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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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My experience is dated and is post-blast based. But that blast shape seems like it going out from an enclosed space and liquid based. But that’s a wild guess- it’s been over a decade since I ve looked at that stuff. Just making convo.
Had the same impression, you ain't crazy. :p
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There certainly isn't anyone protesting Hamas's behavior from inside Gaza. Like "Hey stop firing rockets from our civilian neighborhoods". Or "Hey Hamas stop indoctrinating our children". [2007, 2013 , 2023 ]

What's your thought process with throwing out this suggestion? Do you NOT feel strongly about babies being shot in their car seats and set on fire? Or men women and children being stolen from their homes and brought to Gaza?

This isn't a case of 1% baddies and 99% innocent bystanders being held at gunpoint. You can see the support for Hamas yourself in videos. There are plenty of videos of unarmed Palestinians challenging IDF soldiers or throwing rocks at them. Here is a lovely video of a father pushing his 6 or 7-year-old son to challenge IDF soldiers including telling his kid to pick up rocks and throw them at the soldiers.

If they can do this to IDF then they can do it to Hamas.
The difference is that the Israeli soldiers are extremely unlikely to shoot the child under any circumstance while Hamas has proven they they have no reservations shooting children.
View attachment 80695

These social warriors do realize what happens to queers in Palestine right? :ROFLMAO:
Of course just being Western, white, non-Muslims could pose a problem for them with Hamas even without their sexual orientation coming into the equation.
This isn't a case of 1% baddies and 99% innocent bystanders being held at gunpoint. You can see the support for Hamas yourself in videos. There are plenty of videos of unarmed Palestinians challenging IDF soldiers or throwing rocks at them. Here is a lovely video of a father pushing his 6 or 7-year-old son to challenge IDF soldiers including telling his kid to pick up rocks and throw them at the soldiers.

If they can do this to IDF then they can do it to Hamas.
My guess is that Hamas has control of Gaza’s media so any dissenting views are quashed. So, if folks don’t see others rising up, many won’t - it’s not like the movies where everyone is a hero and would stand alone against tyranny.

Also, assuming Hamas has control of Gaza’s media and what the residents see/hear there, it would be almost a perfect place to spread misinformation and disinformation. Telling them that Hamas is their only hope, and that the IDF would be more savage than them, so the residents should allow Hamas to use all means necessary - including human shields and using hospitals as HQs and firing points.

The more I think about it, the more I’m likening this to a cult.
No one during the Second World War argued that Britain should supply electricity to Germany. On the contrary, we blockaded and bombarded that country – aware, as we did so, that we were harming civilians, including some who opposed the regime.

The West is truly lost if it can’t see Hamas for what it really is​

The terror group deliberately started a war against Israel. It is morally responsible for what happens next
DANIEL HANNAN14 October 2023 • 5:45pm

Hamas is not a terrorist group that happens to operate out of Gaza. It is the de facto government of that tragic sliver of land, providing its prime minister, regional governors and civil administrators.
When Hamas sent airborne and motorised units to massacre Israeli civilians, it was deliberately starting a war. Sure enough, within hours of the abomination, Benjamin Netanyahu had declared that “Israel is at war”, a status his cabinet formally ratified the following day.
Critics of Israel talk as if the Gaza Strip were somehow still under Israeli jurisdiction, and Israel thus directly responsible for the welfare of its people.
But Israel is in a state of declared conflict with a hostile neighbour. While it must honour the Geneva convention and seek to minimise civilian casualties, its primary goal is victory.
No one during the Second World War argued that Britain should supply electricity to Germany. On the contrary, we blockaded and bombarded that country – aware, as we did so, that we were harming civilians, including some who opposed the regime.
It is impossible to degrade enemy infrastructure without the risk of collateral deaths. This is what makes wars so hideous, and it is why we should punish those who begin them.
You might object to my parallel. Britain was fighting for its survival, you might say, whereas Israel is attacking a territory that lacks regular forces, warships and military aircraft.
But look at it from an Israeli perspective. Last weekend’s evil exposed a terrifying vulnerability. Israel’s worst nightmare is a three-front war against Hamas in the south, Hezbollah in the north and an armed uprising on the West Bank, all backed by Syria and Iran.
Israelis know what a reversal would mean – the kibbutz horrors tell them that.
“Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees,” says the 1988 Hamas Covenant, “and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.’”

“Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees,” says the 1988 Hamas Covenant, “and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.’”
With Canada's birthrate declining at roughly 0.75% yearly, we need immigrants. Just not maybe as many as JT would like.

Plan B...

Give our kids some hope that they can afford to buy a house and raise kids of their own, convince them that they will not be fried, frozen or drowned due to bad weather, and encourage them to have large families again.

Convince them there is a future worth living.

