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Enrollment and Training Journal

Are you getting any dairy in your diet?  3 Protien shakes is a lot, I'd cut down 2 and add real food.  Are you drinking 8 cups of water a day?  One thing I strive for is to eat more veggies than fruit as fruit as way more sugars than veggies.  Also, try not to eat after 7 or 8pm.

Also on the diet end, a lot of it comes down to how the meal is prepared
ie.  I can have chicken, potatoes and veggies for supper like this:
    fried chicken, fries and deep fried zuchini or like this:
    boneless skinless boiled chicken breast, sm sweet potato and fresh steamed mixed veggies...
tree hugger said:
Are you getting any dairy in your diet?  3 Protien shakes is a lot, I'd cut down 2 and add real food.  Are you drinking 8 cups of water a day?  One thing I strive for is to eat more veggies than fruit as fruit as way more sugars than veggies.  Also, try not to eat after 7 or 8pm.

Also on the diet end, a lot of it comes down to how the meal is prepared
ie.  I can have chicken, potatoes and veggies for supper like this:
    fried chicken, fries and deep fried zuchini or like this:
    boneless skinless boiled chicken breast, sm sweet potato and fresh steamed mixed veggies...

One of the things people don't know about fruit that ends up with them not eating enough fruit is the fact that the sugar in the fruit is actually good sugar.

Let me explain:

Normally, when you add sugar to something it's pure sugar and it goes straight into your system and it's bad for you (processed sugar). However, when you eat a banana every single sugar molecule in that piece of fruit is coated with fiber and because of that your body treats those fruit sugars as fiber. So you may think that eating fruit is bad for you but the sugar in it is actually not that bad.


Egg whites are disgusting but you'll get the same amount of energy and much less cholesterol and the needed protein you need.

Another thing that's loaded with protein (that you can eat in the morning) but is also disgusting depending on who you are is a spoonful of natural peanut butter. Yes, the stuff that tastes like actual peanuts.

Also, if you decide to try the spoonful of natural peanut butter you'll be confused as to why it's so watery and disgusting. But here's a way to make it taste better:

1) Take the jar of natural peanut butter and turn it upside down and shake it from side to side for a few minutes

2) Put it in the fridge upside down

3) Take it out when you want it and every time you put it back in put it back in upside down

This way the water won't stick on the top of the jar and it'll be a more sludge like peanut butter instead of water-like.

Another, great meal to eat in the morning if you like oatmeal is to do oatmeal, some banana slices, natural peanut butter and a little bit of jelly. It makes oatmeal a lot more tasty and it's packed with protein.

I would agree with tree hugger about the protein shakes. I don't like them but you can always have one in the morning if you need the protein if your into weight training. Also, make sure your getting red meats as well for protein (occasionally not every day).
Haha, it's funny you should mention natural peanut butter.  One of the things I snack on after supper is celery with some natural peanut butter.

As for fruits, I'm with the guy who considers it good sugar, and I forgot to mention my vitamin intake, but I'm taking vitamin D, a multivitamin and calcium.  I sometimes mix my protein shake with milk if I feel I need more calcium, but I don't usually need too.

Also, the "don't eat after 7 or 8" is kind of sub-par advice :P heh.  It assumes I'm in bed by around 10, but I usually don't hit the sack until 12 or 1, and if I'm going to be fasting for 8 hours, I don't want an additional 4 or 5 hours tacked on to that.  I tend to eat a meal an hour and a half before bed (not a big meal, but say celery and peanut butter) because it gives me metabolism something to work at while I sleep.  I also try my best to avoid liquids 2 hours before bed, because I piss like a race horse.

And no worries on the 8 glasses of water a day.  I suck back at least 2.5 Litres a day, and that's not factoring in the 600-800 ML that I take throughout the day for my protein shakes.  Odourless and clear...  That's what I shoot for.

I think I responded to all the concerns :P
So, it has been awhile since I updated...  Try a few months.

I'm still on schedule with the timeline I setup for myself.

My school transcripts should be arriving at the Recruitment Center sometime between tomorrow and next week.  I've dropped everything else off.  I'll be stopping in tomorrow to see what they are saying.

Last time I was in, they seemed like they wanted to get my going pretty quickly.  I still have to wait until Spring before they can hire me, but it sounds like they wanted to do all the preliminary stuff before then.  That's exciting.  I'm hoping to get the ball rolling as soon as possible.
I just wrote my CFAT.  I also added 'Artillery' to my MOC List.  It was only Infantry at one point.

I really want Infantry, but it has become clear that I would be waiting for quite awhile if I picked it (unless I got lucky).  I don't really like waiting for luck, so I thought Artillery would be a nice option and if I get the chance, maybe I'll make a switch sometime after my career starts.

In anycase, my CFAT went very well.  I'm going to take this next opportunity to gloat about it...  Qualified for all Military trades and Officer Training.  I was very proud of that.

