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Got my offer today

Congratulations Collin, and welcome to the NAVY!!

OSQAB is now called NETP and is an awesome course.  (there is quite a bit on the site here about it, but if you have any questions about it, or anything else, post them here or drop me aline)

Fair winds and following seas.  :D
Well I've done my first phase a few years ago, but I don't think it will be worth anything, plus as much time I can get away from Pat platoon the better I will be.

I can't wait to go back to Victoria :) felt in love with that place when I got my posting as a clerk

Hopefully the training won't be scheduled too late in 2007 ;) but I can't really complain at least I'm in.

be patient... it will happen for you.

Some of the best advice in regards to recruiting.

Congrations and best of luck, everyone. I hope you enjoy your new careers.


This will be the best time of your lives, you all should be proud and i know you'll make us proud.

gratz brother....not everyone has what it takes sign up for 031.....you should be proud.
I just got my call an hour ago for BMQ on November 20th. I can't think of anything else to say, I'm so excited.  :warstory:

If anybody else will be there on that date, PM me anytime.
Hey guys,

I always read these posts with a bit of teeth grinding, of "why haven't i got my offer yet" well today that day has come for me  :) I had initially been told i would be going AVN tech but today my official offer came in for FCS Tech, my primary choice. I had been told initially that the trade had been closed so i was a bit stunned to hear that.

I'll be sworn in 19 December, then starting BMQ on 8 January. I wasn't exactly sure but it seems to be a new BMQ / SQ course, running for 16 weeks. Its been a long process, I've been in the the application process since early April, but part of the delay has been my own fault, part due to things like the Verification of former service, med docs, etc.

I'm just extremely happy to be able to rejoin the CF family, especially in a Reg Force capacity. Thank you especially to the staff of CFRC Barrie for all the assistance and putting up with me.

You can now join the ranks of the rest of us trying to pass the time quickly.. kinda wish I was Hiro Nakamura right now

*Strains to bend time.*

Congrats buddy, wish you all the luck....

If only mine can get in....***** bureaucraty ;)
Congrats :) It takes time, but that just makes the call that much sweeter when it comes through :D
I have 17 years in and change...I have been waiting for my CT since...May 2006, when I started the paperwork...talked to CFRC today...waiting posting confirmation from the Career Mangler..."should be" in the next week or two...and yes, it is worth the wait, if this is what you really want to do...I can't imagine a job that doesn't involve the Forces at this point in my life...and I am going to be part of the most respected folks in the Forces.  Air Force Signal's!  :P

I got my offer for the reserves today...going to swear in tomorrow.  I'm just so excited right now
Mud Recce Man said:
I have 17 years in and change...I have been waiting for my CT since...May 2006, when I started the paperwork...talked to CFRC today...waiting posting confirmation from the Career Mangler..."should be" in the next week or two...and yes, it is worth the wait, if this is what you really want to do...I can't imagine a job that doesn't involve the Forces at this point in my life...and I am going to be part of the most respected folks in the Forces.  Air Force Signal's!   :P


  Reminds me of when I used to instruct POET in Kingston. As I taught the last phase of POET the students would be up for putting in their trade preferences. Speaking as an Air Force avionics tech I used to recommend ATIS, then called Com ground. I love aircraft and my time in the avionics trade but ATIS has a great variety of equipment, versus a career on one or two aircraft. It is also a trade with a large number of personnel, postings and promotions.

  If you don't mind MRM what does post graduate from community college mean?
Well I'll tell you what I think MRM, that's impressive as hell! Good on you for working your way through all that.  Very impressive batch of technical learning.

You did this while still in full time service? 

So when do you get to work on all this techie stuff or is St.Jean it for a while?
I have a question regarding the reg force job offer and i couldn't find any specifics on it.  Does a specific unit give you a job offer eg. LSH, or does the recruiting center just find any opening available?
corypaven said:
I have a question regarding the reg force job offer and i couldn't find any specifics on it.  Does a specific unit give you a job offer eg. LSH, or does the recruiting center just find any opening available?

You are offered a trade, an element, and a place on BMQ. Thats it. ;)
unless your only language happens to be french OR english.... in which case:

Franco:  12 RBC
Anglo:  LSH or RCD

we don't always know where we are going.  Why should you be any different?

geo said:
unless your only language happens to be french OR english.... in which case:

Franco:  12 RBC
Anglo:  LSH or RCD

we don't always know where we are going.  Why should you be any different?


Though not entirely applicable to Officer Candidates, either ;)  Though, I'm told that Officers are given the option of posting to a Francophone unit (or Anglo if they are maternal french) rather than being forced.
