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Brett22,  See you there, got sworn in today  00334 Medic :salute:

Man does it ever feel good.  ;D
Army guy
i got a call yesterday and BMQ got switched to the 9th of Oct instead of the 16th. Are you going then ?

Nope I didn't hear anything about a switch.  Got my plane ticket and marching orders today.  They all say BMQ starts Oct. 16th/06 St. Jean PQ. And ends Feb. 2nd /07 I'm leaving for Montreal on the 14th.
I just got the call this morning for my medical and interview on the 23rd. My CFAT and Security Check are completed so these are my final processes and I'm almost there.  ;D
:salute:  You all make me so proud to be Canadian........thank you from someone waaaay too old to even think about signing up. :cdn:
Congrats to everyone who made it through.

I was waiting on my response from Ottawa (some medical issues to take care of first), when I was in a car accident that messed up my back and right leg pretty bad. 3 medications and a lawyer later and Im still fighting to get in with the MPs. Im hoping all heals well so I can continue with my enrollment.

The best of luck to everyone. I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines. Take care

Hi everybody,

Got my call today!!!  It's about time...  lol...  Anyways got accepted for reg force Infantry.  Go to BMQ November 13...  Fly out on the 11th for St.  Jean.  Get Sworn in 2 days from now in CFRC/Barrie.  Anyone else going to BMQ for the 13th?
congrats to everyone who got their call! Does anyone know if they'll be on the weekend res BMQ starting at the end of November?
I hope i get in by then. Going for the same thing (reg infantry). Congrats  :cheers:
its only taken 5 years for the wheels to start turning but they are finally turning.........YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

got my call  will be swearing in on  the 30th of october...going 031 infantry reg force....BMQ at st.jean on the 13th of november

will be seeing you there rocker..congratulations to all who have made it in.

cant formulate a sentence anymore, having brain farts coz im so bloody excited.

good luck to all hope to see you there.
congrats Paramedic!! five years jeez  :P that must have sucked...
Congrats Kate! Heck, I ( now retired) probably did your medical at Fredericton ( well, me or the 'ol' man').  Welcome & all the best!

Thanks! I doubt you did though, since I had my medical done in Saint John  ;D
If it was before June 23 myself or the WO  did it. After June 23 my replacement, a Sgt or the WO. We do / did the medicals  at Fredericton, Saint John, Moncton, Edmunston, Bathurst, and Charlottetown; basically all NewBrunswick & PEI. We were quite busy. What trade did you get?

All the best

Sgt (ret) Gerry Connors
It was after June 23, I think  ???

I got infantry, which is what i wanted :)
Right on Kate723; good for you. I spent my first 6 years in the infantry (RCR) - some of the best  years of my carreer. Good luck & all the best.
