm still awaiting for my medical. I don't blame them if they take long but could anyone tell me how long it usually takes for Ottawa to get back to my CFRC about my status? I heard the general wait is 3weeks or so but I'm applying for AEC so there might be some sort of air factor or they might have accidentally done the medical test for pilot.
koopa said:
I'm still awaiting for my medical. I don't blame them if they take long but could anyone tell me how long it usually takes for Ottawa to get back to my CFRC about my status? I heard the general wait is 3weeks or so but I'm applying for AEC so there might be some sort of air factor or they might have accidentally done the medical test for pilot.

Hi Koopa,

Like you, I was declined initially for the medical portion, but went to a specialist and then my file went before the medical board again. I believe it took approximately the same amount of time the second time around as the first - 3 weeks sounds about right. I see that you also applied for Log O and Pilot. I don't know if there is an additional wait time for Pilot positions. Someone else here may know. Also, if you have a business background, you may just get an offer for Log O over AEC when the offer finally comes in.

When did you call the CFRC last? If you don't hear from them after a couple of weeks goes by, give them a call for an update. Showing your continued interest is a good thing. ;)

*PM inbound re: January courses.
I had pilot removed from my desired trades in order to speed up the process; my recruiter suggested this as the trade is full as well. I'm just hoping that they had not accidentally put it back on the list.

It's only been 4 weeks since the application got sent to Ottawa so I'm not overly concerned. I called last Friday to make sure an AEC opening was still available. I'm anxious to find out so I know if I should look for other opportunities (i.e. grad school/new job) or hold tight for another few weeks (which may eliminate my chances of getting a job/into grad school)

Also, thanks for all the info Celticgirl