Edit: Most of all convince them that they are not bad people for existing.
Last week’s Hamas attack had a specific goal: to capsize the rapprochement between Israel and its Arab neighbours. It worked.

Saudi Arabia, which had been on the verge of normalising relations with the Jewish state, has pulled back. Friday’s sermon in Mecca’s Grand Mosque was about the “liberation” of al-Aqsa. Mohammed bin Salman, the country’s blood-stained Crown Prince, has had his first phone call with the Iranian president.

The violence may be a calamity for Israelis and Palestinians, but it is a victory for the ayatollahs, who feared that the Israel-Saudi entente was aimed at them. It is a victory, too, for Iran’s Russian allies, delighted by suggestions that Gulf states might cut their energy sales in solidarity with Gaza.

Further to my earlier stated belief that there is a direction connection between the rejection of capitalism and the liberal West and the West's enforcement of an anti-slavery regime

Modern slavery worldwide - Statistics & Facts​

When hearing the word slavery, many people think of the several millions of slaves transported from Africa to the Americas between the early 1500s and the late 1800s. Even though this form of slavery has been abolished, people continue to be forced into exploitation today, a phenomenon known as modern slavery. Modern slavery refers to people exploited for other people's commercial or private gains. The victims are coerced into modern slavery through a variety of means, including violence and physical and psychological threats. Worldwide, an estimated 50 million people are victims of modern slavery, of which the highest number is found in Asia and the Pacific. However, when looking at the number of victims per 1,000 population, the number is highest in the Arab states.

An estimated 50 million people were living in modern slavery as of 2021, according to the Walk Free's flagship report Global Slavery Index 2023. North Korea is the country with the highest rate of people experiencing modern slavery in 2023, with as many as 104 people living under these conditions out of every 1,000 inhabitants. It is followed by Eritrea with 90 people per 1,000 inhabitants, Mauritania with 32 per 1,000 and Saudi Arabia with 21 per 1,000.

In terms of the largest estimated absolute numbers though, India ranks first (11,050,000 people in modern slavery), followed by China (5,771,000), North Korea (2,696,000), Pakistan (2,349,000), Russia (1,899,000), Indonesia (1,833,000) and Nigeria (1,611,000).

Modern slavery includes forced labor, debt bondage, forced marriage, slavery and slavery-like practices, and human trafficking.

Slavery, as far as much of the world is concerned, like marriage, is an honourable estate.

For reference.

Additional perspective on the Abraham Accords.

In the 1840s the muslim world started to give up slavery under duress. They were dragged to the release of slaves by the Brits during the Pax Britannica of 1814 - 1914. The effort continued through the twentieth century with some of the last holdouts being the Arabs of the Middle East.

1952 Qatar
1962 Saudi Arabian and North Yemen
1964 Trucial States (Gulf of Arabia)
1967 South Yemen
1970 Oman

In Africa

1960 Niger and Mali
1961 Nigeria and Morocco
1981 Mauritania

My firm belief is that this disruption of the natural order by the Western Powers in general and the Anglo-Saxons in particular is what is at the heart of the troubles with the Muslim community.

Their economies weren't defined by gold or oil. They were defined by slaves. Slaves, like cattle, were wealth. With the added filip that slaves defined a hierarchical, top down, command society.

The antithesis of the bottom up presbyterian enlightenment.

One lifetime is not enough time to remove millennia of conditioning. Especially when there is a difference between the treaties government signs and the laws governments enforce.

The sheikhs have not forgiven the ministers.

Why are liberal capitalists hated? Because we humiliated them.

We forced them to give up their slaves.
We also disrupted the Muslim world when the Ottomans chose the losing side in WW1 and Kemal Ataturk became a liberal.
We also destroyed the gold standard.

Personally I think all of those were grand events, although the gold standard still appeals to me. But 2/3rds to 4/5ths of the world seems to disagree with me.
Plan B...

Give our kids some hope that they can afford to buy a house and raise kids of their own, convince them that they will not be fried, frozen or drowned due to bad weather, and encourage them to have large families again.

Convince them there is a future worth living.

Edit: Most of all convince them that they are not bad people for existing.
Except that this isn’t only a Canadian, or even a new issue. As countries get wealthier and standard of living goes up, usually the number of children per couple goes down.

Having large families means that one of the parents essentially stops working. It would be a hard sell to the younger generation to say to them that they should pursue education and work, but then stop working to raise a large family.

We should definitely convince people that there is a future worth living, but not having kids doesn’t mean that those folks are doom and gloom about the future. I personally believe that the ”traditional” view has been so ingrained that some folks had kids despite really not wanting them, out of cultural pressures - think about how many parents urge their children (as adults) to have children so they can be grandparents. Also, some folks expect their kids to take care of them in their old age, despite how they were as parents to them.

But I digress.