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First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, residential schools, etc. (merged)

I just picked this up form APTN.ca via National Newswatch. The story, or maybe a press release disguised as a story, is reproduced under the Fair Dealing provision of the Copyright Act.

First Nations chiefs contemplate “breach of treaty” declarations, indefinite economic disruptions

National News | 01. Jan, 2013 by APTN National News

By Jorge Barrera
APTN National News

First Nations leaders have discussed plans to launch country-wide economic disruptions by the middle of January if Prime Minister Stephen Harper doesn’t agree to hunger-striking Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence’s demand for a treaty meeting, APTN National News has learned.

During three days of meetings and teleconferences, chiefs from across the country discussed a plan setting Jan. 16 as the day to launch a campaign of indefinite economic disruptions, including railway and highway blockades, according to two chiefs who were involved in the talks who requested anonymity.

“The people are restless, they are saying enough is enough,” said one chief, who was involved in the discussions. “Economic impacts are imminent if there is no response.”

Chiefs were still finalizing details of their plans Monday evening and it remained unclear to what extent their discussed options would translate into the official position.

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo is expected to write Harper a letter outlining the chiefs’ position.

Spence launched her hunger strike on Dec. 11 to force a meeting between Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Governor General David Johnston and First Nations leaders to discuss the state of the treaties. Spence said in a statement issued Monday that the aim of the meeting was to “re-establish” the treaty relationship and finally put First Nations people in their “rightful place back here in our homelands that we all call Canada.”

The plan of action comes as the Idle No More movement continues to sweep across the country through round dances, rallies along with highway and rail blockades.

The Tyendinaga Mohawks briefly blockaded a main CN rail line between Toronto and Montreal Sunday, stranding about 2,000 Via Rail passengers. The Mi’kmaq from the Listuguj First Nation, Que., continue to hold a rail blockade on a CN line along with members of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation who have shut a CN line in Sarnia, Ont. In British Columbia, the Seton Lake Indian Band ended a rail blockade on Sunday.

How the chiefs’ action plan will mesh with the Idle No More movement remains to be seen. Idle No More organizers issued a statement Monday that distanced the movement from the chiefs.

“The chiefs have called for action and anyone who chooses can join with them, however, this is not part of the Idle No More movement as the vision of this grassroots movement does not coincide with the visions of the leadership,” said the statement, posted on the Idle No More Facebook page. “While we appreciate the individual support we have received from chiefs and councillors, we have been given a clear mandate by the grassroots to work outside the systems of government and that is what we will continue to do.”

One of the chiefs involved in action plan discussion said the leadership wanted to be sensitive to the grassroots-driven movement and make clear that their plans are being developed in support and as a response to Idle No More.

“Chiefs are standing firm in support of Idle No More and grassroots citizens,” said the chief. “We now need to unify.”

The meetings and teleconferences included between 50 to 60 chiefs from British Columbia to the Maritimes, according to the sources.

During the discussions, some First Nations leaders suggested individual communities and treaty regions issue “breach of treaty” declarations beginning Jan. 1 and leading up to Jan. 16. Aside from blockades, chiefs discussed stepping up rallies at MP’s offices, continuing letter campaigns and launching Twitter bombs.

“All we are doing is reasserting our own sovereign right and inherent right within this treaty,” said a second chief, who was also involved in the discussions. “The time has come that they need to see we are a sovereign entity, we have and always will be because of the relationship of treaty that was entered into by the Crown and numerous nations.”

There are also plans to hold ceremonies and vigils in Ottawa between Jan. 10 and 13 in support of Spence, who entered into day 21 of her hunger strike on New Year’s Eve.

“Those are going to be in response, either to a response from the prime minister, or to prepare for a potential and imminent impact on Canada’s economy as a result,” said one of the chiefs.

The chief, however, stressed that the leadership is taking their direction from grassroots citizens who are tired of the state of things.

“Our people are growing frustrated, they are tired of the impoverished conditions and mining companies coming to our treaty territories to take what is left,” said the chief. “What we are now seeing is our grassroots citizens are saying enough is enough.”

When one of our inmates declares he is n a hung strike, we place him in medical in a suicide smock on suicide watch. Why should she be any different?

EDIT: Let's not get too personal.
What exactly is she protesting in the Bill?  It covers a wide range of topics, affecting all Canadians, including members of the CF

Bill C-45:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521

Portion of Bill C-45 pertaining to the Indian Act:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521&File=194

Portion of Bill C-45 pertaining to Fisheries:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521&File=125

Portion of Bill C-45 pertaining to Navigable Waters Protection Act:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521&File=344

Does she even know what exactly she is protesting?

