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Besides, don't pretend that breaking up is all doom and gloom!

You can achieve two goals (getting rid of the anchor and having fun) with a few well placed nights of partying and embarrassment!

Keep in mind you want her to be so angry that she storms out - so you get first pick of the household goods. Calling her by her friends or sister's name's is a good start, as is telling the truth about her new hair, how those jeans make her butt look etc.

GO!!!...you're too funny..."yes, dear, you're hair is all wrong for you, and you're butt does look big in those jeans...Hey, have you gained a few pounds??"
  Anyway, in the end, you're young....17....is that right??  If this is the love of your life,than so be it. I have a friend married to her highschool sweetheart, 15 yrs married, and about 20 together, and she's just miserable!! You want to serve your country, than go for it. My hubby is on tour #8, and I couldn't be prouder of him. He hates to sit back and have to be home while his "guys" are doing what they are trained to do. If you stay with this girl and you join and you go on tour, etc, etc...life goes on for her. She can't wallow in her self pity (have a pity party every now and then, but frig.....)go to work, hang with the friends, you're in the army....Life is all good.

Pro Patria
:army: :salute:
I absolutely agree with everything that has been posted by previous people.

I'm a bit different than most people who have posted so far in that I'm the one who is joining up, and my boyfriend is the one who supports me 100%. Having his support means so much, especially when you hear something like "Super, I'm sooooo happy for you". It gives you an extra boost and motivation to keep going along the path that you have chosen.

At 17 you really should not base your future on what your girlfriend wants or thinks is best for you. Only you do. At your age you should focus on school or career.  You'll have plenty of time for girlfriends.

When I was your age (it wasn't that long ago, I'm only 23) all I really cared was getting good grades in high school, and getting into university and graduating. Sure I dated along the way, but I had no serious long term relationships to tie me down. And I am very glad for that.  Now I have a degree, I'm in a serious relationship with a boyfriend who supports me 100% in whatever I want to do, and a great future ahead of me in the Air Force. What more could a girl want?  :D (maybe getting one of those awesome uniforms, my boyfriend loves them) :P
GAP said:
Para is right...it's about control. If she is not going to support you now, how much support is there going to be later when there is another issue? Your choice.

They are right you know. My girlfriend of my civie life left me while I was at Basic in 1977...hurt like heck :crybaby: but am I ever glad she did. It was the same issue...she hated the Navy and I wouldn't roll over to her control tactic. I burned her Dear John letter and moved on.
I've been married to a wonderful supportive woman for 24 years whose only question is "Oh are you here this week? When are you going again?" (all said very tongue in cheek) She can live with my absences and my deployments because she realizes the depth of commitment that all of this takes...from members and spouses/partners. Time for you to let her know what your commitment is to this outfit...or get out and live with that decision. ;)
Remember the first wife is just for training anyway  ;)

and GO!!!'s advice rocks  ;D

-"how those jeans make her butt look etc."-

  Repeat after me; " The jeans are fine, it's your arse that makes your arse look fat."  It's just that easy....
A wise Sgt. once told me,

"Sir, It's a single mans army."

Think about that one for a bit ;) ;D.
Kat Stevens said:
  Repeat after me; " The jeans are fine, it's your arse that makes your arse look fat."  It's just that easy....
true story (and we all know how much I dislike those) -

"Do these pants my butt look fat?"

"Nope, those 2 dozen doughnuts you had for breakfast make your ass look fat. Try a sit-up."

para-poo didn't get no mo' from that one, after that. 'Course he didn't mind, since her ass was spreading. He don't dig fat-asses. He does dig talking about himself in the third person, though.
Why don't you go all Jerry Springer and get her to join the forum, then break up with her on line?  That way, we can all flame her, and she will hate the army forever and you don't have to worry about her having any regrets.  And on the plus side for you, you get the satisfaction of entertaining all of us!  
It's flawless!!
I will play the part of Watchpig!

If the Rmy had wanted you to ahve a wife they would have issued you one!

Its better advice than you know!

Or, you could continue dating her, and pass on my favourite words of advice:  " suck it up, deal with it....life goes on"  :salute: :-*
zipperhead_cop said:
Why don't you go all Jerry Springer and get her to join the forum, then break up with her on line?  That way, we can all flame her, and she will hate the army forever and you don't have to worry about her having any regrets.  And on the plus side for you, you get the satisfaction of entertaining all of us!  
It's flawless!!

Best idea you've had all day!!

I remembered a better way though - go to Bosnia, and instead of coming home on HLTA, go to Prague, Split, Cyprus etc, get an STD, and when you come home, and she foolishly takes you back, share it!

