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First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, residential schools, etc. (merged)

Jed said:
Another stupid question: Why hasn't the Mainstream media brought the interesting and relavent, conflict of interest, information to light?

Its out there to a certain extent. The problem is that its been happening for so long its accepted. The fact that its an Aboriginal problem makes it a sensitive issue politically and no one wants to deal with it.
Chief Stoker said:
Its out there to a certain extent. The problem is that its been happening for so long its accepted. The fact that its an Aboriginal issue its a very sensitive politically and no one has the intestinal fortitude to deal with it.


I think it's because the INM proponents have figured out that bluster sells quicker than clear and quiet facts. Chief Spence seems to have that one down pat as well.
Jed said:
Another stupid question: Why hasn't the Mainstream media brought the interesting and relavent, conflict of interest, information to light?

They have. Including the deal made with the DeBeers mine. However mainstream media seems to also be influenced heavily by public opinion. So far the only non-partisan national paper I've seen has been the G&M. The Star, is obviously so far left that they are indeed the ones holding Chief Spence up like the next Ghandi, and have indicated that the bands financial issues are the Federal Govts fault. The National Post has gone so far as to print articles that are authored by a non-practicing lawyer named Chelsea Vowel, who is not only a native rights blogger, but has her own interpretation of the Indain Act.

The band website has published everything with transparency, but they have been reprimanded by their auditor for questionable entries, incomplete entries, on their financials. The Govt is at a loss to explain where the taxpayer dollars went because the statements reconcile everything under broad based account lines like "Community Development, Administration, etc"

Over the past 6 years, the band has received $131 million from the Feds, and $40 million from DeBeers. $171M adds up to just over $110,000 per person on the reserve. But obvioulsy it isn't making its way down.

The current "protest" is just a smoke and mirrors job to divert public attention from the quagmire that is Attiwapiskat.

The sad irony is that Chief Spence is living in the Ottawa region in a Teepee, so she may be able to empathize with her people left on the reserve whenever she makes her way back. Perhaps it's convenient that Chief Spence went on her "Hunger Strike" diet, just as the cold weather hit, and her band mates were faced with yet another winter with inadequate housing.
Bluebulldog said:
They have. Including the deal made with the DeBeers mine.

If I remember correctly, this was featured on CBC (or was it CTV) last year where a whole documentary was done on the housing shortage and the number of houses that DeBeers donated to the town/Reserve, as well as the building of a sewer system and other infrastructure, also built/donated to the Reserve by DeBeers.  Also documented on that program was the building of community facilities that were built and the problems associated with them.
Indeed it was.

Funny, what my civvy career is, i actively scanned their financials for any monies earmarked for capital renewal projects, or maintenance repair work.....and found none. Evidently responsible management practices, and planning is a task better suited to other communities. What it appears to be is that they simply build facilities, and then do nothing in the way of maintenance / repair, until they become unfit to occupy, then declare an emergency so you can get more Provincial / Federal dollars.
The link to the Chelsea Vowel oped in the National Post referred to above is here.


What is interesting is the range of comments, which are well above the standard we usually see in the G&M and the Star. The opinions expressed cover a wide specturm. In my opinion, the first comment has captured the crux of the dilemma.
Old Sweat said:
The link to the Chelsea Vowel oped in the National Post referred to above is here.


What is interesting is the range of comments, which are well above the standard we usually see in the G&M and the Star. The opinions expressed cover a wide specturm. In my opinion, the first comment has captured the crux of the dilemma.

Actually Miss Vowel has authored several pieces used by the National Post. The one directly speaking to Attiwapiskat was a year ago, and was mistakenly published by another of their writers under the letters / full comment section. But this one is interesting as well.

I find it galling that a national paper would be giving copy space to a person who basically is a professional "pot stirrer". Miss Vowel is a native rights blogger who lives in Montreal. She is also an admitted member of the idle no more movement. Yet none of this is published by the paper as a byline, it would help the reader make more informed decisions if they knew where the source.
Here is a video from Ezra Levant in case anyone wants to watch it.

Robert0288 said:
Here is a video from Ezra Levant in case anyone wants to watch it.