(Portion of Bill C-45 pertaining to the CF:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521&File=539)
George Wallace said:
What exactly is she protesting in the Bill?  It covers a wide range of topics, affecting all Canadians, including members of the CF

Bill C-45:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521

Portion of Bill C-45 pertaining to the Indian Act:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521&File=194

Portion of Bill C-45 pertaining to Fisheries:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521&File=125

Portion of Bill C-45 pertaining to Navigable Waters Protection Act:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521&File=344

Does she even know what exactly she is protesting?

(Portion of Bill C-45 pertaining to the CF:  http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5942521&File=539)

What does this mean in layman's terms for CF members?

I've seen a lot of talk about the environment and "selling out to China".  How accurate is that? Is it just Hyperbole?
What's up with China and mining companies up north?
"Idle No More"

Interesting PR gaffe.  It suggests that they were idle to begin with.  Quite a negative connotation. 

ObedientiaZelum said:
I've seen a lot of talk about the environment and "selling out to China".  How accurate is that? Is it just Hyperbole?
What's up with China and mining companies up north?
Investment Capital.....we don't have enough, they have lots.....
I see now that the "movement" are distancing themselves from the Chiefs now because they say the Chiefs are out of touch with the people.


Theresa Spence is on a hunger strike, in protest to omnibus bill C45, which really doesn't do much on the Indian Act except cut out red tape should a Band want to lease to outside interests....something that has mired any development for years. DeBeers has entered into contracts with Attiwapiskat to the tune of around $40M, but it took years to broker.

She's on a hunger strike, yet is documented as drinking medicinal teas, fish and moose broth. ( No docs could be found that she's drinking boost)....so in fact, she's on a diet?....there are a lot of people who do what she's doing at this time of the year...it's called cleansing.....but ok. Another poster had it right, at the rate she's going, the so-called "hunger strike" could last for years.........and yet some people are calling her a modern day Ghandi?

Ms. Spence conveniently went on her protest at a time when she was in the centre of a growing controversy over where her band has spent millions in transfer payments since 2006. Which as of Dec 2012 amounted to $131,000,000.00 for a community of 1549. Her own people were afraid to speak out to the press, fearing repercussions. After viewing her bands financials as they have been reported for the last 6 years, I can safely say that if this were a Municipality, someone would be charged under the Municipal Act.

Hunger Strike = Misdirection. The fact that so many other bleeding hearts buy it hook line and sinker is a sad commentary on the state of peoples awareness.
Best synopsis I have read yet.

Like a true bully, she feels she has to be gobbing off to cover her own BS. She does it well and, sadly, others have bought into her rhetoric.
There's definitely a lot of mismanagement going on in Attiwapiskat. Just before they declared the housing crisis they shipped in a brand new Zamboni for their brand new arena ::) That and Chief Spence drives a Cadillac Escalade in a community with no roads to the outside.
Chief Stoker said:
That and Chief Spence drives a Cadillac Escalade in a community with no roads to the outside.
There is the Ice road 2.5 months out of the year she can drive to Moosnee or to Kesashit.
Let's not even get into the fact that she appointed her common law husband as Band Manager.........nepotism at it's finest......but just a wee bit of conflict of interest. I wonder what he drives?

So many of her band mates are living 3 families to a constructon trailer, or in shacks that are tarped....and she's drving an Escalade.....
Bluebulldog said:
Let's not even get into the fact that she appointed her common law husband as Band Manager.........nepotism at it's finest......but just a wee bit of conflict of interest. I wonder what he drives?

So many of her band mates are living 3 families to a constructon trailer, or in shacks that are tarped....and she's drving an Escalade.....

I guess from the interviews I have seen with some of the residents from the reserve, it is common that members of the band council look after their family's first with the best jobs, best housing and the other no so lucky get the scraps. This is unfortunately happening on other reserves as well.

They do have a lot of problems, but most of them are their own making with mismanagement. They need to take responsibility for their own actions.
Stupid question then: why have they not voted her out? Is it a case of her having more numbers on her side? I'm serious. If enough families are supposedly living 2-3 to a construction trailer while she drives her Caddy then voting her out would be a no brainer.

Or do we go back to the fact that she's a bully and trust that she coerces and threatens those that do not tow the line?
Scott said:
Stupid question then: why have they not voted her out? Is it a case of her having more numbers on her side? I'm serious. If enough families are supposedly living 2-3 to a construction trailer while she drives her Caddy then voting her out would be a no brainer.

Or do we go back to the fact that she's a bully and trust that she coerces and threatens those that do not tow the line?

Who knows, I suspect in some cases its a matter if you don't vote for me you don't get band funds for your house or whatever.  The communities in Labrador are famous for that, people get their votes bought. You're right though, vote her out.
Another stupid question: Why hasn't the Mainstream media brought the interesting and relavent, conflict of interest, information to light?