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Gift idea for son starting basic training?

Should the padlocks be the type with keys or combination?
Thank you socialhandgrenade, there are so many things that I am learning from this site.
I did my BMQ in the fall, and all of the instructors say that combo are better, because that way you can't lose the key.

Having said that, mine were key locks, and I just made sure that at all times I had a spare key in the map pocket of my tac-vest, as a fail safe if I ever locked myself out. If you're going to get them all with the same combo, then combo is cool, but personally I can't keep track of two separate combos.

Another idea that I don't believe was mentioned is a small flashlight with a blue and/or red light filter. You can go hog wild on this, but I made it through my bmq/sq with a $4 one from canadian tire. Again, draw your own conclussions  :warstory:
I've heard some excellent ideas......

zippo or lighter - always a must
Locks all with same combo or key - I still have mine from 10 years ago (4 set)  Just GOLDEN piece of kit
Small camera (digital) - small enough for pocket  but perfect for memories and moral
Mini look alike army flashlight - actually QUITE handy.  I love mine. 

All of those items can be quite cheap but would make a huge difference on course.  I hope
the original poster is still here and paying attention.
Trinity said:
  I hope the original poster is still here and paying attention.

Not for the moment : Last Active:  June 24, 2007, 13:54:04
I think that this thread should be made a sticky, it's really helpful. Ohh local mod.... ;)
I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to comment on my post.  The information was most helpful.

my 1VP Course O on my IAP spent an hour or so on our request going through his recommendations for ways to pack rucks and "must-have" gear for the field.

IIRC, the one thing we all took away was the MEC-style compression packs mentioned earlier in this thread...  Huge space savers, and they keep everything dry and smelly stuff doesn't intermingle with clean.    Poor-man's equivalent was ziplock....   

Also IIRC, this wasn't judged as a major issue, since stuff inside the ruck was generally not required to be "uniform" as it was out of sight. That and well, the Course O suggested it.
He has told me that basic training is 6 weeks long, and then he is stationed somewhere after that, and doesn't start trade training (welding) until year 2.  Sounds strange to me.

bluecollared said:
what trade is your son going into?
Is your son going into the reserves or reg force, sounds like he could be feeding you some lines or doesnt know anything about what is going on.

Basic for reg force is 13weeks plus a week 0 for admin, so total is really 14 weeks. Basic for reserves is usually around 20days or something similar with training at the unit as well in the evenings.

As for the welding in yr two?? Not sure what trade your son would be referring to, maybe materials tech?? If it is mat tech, sounds like Basic for 13weeks, soldier qualification for 10weeks and then trades training for 50weeks or so. That may be close to why he said 2yrs, although that doesnt add up either. So really no clue.
A swiss army knife is actually a good idea. Someone gave me one before I started BMQ and it became the most useful thing I had. You don't get the gerber until some point after basic (for me it was during my 3's), and even still, I use the swiss army knife more than the gerber. A pkg of 3 combo locks with the same combo can be bought at the Canex in St. Jean.
I think you have had many good ideas so far.  I think a phone card would be a nice idea also.  I also think a camera is a great idea as the one thing I regret not having during my basic was something to take pictures with.  My basic was a long time ago and I made many lifelong friends and grew a lot but now that time has passed I really miss not having a few snapshots to capture that time in my life.
Coming from a couple people who did basic last summer, we thought a gift card to a hotel in Montreal would have been awesome.  That's if they're going to St Jean, but even if they're elsewhere, any nearby town will do.  It was always good to get away on your rare weekends off, but a private's salary is not always enough.  I know it would have really helped me out, as I was stuck in the Mega the whole time because I couldn't afford a night out.  :crybaby:

Im going to St Jean for 13 weeks reg forces, So ur alowed to bring a camara?
I think verbal advice would be the most appropriate gift, from parent to offspring:

"Dont **** off your instructors like you've been doing to me for the last 18 years.  They are nowhere near as forgiving as I am."

Preferably on a card stapled to the front of their shirt, upside down, so they can read it the whole way there...
I don't know about the Swiss army knife being useless - I use mine every time I'm cleaning a weapon.