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FINALLY!!! i can play the waiting game!!!

I have been told that I should expect to fly out on the 29th (April) but have yet to be sworn in, gotten kit, etc..

Apparently the process requires a stamp of approval from somebody in Ottawa, but who knows if that's going to happen specifically or in general.

Oh yeah, I've been waiting since December, when I passed all my testing.
Just finished my testing tonight(passed!)...now I am playing the waiting game, also.
2 JerryThunder:

  I should be heading to Shiloh; and I'm going Comm Res.
Just finished up all my testing yesterday!  8) ... now I just have to wait too.

I'll probably be racing to the phone everytime it rings until I get the call.

CanSurf, yeah i can remember since about from Febuary 7th to about March 14th i was rushing to get the fone hoping that it was the Recruiter!! when she finally called i was away refereeing hockey! fortunatley tho my mother took down the date and everyting and said that i would call back to confirm it up!  im actually playing another waiting game now(seems that there are allot of those involved in this!) im waiting for summer BMQ in Meaford. latley my unit's PAT Platoon(pre-BMQ privates) are doing lots of table moving and last thursday we loaded the truck for an advanced party headed for Petawawa. we were told that on may.4th we will be going back and doing a little drill training so we arent fresh out of the oven on our BMQ
Don't be in too much of a rush .I hope you don't land in PAT platoon waiting and waiting and waiting like my son is doing now.He is ready to start climbing the walls.He got in there four days after arriving in Bordon. Doesnt know how long he will be there.

Sworn in Friday, April 21st. Will get kitted on Wednesday, April 25th. Attend a year-end social on Saturday, April 28th. Fly out Sunday, April 29th.

Shiloh Manitoba here I come!!
Have fun in the middle of nowhere :P. My application is moving along myself, I've got interviews and tests on May 8th, hoping for Reserve Field Gunner with 26th here in Brandon, Manitoba. Second choice is RMS Clerk if my eyesight holds me back (I can only see the E without glasses at 20 paces from a Snellen). Don't let the flatness get to you, haha.
Don't worry, the flatness will be a new experience for me. Anyways, I shouldn't be in Manitoba that long. I'll be on to Gagetown soon enough and I understand it has its own charms.