Now there's a pile of stuff I didn't know. If the media followed up on even three of the allegations, if true, the wheels would fly right off of the Audit No More movement. However, I feel E Levant is correct. The media would rather crucify PM Harper than find the truth.

And yes, the signatures do look identical, IMO.
Robert0288 said:
Here is a video from Ezra Levant in case anyone wants to watch it.


Robert0288 said:
Here is a video from Ezra Levant in case anyone wants to watch it.


Oh this is golden. If only more people across the country would care to watch this and see what a farce this whole ordeal is.
Robert0288 said:
Here is a video from Ezra Levant in case anyone wants to watch it.


So?  According to Treaty #9, Chief Theresa Spence is the one breaking the Treaty.
There is a reason why the "real" INM movement organizers want to distance themselves from the Chiefs, and specifically "Mayor" Spence.

The people realise that the Chiefs are just politicians of a different stripe and part of the problem.
Robert0288 said:
Here is a video from Ezra Levant in case anyone wants to watch it.


Wow, watched all 29:15 minutes of it.

This segment needs to go viral, fast....
That's one of the best segments Levant has ever done. Cue the catcalls of him being a racist.
Interesting his linking the Idle No More movement to the Occupy movement along with Unions and other "professional" protesters.

Scott said:
That's one of the best segments Levant has ever done. Cue the catcalls of him being a racist.

Were you reading my Facebook thread? Already had one of my friends posting that!

Mind you, as far as I know, Idle No More and Chief Spence are not associated, even if the timing suggests they are.
Well, hopefully this is a start.....

Article Link

First Nation blockade in Sarnia coming down

A nearly two-week long First Nation blockade of a railway line in Sarnia, Ont., was being dismantled Wednesday night just hours after an Ontario judge ruled that it must come down.

Lawyers for CN Rail launched court action against Ron Plain, a member of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, alleging that he was in contempt of an injunction to disband the protests on the railway tracks.

The court injunctions were issued on Dec. 21 and 27 and granted police the power to end the blockade to their discretion.

CN also filed a motion for Sarnia Police Chief Phil Nelson to appear Wednesday before a judge to explain what the force was doing about the protest.

Protesters with the Aamjiwnaang First Nation set up the blockade last month to denounce the federal government's omnibus Bill C-45, which they claim eliminates treaty and aboriginal rights set out in the Constitution.

CN spokesman Jim Feeny said Wednesday night that the blockade was being removed and once that was complete, railway crews would go in to inspect the track and signals.

Following his court appearance, Plain had said that there were no plans to disband the blockade, but Wednesday night he said the group was leaving after holding a ceremony.

The group alleges the railway tracks were not laid down legitimately.

The Sarnia blockade is one of several actions being taken across the country as part of an aboriginal movement known as Idle No More.

The blockade was in support of Attiwapiskat Chief Theresa Spence, who has been on a hunger strike in Ottawa since Dec. 11 demanding a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Spence hopes that her strike will bring attention to aboriginal issues and secure her a meeting with Harper and the Governor General.

Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley had said he was concerned that there might not be a peaceful resolution to the blockade, admitting he was worried patience for the blockade was running out.

"As every day goes by, concern about tensions is rising because there is an economic impact. It's having a negative impact here on industry," said Bradley.

The Sarnia police had said its officers would not disband the blockade unless it posed a safety risk.

Part of the problem is the last sentence; safety risk?  FML, if I go and block the local railroad with some buddies, how long will it take for me to be arrested?  Fuck I hate double standards.  I liked the part in the article that says CN filed a motion to have teh Sarnia Police Chief up in front of the judge to explain where his nads are.

I almost laugh every time I see a picture of these Idle No More groups, who are sitting around...blocking traffic and trains and whatnot.  How about being Idle No More literally, and going to work like most Canadians do?  Fucktards.

That's what is hilarious - the efforts of Chief Spence might just be the undoing of any advances INM could make. I'm sure there are more than a few within the movement who aren't happy with her right now.

INM seems to be a movement of many. The "hunger strike" focuses on one...I wonder why?

I saw those comments, Strike, but refuse to debate anything on Facebook because it's utterly fucking useless. At least when the trolls make their way from rabble.ca over to here we have some pretty keen folks who can tear them apart. Not that I didn't enjoy the commentary of one semi famous army.ca member... >:D