Or, you know, I’ve openly told everyone I’m a cop and worked the event. I’m perfectly comfortable articulating why the actions were illegal. I’ll be doing so in court for a trial in the near future. But hey, good on you for your keen deductive ability.
Yeah, you have a weird take on this that’s divorced from facts. They took over the downtown core for three weeks, put a great many people out of work, badly disrupted daily life for thousands of residents, obstructed ambulances and fire trucks, and generally got away for weeks with criminal behaviour Canada has never seen for that sort of length of time before. You not liking that doesn’t make it not true. Clearing it out was not a failing on the part of the government or of my profession. Not clearing out out much sooner was.
I feel perfectly at peace with the fact that we carried out our lawful duties to restore peace and order. And this silliness about “baton swinging” shows how little attention you paid to what was actually done and how. The degree of restraint that was achieved in an operation on that scale was frankly incredible.
You sound like you could use a hug.