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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Paul Wells has thoughts.

Sounds about right.

I think at this point, Trudeau is beginning to appreciate a few folks near to him pointing out that he’s heading towards a peRfect storm….R…..ecession. It’s coming….late in 2024, say Q3 and will be moderate in scale (notably less than 2008), or it will be pushed off into early-2025 and be significantly worse. I suspect that compared to other nations that will try to meaningfully address the developing recession, Trudeau (and Canada along with him in tow) will follow the lead of Nero, and pull out a spiffy red fiddle and play some jaunty tunes as Canadians see themselves approaching a much bleaker future.
Sounds about right.

I think at this point, Trudeau is beginning to appreciate a few folks near to him pointing out that he’s heading towards a peRfect storm….R…..ecession. It’s coming….late in 2024, say Q3 and will be moderate in scale (notably less than 2008), or it will be pushed off into early-2025 and be significantly worse. I suspect that compared to other nations that will try to meaningfully address the developing recession, Trudeau (and Canada along with him in tow) will follow the lead of Nero, and pull out a spiffy red fiddle and play some jaunty tunes as Canadians see themselves approaching a much bleaker future.

Meanwhile, at the Liberal party fundraiser ;)

Hungry Dan Aykroyd GIF by Saturday Night Live
We've had this thread for over a year now and I haven't seen any concrete evidence that Trudeau is boosting military spending. Every time I click on this thread I'm dissapointed.

Perhaps we should use truth in advertising principles and rename the thread "Justin Trudeau still has done nothing about boosting Canada's military spending."


In fairness the thread is titled « Justin Trudeau Hints at Boosting Defence Spending »

I never really believed it, and sadly, it will likely continue this way regardless of who is in power.
Ms Anand is now ordering fed depts to find $15B cuts by Oct

In an earlier article it mentioned that DND and Health Canada would not face cuts - this possibly could mean no increases either.

For the PS, this could mean job cuts reminiscent of Paul Martin when he was the Min of Fin.
More service fees or increases in existing fees.

Watch and shoot.
Ms Anand is now ordering fed depts to find $15B cuts by Oct

In an earlier article it mentioned that DND and Health Canada would not face cuts - this possibly could mean no increases either.

For the PS, this could mean job cuts reminiscent of Paul Martin when he was the Min of Fin.
More service fees or increases in existing fees.

Watch and shoot.
Could start with the….ummm…$15B that Trudeau said wasn’t worth CRA recovering.

The ~30% increase in PS since Trudeau came to power has proven to be an incredibly poor return on investment for government productivity. Perhaps good for securing several 100,000 votes for the LPC in the next election, but very little in the way of government productivity.
Maybe she's being hidden there to escape the fallout of a government that seems to be in decline. Out of Sight and out of mind until Trudeau and his more visible team are gone, so she can step in a lead the part to better fortunes after they are ousted.
Some more evidence that Anand's best interests may not have been in the hearts of the Shuffle Demons :)
How to make friends among cabinet colleagues? Not? We'll see ... 🍿
Could start with the….ummm…$15B that Trudeau said wasn’t worth CRA recovering.

The ~30% increase in PS since Trudeau came to power has proven to be an incredibly poor return on investment for government productivity. Perhaps good for securing several 100,000 votes for the LPC in the next election, but very little in the way of government productivity.
Another place to start would be culling a couple thousand EXs…
Ms Anand is now ordering fed depts to find $15B cuts by Oct

In an earlier article it mentioned that DND and Health Canada would not face cuts - this possibly could mean no increases either.

For the PS, this could mean job cuts reminiscent of Paul Martin when he was the Min of Fin.
More service fees or increases in existing fees.

Watch and shoot.
The reductions were announced in Budget 2023; the $15B is a multi year total.

This is the operationalization of the previously announced plan. If it's a surprise to anyone that just means they weren't paying attention.
The reductions were announced in Budget 2023; the $15B is a multi year total.

This is the operationalization of the previously announced plan. If it's a surprise to anyone that just means they weren't paying attention.
No disputing that, but one would also be reasonably excused for wondering why Finance didn’t come up with a more detailed distribution of where the $15B would come from. This portrayal that it’s up to TB Pres. to get the various departments and agencies to identify from where the savings totaling the $15B would come, is the indicator of the Good Cop / Bad Cop game and who remains the Preferati…hint: NOT Anand.
That the media have not said "Department X must find $Y" does not mean such direction has not been issued.
Some more evidence that Anand's best interests may not have been in the hearts of the Shuffle Demons :)
How to make friends among cabinet colleagues? Not? We'll see ... 🍿

With Canadian political parties there are at least two potential power bases: the parliamentary one and the extra-parliamentary one. With the Liberals there appears to be a third one based on a split in the extra-parliamentary one. No party exploits the parliamentary one. They seem to want to ensure that the trained seals don't get ideas. In my view that leaves the parliamentary party as an unexploited opportunity for someone.

At the same time we are confronted with conservative Liberals and social democrat Liberals but more importantly, we have authoritarian Liberals (any oxymoron if ever there was one).

All of that tends to cloud my crystal ball and makes it difficult to figure out what Anand's actual prospects are. I wonder if anybody in the Liberals is sure either.
The reductions were announced in Budget 2023; the $15B is a multi year total.

This is the operationalization of the previously announced plan. If it's a surprise to anyone that just means they weren't paying attention.
DND could look at funding from the budget that won't be realistically spent in this fiscal year and give that up. This would allow them to meet the new target and preserve operational and procurement spending that will succeed. They may not be allowed to , as it seems that the unspendable money that gets returned to General Revenue every year likley makes up a good percent of Liberal "magic money" to spend on politically valuable things that suddenly pop up.