For those wondering what the test is like...  I can't get into specifics, but it's pretty simple.  The word/math problems at the end are a bit of a bitch, and the Spatial section is tough at times because your head gets dizzy after the 7th or 8th pattern haha.  Still, the test isn't too difficult.  You just gotta roll with it.  Don't overthink any part of the test.  Some math problems are a bitch, but when you look at it, it's usually a simple answer.  So worry about finding simplicity in the test and not focusing on the stress or shallow difficulty that a question may give off.

Some questions are very hard though, and I know I guessed on a few.  Still, it was usually an educated guess and there were a couple easy questions that made up for it.

In anycase, be rested and ready for the test, but don't get yourself too nervous.  Everyone is capable of passing it, but you have to make sure you're in the right mindstate.  Do a free online IQ test to see if you're ready.  Those are actually a pretty good idea of what to expect.

I'm just happy with my results for two reasons:

1.  It means I'm not as stupid as some of my University marks.  I've always said that I felt like I was mildly intelligent but hated doing school work.  I guess a lot of people say that when they have shitty marks, haha, but at least this aptitude test means I'm not braindead!!!
2.  This is the first test I've ever had to do that might effect my future.  It could have an effect on my career.  SincetThe guy afterwards was a little impressed by my score I too am happy with it.
Do my medical and interview next Wednesday.  Should be fun.

Seems Armoured and Artillery are hiring pretty solid numbers, so if my eyes pass the medical, I'll probably hold out until I get one of those.  If not, I have Signal Ops as a backup on my list.  I'm happy with any of those so it works out well for me, I think.
Hey im from pei to and just finshed all my testing 2 weeks ago im just waiting to get sworn in now ;D! Are you going to gagetown for BMQ this summer?
Matt PEI said:
Hey im from pei to and just finshed all my testing 2 weeks ago im just waiting to get sworn in now ;D! Are you going to gagetown for BMQ this summer?


good timing!

Um, well, after doing my medical I had to do an eye exam and mail it to them.  I did that last week, and today I got a phone call from the CFRC with a job offer...  4-year contract as Sig Ops.  My Basic Training course starts on November 8th and I go to St. Jean, Quebec!
291Hopeful said:
Grats Owa!
See you in St-Jean! You will be a week behind us :)

haha, see you there man.

Should be a hell of a time...  Right through the winter.  Best time to learn how to become a soldier, I'm thinking.
Oh yes, I am so looking forward to running in the freezing cold during morning PT.
;D ;D ;D
owa said:

good timing!

Um, well, after doing my medical I had to do an eye exam and mail it to them.  I did that last week, and today I got a phone call from the CFRC with a job offer...  4-year contract as Sig Ops.  My Basic Training course starts on November 8th and I go to St. Jean, Quebec!

Hey Owa, I'm from PEI too, and I also start BMQ on the 8th of November.
Luke O said:
Hey Owa, I'm from PEI too, and I also start BMQ on the 8th of November.

That's awesome, what's your trade?
Hey man, I've just been reading how some people are saying to cut the eggs out or just do the egg whites. New research suggests eggs do not effect colesterol nearly as much as people think. They do not raise your bad cholesterolif you are already healthy. The only thing I would cut out is the diet pops. They are astonishingly bad for you. They contain a sweetener called aspartame that is a fake sugar but is 100 times sweeter. You would be much better off with regular pop not diet. In all honesty you should cut pop totally out if your diet. Drink more milk and all natural orange juice for a sweet drink. Everything else on the diet and workout looks great. Best of luck
291Hopeful said:
Oh yes, I am so looking forward to running in the freezing cold during morning PT.
;D ;D ;D

At least there is no bugs and gear might be easier to clean.
291Hopeful said:
Oh yes, I am so looking forward to running in the freezing cold during morning PT.
;D ;D ;D

I haven't decided if that's going to be worse than running in +30 degree weather with humidity and bugs.
Luke O said:
I haven't decided if that's going to be worse than running in +30 degree weather with humidity and bugs.

It says we'll have all the proper gear haha. Im excited to see and learn how to operate in the cold. And if all goes well, get loaded to spring or summer training in NB. Thats wishful thinking only. As I said before Im more concerned with folding my underwear properly right now. I definitely want to stay limber though, cold weather with the added challenge of the snow to the terrain seem like a recipe for joint and muscle injury. Stay toasty :)

Anyone else for November 8 ?
Oh well, they'll teach us to fold our underwear.  But they can't teach us how to fall on our a**es on the ice.  We'll learn that the hard way.  Haha.
Luke O said:
Oh well, they'll teach us to fold our underwear.  But they can't teach us how to fall on our a**es on the ice.  We'll learn that the hard way.  Haha.

What country do you live in ? But on that note Im excited to see how its done in the winter. I may regret this later.