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Drill movement, french vs english


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Hi, i have a reel difficulty with english drill movement!!! Please help me!

If it's possible write english movement with french translation for me or give me a good web site with english movement.

i don't find topics with that!

Thanks a lot.
Euh...the only ones I know are:
À gauche/droite tournez = Left/Right turn
Halt stays the same but is pronounced differently.
Garde-à-vous = Attention
En place repos = Stand at ease
Repos = Stand easy
Par la gauche/droite pas cadensé marche = By the left/right quick march
Par la gauche-gauche/droite-droite = By the left-left/right-right
For the rest... ???
Squad tallest on the right, shortest on the left, in single rank size.

Squad numbers.

Odd numbers one pace forward, even numbers one pace step back march.

Odd numbers right even numbers left turn.

Reform threes quick march.

Althoe i don't know the french translation, this was my favorite drill. I was always right marker :)
Guy. E said:
Squad tallest on the right, shortest on the left, in single rank size.

Squad numbers.

Odd numbers one pace forward, even numbers one pace step back march.

Odd numbers right even numbers left turn.

Reform threes quick march.

Althoe i don't know the french translation, this was my favorite drill. I was always right marker :)

Thats not what he asked though is it?
daniel try here:

Guy. E said:
no its not, im sorry.



You no nothing....
Pretend to no nothing
Be nothing.....

See... the advice would have worked perfectly here...

Not trying to insult you... but now you know why the greyman
theory works well... cause you attract unwanted attention...
Perhaps it would be best if you located a drill pam... the drill pam has side-by-side english & french details of CF drill.

You can find it on the DIN if you search "documentum."
Perhaps it would be best if you located a drill pam... the drill pam has side-by-side english & french details of CF drill.

You can find it on the DIN if you search "documentum."

I wish I had that resource back when I did my basic...It would have saved myself and most of my course buddies a lot of pain when the Vandoos would drill us in french (no more than half hour after we learned it in english no less..  ::) )
Odd numbers right even numbers left turn.

c'mon if your gonna do it, do it right! you forgot "number 1 stand fast"!

just razzin ya man  ;D


Doh'.... Greyman....Greyman... Greyman... they wont see me... Greyman..
Guy. E said:
Squad tallest on the right, shortest on the left, in single rank size.

Squad numbers.

Odd numbers one pace forward, even numbers one pace step back march.

Odd numbers right even numbers left turn.

Reform threes quick march.
Althoe i don't know the french translation, this was my favorite drill. I was always right marker :)

Escouade, Les plus grands à droite, les plus petits à gauche, sur un seul rang, formez.
Escouade, numérotez.
Nombre impairs un pas vers l'avant, nombres pairs un pas vers l'arrière, marche.
Nombres impairs vers la droite, nombres pairs vers la gauche, tournez.
Reformez sur trois rangs, au pas cadancé, marche.
I think they should teach all the platoons (French and English) drill in both languages in basic training (at least the commands used most frequently in parades).
in places like Public Duties, they do Weapon drill in French and marching drill in English... or is that the other way around?..... 50/50
geo said:
in places like Public Duties, they do Weapon drill in French and marching drill in English... or is that the other way around?..... 50/50

In my experience, that's true but not the whole story based on my experience.  Some drill with arms is conducted in french (order... shoulder arms, present arms, fix bayonets, examine arms... ease springs, etc.).  But basic drill even with a weapon (left... right turns, dressing, marching, change arms, etc.) is called in English.

At least that's how it was done on the Hill during my few summers I spent doing that stuff.