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"Editorial: U of G to Honour War Criminal"

You have the right to voice your opinions.  That right was given to you by Canadian servicemen who paid the supreme sacrifice.  I wonder what you have contributed to our great country? 
Hi all,
Is this the same Scott Gilbert that ran in the 2006 election?

Says he got 111 votes as a Commie!

Sigs Pig said:
Hi all,
Is this the same Scott Gilbert that ran in the 2006 election?

Says he got 111 votes as a Commie!


Gives you an idea of where his 'reporting' comes from.
Both of the only two editors of thecannon.ca are members of the communist party.

Contact the Staff
Andrew Garvie - editor
Scott Gilbert - editor

A clip of Andrew Garvie with a comrad: http://news.guelphmercury.com/videogallery/387327

Bloggers did an excellent job over the weekend. The issues raised go beyond the original inflammatory piece of writing. For too long student newpapers have operated quietly and sometimes questionably. This example demonstrated how the blogosphere can offer some objectivity and badly needed oversight that's been lacking.
On the other hand, a student newspaper shows sense ;D:

"We're Tired Of Byers"


"We're not the public service of Canada," he said. "We're not just another department. We are the Canadian Forces, and our job is to be able to kill people."

I LOVED that one!


twistedcables said:
I LOVED that one!

Me too ! (and I'm a civilian)

"Why is it our job to "kill people" in Afghanistan?" S.G.


Hillier never said that it was the job of Canadians (!!!) ,
he said it was "our" job i.e. the job of the army !
What does he thinks is the objective of an army ? Plant flowers  ???

"What about due process, or the right to a fair trial?" S.G.

Ever heard that there is no fair trial in WAR ? There is R.O.E. ?!?

Oh, well!

Thanks to MarkOttawa for a well written piece, with very ironic timing in my case.  I am an older Guelph economics graduate who wants to join the army and just joined this site. While I certainly love extreme sports and the climbing and sky diving type stuff, that is only the icing on the cake.  I feel it is an extreme privilege to have been born in Canada. I would be honoured to serve my country.

I might be left of center in my politics, but I am really bothered by intellectually challenged people who would trash the reputation of honourable men that have given so much in service to their country.  The sincerity, thoughtfulness, emotional and even the cadence of that brave young infantry man Glen Villa's thoughts spoke as eloquently as a Barack Obama on the need for soldiers. I am very grateful that this country has people like Rick Hillier and Glen Villa that understand that if you truly deplore social injustices like 40% mortality for Afghan children etc then sometimes you have to be a MAN and do more than just watch a Micheal Moore film.
A good letter in the Guelph Mercury (via Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs)   

Hillier editorial did U of G a disservice

January 14, 2009

Ryan Monkman

Dear Editor - I have become so frustrated with the Central Student Association at the University of Guelph that it has become difficult for me to express my anger and disappointment with them.

Last week, on one of their websites, The Cannon, they posted an editorial whose headline referred to retired Canadian general and chief of defence staff Rick Hillier -- who received the Lincoln Alexander Outstanding Leader Award at the university yesterday -- as a "warmonger."

The editorial, written by former Communist party candidate Scott Gilbert, provided zero evidence for this outrageous claim but rather tossed around some out-of-context quotes from the retired general.

Its focal point was that under Hillier, the Canadian Forces went from being a peacekeeping force to a voice for torture.

For starters, Canadian soldiers are specifically ordered not to torture prisoners. To say there was a directive from the former chief of defence staff to do so is horribly insulting to our men and women who have given their lives for the security of the region.

Secondly, Gilbert argued that Hillier refused to extend the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the people of Afghanistan.

I believe it is absolutely necessary for people everywhere to have basic human rights, but to impose Canadian law on a foreign land is the most western-centric and hubristic idea I have ever heard.

Finally, I agree we are a nation seeking peace; unfortunately, it is not enough to wish it so.

In order to be peacekeepers, we must first be peacemakers. Pacifism is not peacefulness.

To write an editorial using made up facts and out-of-context quotes with the sole purpose of humiliating an honoured Canadian general is wrong.

Gilbert has done this university and his country a great disservice.

As we saw with their actions last year toward a pro-life group on campus, the Central Student Association will not allow any opinions in contrast to their Castroist agenda.

-- Ryan Monkman, Guelph

Editor's note: A notice on The Cannon website says the Scott Gilbert column "has been removed while The Cannon operating committee investigates its appropriateness." The notice continues: "As with other writing that appears on this website, this editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Central Student Association and the Guelph Campus Co-op who jointly administer The Cannon."
Well the ceremony appears to have gone off without a hitch, minus a pathetic little poster set up in the University Center. Not sure if anyone else attended but I was regrettebly unable to as it fell right in the middle of a class I couldn't miss.

With the editorial removed and the award given to the good General, this issue can probably be laid to rest, although personally I will continue to keep the idiots at my student union in check until I mercifully leave academia and all the idiocy associated with it. 
If the laws are the same as in Québec, you could also go to the student union to ask for your money back...
Then make a plaint at the administration of the university (which is the one collecting and donating the fees)
that they are acting illegally (if it is the case). There is usually a "vire-rectorat administation/finance" in universities...

Add : or a letter to the board of Governors, adress to the Board Chair (http://www.uoguelph.ca/secretariat/bog/) asking that the point be discuss at their next meeting, and/or the Finance Committee asking that the university give you your due, and take it on the next oayment thay are going to make to the association...

