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Domestic and Arctic Mobility Enhancement Project

5 more years until they can field an oversnow vehicle in the country that invented them?

Now that’s progress! ;)
I think maybe the requirements asked for are difficult to achieve. Mind you I have not seen them but I do wonder what was wanted.
So just buy the same vehicle the Americans just bought for the Alaska troops. DUH!!
This 1000%. Whenever we undertake any major military operations it's almost certainly going to be in conjunction/cooperation with the Americans. The first questions in any major equipment procurement for the CAF should be:

1) What do the Americans use?
2) Will it work for us?

The simple fact is that interoperability with our major military partner and the ability to plug into their incomparable supply chain should be primary considerations in our equipment selections.

I would talk to these guys and have them build us something that has been used across a wide range of terrain and Canadian made.
And has no military supply chain…

Honestly you need to stop putting the good idea fairy hat on before you post.

Building a SMP vehicle isn’t rocket science but it’s not a commercial vehicle either. Just buy the same vehicle that the US has so you can access our supply chain, and get the vehicle now as opposed to 10 years from now.
Swirling paperwork/decisions not being made equals keeping a very well-paid job with great benefits until age 60.
And has no military supply chain…

Honestly you need to stop putting the good idea fairy hat on before you post.

Building a SMP vehicle isn’t rocket science but it’s not a commercial vehicle either. Just buy the same vehicle that the US has so you can access our supply chain, and get the vehicle now as opposed to 10 years from now.
Actually these can be the Milcots of the Arctic to supplement the SMP versions. Done right you get the SMP version that be be used anywhere, while invigorating our own industrial capability. Buy a bunch , run them hard for 5 years, order a new batch with improvement, stick the old batch in storage for 5 years, surplus them when the next batch is taken out of service. The company knows they get X sales every 5 years for the next 20.
Do the same with the SMP version. Within ten years you have a sizeable fleet in operation and storage and your serviceability rate will be good.
And has no military supply chain…

Honestly you need to stop putting the good idea fairy hat on before you post.

Building a SMP vehicle isn’t rocket science but it’s not a commercial vehicle either. Just buy the same vehicle that the US has so you can access our supply chain, and get the vehicle now as opposed to 10 years from now.

Peculiarly Foremost was given the contract for 800 Bv206s back in 1988

BACK ON TRACK: Ralph Wareham, left, and Tony Calafatis see Foremost hopes Bruce Stotesbury, Calgary Herald new opportunities with the armed services' BV206 vehicle ride on contract

CANADIAN FOREMOST LTD. By Christopher Donvilie (Herald staff writer) When Tony Calafatis and Ralph Wareham went to work Thursday, they saw their futures, and those of more than 200 other Calgarians, parked on the lawn in front of their northeast plant. The pair of Canadian Foremost Ltd. employees saw a short, squat, rubber-tracked all-terrain vehicle a Swedish prototype of the more than 800 such vehicles the firm will build here for the Department of National Defence between now and 1996.

"This is going to be a pretty big boost for Canadian Foremost," said Wareham, 38, a 10-year veteran at the Calgary-based manufacturer of all-terrain vehicles and drilling equipment. "It's going to get us out of the oil rut," he said. "There'd been layoffs, we'd get called back. Security was really up and down. This puts us on an even keel for a while." "The bottom line," said Calafatis, 33, CF's publications supervisor, "is that it's a more secure stake.

You know you'll have a job to come to." Founded in 1952 230 employees. 1987 revenue $115 million. Net loss before extraordinary gain, $535,000. Final net income $433,000. 1986 revenue $20.6 million Final netincome $1 million Herald Graphic The good feelings at the plant were the result of Defence Minister Perrin Beatty announcing, on that same lawn, that Canadian Foremost was a key player in a $421-million, 10-year project to equip the Canadian Forces with the northern-terrain vehicle, known as the BV206.

The vehicles will be added to the armed forces' existing fleet of more than 100 BV206s to be used in the defence of Canada and to meet Canada's commitments to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Beatty said. "This announcement is significant to the Canadian Armed Forces, it's significant for Canada"

Calgary Herald from Calgary, Alberta, Canada • 63​

Publication:Calgary Heraldi
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Issue Date:Friday, July 22, 1988

Wouldncha jus' love to see Canada take possession of 800

And has no military supply chain…
Are you sure they don't?
Honestly you need to stop putting the good idea fairy hat on before you post.
Interesting idea. I guess your right, only the big American machine has any chance of anything in the future.
Building a SMP vehicle isn’t rocket science but it’s not a commercial vehicle either. Just buy the same vehicle that the US has so you can access our supply chain, and get the vehicle now as opposed to 10 years from now.
They supply equipment around the world, they have Military and government contracts.
Are North America's leading contractor for Heavy lift build off highway equipment, #2 in the world.
They are a Western Canadian company so those out east won't take them or their capability into acount.

The sky is blue with white clouds where I am at today. Or is that pulled out of a fairy hat also.
Peculiarly Foremost was given the contract for 800 Bv206s back in 1988

Calgary Herald from Calgary, Alberta, Canada • 63​

Publication:Calgary Heraldi
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Issue Date:Friday, July 22, 1988

View attachment 83105
Yeah what happened to that…
Oh wait nothing, and the BV206’s Canada had rusted out with no replacements.

@childs56 lets face it does it make sense for Canada to fund a company to create a product for 100’ish vehicles, or is it easier to buy a MOTS product that is in use next door?

If Canada was going to buy 1000 or even 400 and keep a modest production line open to keep cycling vehicles into the fleet my answer would be different.

But as it stands going to a different vehicle than the Beowulf, makes zero sense.
We should have a lot more than 100+ of them too. Stationed everywhere up north etc.. Maybe the 100 BVs10 for expeditionary operations and Foremost can supply a domestic one?
Yeah what happened to that…
Oh wait nothing, and the BV206’s Canada had rusted out with no replacements.
Many of those BVs were bought at auction and still working hard.
not sure why your putting up emails thanks. I now know the possible reason for a few other things now.
lets face it does it make sense for Canada to fund a company to create a product for 100’ish vehicles, or is it easier to buy a MOTS product that is in use next door?
lol...... if you look up Formost they wouldnt be funded by the Canadian Government. They have a pretty defined business with many customers around the world. Including your beautiful countries Government. Their bulk of sales are niche markets which the Canadian forces would be a small niche market.
But as it stands going to a different vehicle than the Beowulf, makes zero sense.
Lol, you seriosuly think the Beowulf is an American Product.
The Beowulf is a upgraded Hägglunds. BV series allterrain amphibous series of vehicles.
Which Foremost already has expierance building. Why send our money south of the border when we can support Canadian