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Few questions!

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(Keep in mind i have reviewed other posts via the search field.)

Hello, I just have a few quick questions that I hope someone can answer for me.

I live by myself, and I don't have a home phone, for all my calls I have always used my cell, early last month I finished everything at the application stage, and gave them my cell phone number, however just yesterday my phone has broke. It is not on a warranty or a plan that allows it to be repaired, and I really don't want to buy a new phone.. due to the fact that not only do I not have the money to buy a new one, but I was also expecting a call anytime for my swearing in (where i would have canceled my plan anyways), I also have no other numbers I could give them.

My questions were, if they were to call me but were unable to reach me, will my application be bumped down? will they continue to call me? (I have read that some people did get calls repeatedly, however that information was from a good number of years ago.) or will they send a letter?

Any information would be greatly appreciated. I will nevertheless call my recruiting center repeatedly from perhaps a pay phone to see if they can tell me if they have heard anything.

Thank you.
Best bet is to go tell your CFRC/D about your problem, as they may be able to help you find an alternative way for them to contact you.

Hopefully someone else with more experience will chime in.
Think about what you are asking..... think about how you would view this if you were the employer 

Pretend we're not even talking about the military... if I had an applicant come to my civilian company, and say "I want to work for you, but have no reliable means for you to contact me, so I am just going to call you constantly from pay phones until I find out."

How do you think that would go over?

Most responsible adults have to have a reliable form of communication in this day and age. Heck, if nothing else, buy a "pay as you go" phone, and advise the Recruiters of your new number. That's my take on it. Maybe a recruiter or former recruiter will add something...

Thank you for the prompt replies!

I understand how poorly this would look to an employer, however for the past few years I did a -large- amount of in country travel, I used to have a number of cells phones and was almost never at home.. Also my employers, family or friends almost always contacted me via e-mail.

However thanks for the suggestion muskrat in pointing out the pay as you go cell phones, I went out and picked up a super cheap one, that is usually used for kids, but it has its own number and will work perfectly.

Back to waiting for the call!
From a former recruiter, if I can't get a hold of you, I will keep trying for 3 weeks, after that your file goes back to CFRC and then they bin it... Or what ever with my remarks saying that I can't get a hold of you and thus concluded that candidate is no longer interested.

Good luck applying next time.
While its a valid question I also think the answer would have been common sense.
I agree that its a valid question but there must be someway of sorting this out besides telling the op he's SOL. Poop happens...I don't have a landline and I'd probably be up the creek for a little while if I broke my phone too.

Couple suggestions...don't know how well they'd go over but...

1. Grab your sim card from your phone and borrow a family member's cell for a few weeks.
2. Borrow a cell from a family member and let the CFRC know the change of contact info.
3. Explain to the CFRC the situation...give them a family member's phone number and tell them you'll get back to them within 24hrs of their call.
4. Suck up the cost and get a new phone...you'll have to do it eventually anyway. This is your career and if you really want it, a few hundred bucks on credit is a small price to pay. Heck, beg and plead your family for a loan or an early xmas gift.

I guess it all comes down to how much you are willing to sacrifice now for a potentially life long career. Good luck

RubberTree said:
I agree that its a valid question but there must be someway of sorting this out besides telling the op he's SOL. Poop happens...I don't have a landline and I'd probably be up the creek for a little while if I broke my phone too.

Couple suggestions...don't know how well they'd go over but...

1. Grab your sim card from your phone and borrow a family member's cell for a few weeks.
2. Borrow a cell from a family member and let the CFRC know the change of contact info.
3. Explain to the CFRC the situation...give them a family member's phone number and tell them you'll get back to them within 24hrs of their call.
4. Suck up the cost and get a new phone...you'll have to do it eventually anyway. This is your career and if you really want it, a few hundred bucks on credit is a small price to pay. Heck, beg and plead your family for a loan or an early xmas gift.

I guess it all comes down to how much you are willing to sacrifice now for a potentially life long career. Good luck

Just out of curiosity; how long did it take you to come up with your four suggestions?

They are common sense contingency plans that you came up within that amount of time.

How much would it have taken the original poster to do the same, as opposed to suffering the humiliation of respondents to his post?

Common Sense isn't that Common after all.
RubberTree said:
1. Grab your sim card from your phone and borrow a family member's cell for a few weeks.
2. Borrow a cell from a family member and let the CFRC know the change of contact info.
3. Explain to the CFRC the situation...give them a family member's phone number and tell them you'll get back to them within 24hrs of their call.
4. Suck up the cost and get a new phone...you'll have to do it eventually anyway. This is your career and if you really want it, a few hundred bucks on credit is a small price to pay. Heck, beg and plead your family for a loan or an early xmas gift.

Please tell me that you did spent good money on an education, just to come up with that  ::)
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