Board of Governors

Board Chair: Evan Siddall      Board Vice‐Chairs:  Kathy Bardswick, Tye Burt

Next meeting :
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 ‐ Board Meeting 1:30 ‐ 5:30 pm

Finance Committee

Finance Committee
Chair: Kathy Bardswick

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 9:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm

If you can find the time, the next Ontarion submission deadline is this coming Monday at 1:00 pm. The controversy raised so many issues that could be explored:

1) Lack of editorial oversight, journalistic ethics, and libel at the cannon: point out that in an online medium, things cannot be erased. By changing "war criminal" to "war monger" the ad hominem was reinforced--not negated. Information cannot be made to disappear.

2) Why the campus communist party has their own online newspaper and the rest of the undergraduate body share one. (And, why student's are paying for two.)

3) Fiscal Restraint: a proposal to collapse the cannon and incorporate some of it's better features (like the share board) into the more democratic  Ontarion.

4) Content: deconstruct Gilbert's ad hominem diatribe by placing General Hillier's comments back into the correct political/social/historical context. Provide examples from the Afghan mission.

5) Write about how you feel about General Hillier and what his Leadership award meant to you personally. Linked with how upsetting it was to see him viciously attacked .

6) Write about the irony of these two avowed "communist, peace activists" hurling around words like militarism while exploiting/appropriating an artifact of WW1 as their symbol.  Also, the irony of them talking about peace using war/battle language. Consider this ad from their front page soliciting submissions: "Help us to load the Cannon. Write. Shoot. Contribute."

The written word seems to get noticed around here. I'm sure you're busy but even a couple of well written paragraphs would be excellent.

PM inbound.

leroi said:
6) Write about the irony of these two avowed "communist, peace activists" hurling around words like militarism while exploiting/appropriating an artifact of WW1 as their symbol.  Also, the irony of them talking about peace using war/battle language. Consider this ad from their front page soliciting submissions: "Help us to load the Cannon. Write. Shoot. Contribute."

I simply find it Ironic that a bunch of Far left Commie Hippie anti-war, pacifists named their paper AFTER A GUN!  ???
Tommy said:
I simply find it Ironic that a bunch of Far left Commie Hippie anti-war, pacifists named their paper AFTER A GUN!  ???

Yes, it's sickening.
Tommy said:
I simply find it Ironic that a bunch of Far left Commie Hippie anti-war, pacifists named their paper AFTER A GUN!  ???

A:  They co-opted the paper.  It has been around along time and the Cannon itself (as university bulletin board) has been around a lot longer.  I attended UniGoo before David Akin.

B:  There is absolutely no conflict in the mind of the Marxist between opposing war and supporting violent revolution.  Or for that matter supporting violent suppression of dissent while opposing the violent suppression of dissent.

Means and Ends.  They's screwed up.
              ive worn that shoulder ssf flash mate,,, and who be you???
              ive served with this brigade,,, as it was reformed in 1977
              after the original... im sure youve heard of it ...it was the devils
              brigade ww2... i dont see anything on your profile that gives
              you the right to even falsh it ... i served with one of the
              regiments that was in the original,,,  8ch.... check out the
              attachments ive sent you...
                                                          scoty b
wildman0101 said:
               ive worn that shoulder ssf flash mate,,, and who be you???
               ive served with this brigade,,, as it was reformed in 1977
               after the original... im sure youve heard of it ...it was the devils
               brigade ww2... i dont see anything on your profile that gives
               you the right to even falsh it ... i served with one of the
               regiments that was in the original,,,  8ch.... check out the
               attachments ive sent you...
                                                           scoty b

Stick to the topic and take the petty phallic comparisons to PM's.

Kirkhill said:
A:  They co-opted the paper.  It has been around along time and the Cannon itself (as university bulletin board) has been around a lot longer.  I attended UniGoo before David Akin.

B:  There is absolutely no conflict in the mind of the Marxist between opposing war and supporting violent revolution.  Or for that matter supporting violent suppression of dissent while opposing the violent suppression of dissent.

Means and Ends.  They's screwed up.

And to add to that (I know you know, but for the others...) the website is named after an old (like 1800's old) cannon that is right smack in the middle of campus. It's a meeting point and great canvas for groups of students to paint ('painting the cannon' is an age old tradition for the different residences).

leroi said:

If you can find the time, the next Ontarion submission deadline is this coming Monday at 1:00 pm. The controversy raised so many issues that could be explored:

1) Lack of editorial oversight, journalistic ethics, and libel at the cannon: point out that in an online medium, things cannot be erased. By changing "war criminal" to "war monger" the ad hominem was reinforced--not negated. Information cannot be made to disappear.

2) Why the campus communist party has their own online newspaper and the rest of the undergraduate body share one. (And, why student's are paying for two.)

3) Fiscal Restraint: a proposal to collapse the cannon and incorporate some of it's better features (like the share board) into the more democratic  Ontarion.

4) Content: deconstruct Gilbert's ad hominem diatribe by placing General Hillier's comments back into the correct political/social/historical context. Provide examples from the Afghan mission.

5) Write about how you feel about General Hillier and what his Leadership award meant to you personally. Linked with how upsetting it was to see him viciously attacked .

6) Write about the irony of these two avowed "communist, peace activists" hurling around words like militarism while exploiting/appropriating an artifact of WW1 as their symbol.  Also, the irony of them talking about peace using war/battle language. Consider this ad from their front page soliciting submissions: "Help us to load the Cannon. Write. Shoot. Contribute."

The written word seems to get noticed around here. I'm sure you're busy but even a couple of well written paragraphs would be excellent.

PM inbound.

Good idea. The thought had passed my mind a number of times, but it's really a matter of finding the free time. I'm still waiting on word back from the cannon's staff on becoming a contributor.