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Drivers Licence and Applying-Question for Recruiters

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I'm not trashing the trade, if anything, I'm all for hiring less civilians.

Don't know what Ottawa is like, as far as civilian-military ration but in Pet, I can remember our parking lot not getting cleared until the end of the working day and civilian drivers getting paid time and a half to work on holidays or overtime.  I always said if we were using MSE Ops, they would have been on shift work and we wouldn't have had to worry about all that.

Unfortunately, with recruiting and instructor shortages, I don't see anything changing any time soon.  :-\
No,Moe, you weren't and I, too, am for hiring less civies...but I know their role at the wing and in places like Pet, and they support us when we go away.  But sometimes the union gets too powerful and it seems the civs do most of the $$ runs while us mil get shafted with flight line or mail run... but I rant. (a lot lately, it seems ??) 
AS for recruiting shortages, according to my last CM brief, we had something like 200 new members tied up in the training system...much needed numbers on ANY base in ANY element.
Here in Gagetown the majority of the drivers are civies, both at K10 Base Transport and also at K1 FD SP PL for CFSME.
Thanks for your interesting information about the trade, BYT Driver. They used to tell us that one soldier in seven was in the RCASC. Also, thanks for the link to the "Truckers Poem". Your trade schools the most professional drivers I have ever seen, bar none.
To sort of get this thread back on track:

MP-Military Police
MPO - Military Police Officer

I do not know why MP, MPO and Med Techs are the only ones to require PDL's prior to joining, I just know that they are.

No, the information is not old ... in fact, it is ABSOLUTELY up to date (like I said in my last post, the removal of Sup Tech from the list was THAT DAY)

As for the other question in this thread (regarding the amalgamation of SupTech, MSE and Tfc Tech) the amalgamation was considered as part of the MOSART trade review a few years ago (that was the grand plan that changed all of our trade identifiers from MOS' to MOSID's i.e. Sup Tech from 911 to 00168)

Apparently, that's all the MOSART project ever did. They did this HUGE survey about what we all did in our trades, made us all sit a write it (for some of us it took hours) spent a bundle of money on studies etc. but then all they ended up doing before abandoning the thing was change the trade identifiers!

Yes, I remember that survey.  I think it was also called "Tiger Team" as part of ASD which was a complete waste of money as an idea.  (oh well, some college kid got some money for trying to pull it off {tongue in cheek}) They did try to think of amalgamating the Log trades, but it would be too much as each trade is too diversified and sometimes specialized to make into one. I believe their thinking was each trade was low in numbers and we could all be cross trained.  It got canned because it would just add more to the low numbers and no work would get done. 
And, I think the main reason certain trades (i.e. MSEOp) doesn't require a PDL is so that the "military" will teach the members how to drive the proper way without having to deprogram any bad habits, and poor attitudes, which seems to prevail in some of the youth lately.
Back on track here, I suggest the person asking the question, go to the recruiting center and get the final, by the book, in writing, answer.  We can all speculate and quote regulations, but CFRC has probably final say.
My  :2c:
BYT Driver said:
Back on track here, I suggest the person asking the question, go to the recruiting center and get the final, by the book, in writing, answer.  We can all speculate and quote regulations, but CFRC has probably final say.
My  :2c:

Ummm, BHT ... I WORK at ... oh nevermind ... go ask your local CFRC ... I give up. :)
Otis said:
Ummm, BHT ... I WORK at ... oh nevermind ... go ask your local CFRC ... I give up. :)

How do you get through your days, Otis?

I often thought (whilst still serving), and still do that you guys in recruiting are true unsung heroes.  I somehow managed to spend my career at "the pointy end" - and I was never less than extremely thankful for it.

You're a good resource here on Army.ca - if you're ever out this way (Terrace, BC) - I PROMISE to buy you beer until you give up (AND - I'll provide transport from the airport, a bed for the night - as long as you don't mind being awakened by a 120 lb canine sweetheart that's attached to the tongue that'll be licking your face - and transport back to the airport).

Let me know.  Honestly.

Roy Harding said:
How do you get through your days, Otis?

:rofl: Some days, I just don't know!

Roy Harding said:
I often thought (whilst still serving), and still do that you guys in recruiting are true unsung heroes.  I somehow managed to spend my career at "the pointy end" - and I was never less than extremely thankful for it.

Heroes? Not bloody likely. There are people who do much more important work. It's monotonous sometimes answering the same questions 50 times a day, but it's not dangerous, I get to be home almost every night, and at least 50% of my days are less than 10 hours.

It IS very gratifying when someone who's down on their luck finds a job that's perfect for them because of your work though ...

Roy Harding said:
You're a good resource here on Army.ca - if you're ever out this way (Terrace, BC) - I PROMISE to buy you beer until you give up (AND - I'll provide transport from the airport, a bed for the night - as long as you don't mind being awakened by a 120 lb canine sweetheart that's attached to the tongue that'll be licking your face - and transport back to the airport).

Let me know.  Honestly.


Thanks Roy, that means a lot ... I DO try to give honest, helpful answers (though I admit to sometimes answering with frustration)

I can't see me making it out to Terrace until (and if) I get posted back to the West Coast ... but thanks for the offer. If you're ever in Toronto ... come to the CFRC!

Now enough of this love-fest ... I think the question has been asked and answered ... time for locking?


Otis said:
Now enough of this love-fest ... I think the question has been asked and answered ... time for locking?




Milnet.ca Staff
Hello everyone,
I searched the board for relevence to this issue, but found nothing. Anywho, I graduate from high school in June. I am interested in a possible Artillery field gunner position, however, I only hold a g1 licence, and must wait at least another 8 months before having the opportunity to recieve my g2. Recruiters, When I apply will there be any issue with the level of licence I currently hold? If so, what level is needed upon application?

Thank you,
556ofdemocracy :cdn:
You're good. Med Techs need it though.


Under qualification .

I am sure it helps though.
It's all in the title. I'm in Quebec if it can help. I emailed the CF but yet no response, and I couldn't find anything about it on the forum or on Google.

So do I need it or can I do the 69 days course to be a military driver without it.

Thank you !
Not for most trades, although I think I heard you do for a couple. Military police and one or two others. Someone can correct me if that's not right. But not having a DL does not disqualify you from joining the CF.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't see the bit about being a driver. I don't know about that one.
Thanks for the reply. I knew I couldn't be disqualified from the CF because I don't own a DL but I don't know if some trade, such as Driver, requires one.

I checked this


And there was nothing about it.
It limits the types of vehicles you can drive, at least in the infantry. The first vehicle my friend ever drove on the road was a T-LAV. I was allowed to drive ML, LS, LAV III but not a flag car or duty van because I had G2 instead of G license. Was kinda funny.

When you start getting driver courses, you are given 404's which is basically a military driver's license. On it are the codes for everything you are permitted to drive in Canada. Didn't even know there was a trade called "driver" though. Maybe you mean MSE Op? If so, they should qualify you with everything you need.
Yes I meant MSE Operator. Thank you so much ! I'll apply for that trade after my BMQ.
zakiuz said:
Yes I meant MSE Operator. Thank you so much ! I'll apply for that trade after my BMQ.

You apply for a trade (or three) before you even go to BMQ.  If you are not accepted into a trade you do not get your foot in the door.
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