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e-recruiting question


Jr. Member
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About a week ago i mailed off all my required paperwork to the CFNRCC, and just yesterday i got an email confirming they received it all:

"You recently submitted supporting documentation which has been received at the CF National Recruiting Contact Centre.

Your documentation will be reviewed and once reviewed; you will be contacted as to the status of your application."

My question is, how long does it usually take them to review it? Days, weeks, maybe even months? And once they review it, how will they go about contacting me? Phone or email? Emailing would be most convenient. And just to clarify, if i'm accepted, they send all my information to my local recruitment center, then from there on out i will be going through them? Which is when i will then have an interview and all my testing scheduled?
Depends if they "lose" it like mine, and then find it once you send them an email where they previously stated they received it.  ;D
After submitting my documents, it only took them a couple of days to process it and tell me they were sending my file off to the closest CFRC.
Once the RC receives it is when the fun, and the waiting, begins.  ;D
I send an email to them asking the same Question and they emailed me back saying :

Good Day,

Thank you for your interest in the Canadian Forces (CF).

When you file has been reviewed and found to be complete you will receive an e-mail stating that your file is being sent to your local Recruiting Centre.

Your question about processing time is difficult to answer as there are a number of factors that may affect the time it takes to process an application.  For example, if there is no position available at the time of application or the applicant requires additional medical information from their family physician this could delay the processing of an application.

Should you have any additional questions please contact us. 
Ahh this seems to be rather helpful to myself. They got my initial batch of paper work last thursday, so I was thinking maybe shooting them a call sometime later in the week if I don't hear anything.