I've been told that this is a foolproof relationship breaker, although not quite guilt free for those of you who remembered to sign for a conscience!  ;D
Go, you missed getting another girl pregnant.  That usually cements the swimming shoes.  For reduced buoyancy, I recommend a girl she'll have to deal with/see on a daily basis.
Great topic... I'm new to this forum, but have been following it for some time now... I just feel compelled to share some of my story, most of which is unwritten.
I'm 22, back when I was 16 I told my parents I wanted to join, they said no, that was it. The urge has been getting greater and greater for me though, and as soon as I finish up my two years of college, I'm going to be enlisting in the regular forces. I'm going to hopefully do reserves while I'm at school. My girlfriend of almost 3 years isn't too pleased with this, and it mostly seems like she thinks I'm not 100% serious about it, I guess she'll find out when I sign up. She has told me on more than one occasion though, that if I really want/need to do it, she won't stand in my way, we can go our separate ways, life is good. For this reason, I'm trying to win her over on it, and believe it or not, it's almost working. But the CF life is the one for me, it's taken me some time to find out 100% for sure, but I know now. There are the few who don't approve of it (the ones closest to me, it seems), but everyone else I've talked to about it seem to be behind me on it. I'm sure my dad will come around too, I find it hard to believe he could stay ashamed of me for finding some direction in my life.
Anyways, from what I've experienced going through a somewhat similar situation myself, you have to do what makes you happy. As I heard once from someone, can't remember whom, Life is full of regrets, the object is to make that list as short as possible. The only regret I've come up with thus far is that I haven't joined sooner. If that's the biggest of my problems, I'd say I have it pretty easy.
That's my $0.04 worth (based on quantity, not necessarily quality).
P.S. Anyone else going through this that keeps getting the ridiculous questions and remarks about how it (A'Stan) doesn't affect us over here in Canada? I'm getting tired of fielding these, and rarely justify them with an answer anymore. Sorry if some of this is off-topic, just thought I'd share.
Take it easy, and to all those serving, past, present, and future, thanks, and see you shortly!
Ya, we've all been burned, nobody likes swimming in a deep fryer, and everybody has a story. We lick our wounds lick a shameless scolded dog on the corner of Portage and Main, then swill ourselves sensesless, go on a mad, ever so mad  'dating spree' (hows that for a choice of PC words - haha), chill out, then it starts all over again. Dating since 1975, I thought I was the super SME in this subject (haha), or the SME's SME.

Honestly, I am such a freak, I have broke my own record staying attached to this one (although at times rocky as helll) like I said in a previous post going on 7yrs. At least she gives it as well as she takes it.

However, for those burned soles out there, who are at their wits end with the opposite sex, try Australia, there the women out number the men something fierce.


Apex said:
Great topic... I'm new to this forum, but have been following it for some time now... I just feel compelled to share some of my story, most of which is unwritten.
I'm 22, back when I was 16 I told my parents I wanted to join, they said no, that was it. The urge has been getting greater and greater for me though, and as soon as I finish up my two years of college, I'm going to be enlisting in the regular forces. I'm going to hopefully do reserves while I'm at school. My girlfriend of almost 3 years isn't too pleased with this, and it mostly seems like she thinks I'm not 100% serious about it, I guess she'll find out when I sign up. She has told me on more than one occasion though, that if I really want/need to do it, she won't stand in my way, we can go our separate ways, life is good. For this reason, I'm trying to win her over on it, and believe it or not, it's almost working. But the CF life is the one for me, it's taken me some time to find out 100% for sure, but I know now. There are the few who don't approve of it (the ones closest to me, it seems), but everyone else I've talked to about it seem to be behind me on it. I'm sure my dad will come around too, I find it hard to believe he could stay ashamed of me for finding some direction in my life.
Anyways, from what I've experienced going through a somewhat similar situation myself, you have to do what makes you happy. As I heard once from someone, can't remember whom, Life is full of regrets, the object is to make that list as short as possible. The only regret I've come up with thus far is that I haven't joined sooner. If that's the biggest of my problems, I'd say I have it pretty easy.
That's my $0.04 worth (based on quantity, not necessarily quality).
P.S. Anyone else going through this that keeps getting the ridiculous questions and remarks about how it (A'Stan) doesn't affect us over here in Canada? I'm getting tired of fielding these, and rarely justify them with an answer anymore. Sorry if some of this is off-topic, just thought I'd share.
Take it easy, and to all those serving, past, present, and future, thanks, and see you shortly!

Now that you're a man you don't need anyone's permission or affirmation one way or another. I joined at 23 and it was the best thing I ever did. The slug girlfriend married a Postman eventually and I'm sure they have a good life (like I care)....at least he's home safe every night for her I guess.
The day I announced I was joining to my boss I thought he'd disapprove. He said "Wow that's fantastic! I always wanted to join the Air Force, never did and have regretted it my whole life. I hope you do well." Thanks Bert.....best boss I ever had.
My boss has been the most supportive ever about this too... And I've heard too many people say they regret not doing it. For me, I won't be living with that regret. I'm doing it, regardless of who supports/doesn't support me.