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Current Dress Regs

Kinda... Just a lot less shit. I wore that garbage when I joined, and before I joined as a cadet. We can do a lot better.

In the real world, clothing manufacturers have figured out how to make office appropriate work clothing that is extremely low maintenance and still presentable. Why can't the CAF hire an actual professional to design a uniform that is both cost effective and comfortable?
Because the military is not about cost effective and comfortable. You will suffer and like it.
Because then Peerless Garments and Logistik Unicorp wouldn't get the contracts.
That’s a Bingo

Frankly for the field force there isn’t much more need of anything other than the combat uniform, a dress uniform and a PT outfit.

Pretty sure the workers in the Air Force and Navy, don’t need another uniform as well.

Cost savings would be realized by not having several different uniforms to stock.

Office dress for those in offices - can be 3B, I mean it’s almost like this was though through
That’s a Bingo

Frankly for the field force there isn’t much more need of anything other than the combat uniform, a dress uniform and a PT outfit.

Pretty sure the workers in the Air Force and Navy, don’t need another uniform as well.

Cost savings would be realized by not having several different uniforms to stock.

Office dress for those in offices - can be 3B, I mean it’s almost like this was though through
The problem arises from the service dress being crap. The uniform is crap, so people complain, and we end up with the office workers in CADPAT/NCEU.
Frankly for the field force there isn’t much more need of anything other than the combat uniform, a dress uniform and a PT outfit.

Office dress for those in offices - can be 3B, I mean it’s almost like this was though through

How will HQ bound Army personnel maintain their operational focus and warrior mindset if they are required to wear "Army business casual" to the office? We will suffer immeasurable reduction in combat effectiveness. Now, where's that sarcasm emoji?

My agency is supplied by Logstik Unicrap, too. We spend a lot on 511 clothing as a result.

How will HQ bound Army personnel maintain their operational focus and warrior mindset if they are required to wear "Army business casual" to the office? We will suffer immeasurable reduction in combat effectiveness. Now, where's that sarcasm emoji?

My agency is supplied by Logstik Unicrap, too. We spend a lot on 511 clothing as a result.
But what about canadian businesses!! They need a fair chance to milk government contracts too!
In the PPCLI we wore it not to work in but parade in. Including spit shining Garrison boots, pressing and ironing creases etc....

Yeah same as the reserves when I was in. I think garrison dress as “blade dress” was the army standard. An example of an ok idea made awful.

That camo jacket was always a bad idea though.
Yeah same as the reserves when I was in. I think garrison dress as “blade dress” was the army standard. An example of an ok idea made awful.

That camo jacket was always a bad idea though.
The old bus driver uniforms certainly kept me from having any pride in the uniform I was expected to wear. Nowadays we have to rely on toxic leadership to crush morale.
That’s a Bingo

Frankly for the field force there isn’t much more need of anything other than the combat uniform, a dress uniform and a PT outfit.

Pretty sure the workers in the Air Force and Navy, don’t need another uniform as well.

Cost savings would be realized by not having several different uniforms to stock.

Office dress for those in offices - can be 3B, I mean it’s almost like this was though through
Agreed, but I would add one: a day-by-day "work" uniform - something like comfortable work boots, perma-press trousers and service/unit t-shirt or golf shirt plus a sweater and something akin to the old para smock (light weight, warm zip-in liner. Not everyone, in fact. I would guess, not most people spend their working day on tasks for which the combat uniform is appropriate.
Agreed, but I would add one: a day-by-day "work" uniform - something like comfortable work boots, perma-press trousers and service/unit t-shirt or golf shirt plus a sweater and something akin to the old para smock (light weight, warm zip-in liner. Not everyone, in fact. I would guess, not most people spend their working day on tasks for which the combat uniform is appropriate.
How about a Polo shirt with Regimental Logo and a rank tab with combat pants.

Mainly as I despise the idea of multiple uniforms as wasteful.
We need two uniforms.

(1) Work/Combat dress (coveralls, combats, flight suit ect depending on trade)
(2) Formal/Parade
(2.1) Ceremonial, not publicly funded (Mess dress, ancestral uniforms ect)

We complicate it way too much. The work/combat dress should be your everyday office, warehouse, shop, ship, field, airfield ect. I really dont care that industry wears dress shirts and slacks to work, we are not industry. Headdress should be ball caps, boonie caps or helmets for work dress.

PT dress is personal problem. Buy your T shirts and shorts as you need them, and Army stop forcing people buy shit from your canteens; it doesn't matter that there are a whack of different T shirts at PT, it matters that people are doing PT.
Easier to maintain than battledress and bush dress.
But not as easy as combats and either the old tri-service uniform or the DEU. I played the ironing, creasing, combat-boot-toe-polishing game as well as anyone, but objectively it was just a pointless waste of time and didn't result in something that looked like a soldier.

I wouldn't have made a very good sergeant-major. Boots black, uniform wrinkle- and hanging-thread-free would have been good enough for me. Soldiers would undoubtedly have become slack and idle without laundry and shoe-shining to occupy their time at home.
We need two uniforms.

(1) Work/Combat dress (coveralls, combats, flight suit ect depending on trade)
(2) Formal/Parade
(2.1) Ceremonial, not publicly funded (Mess dress, ancestral uniforms ect)

We complicate it way too much. The work/combat dress should be your everyday office, warehouse, shop, ship, field, airfield ect. I really dont care that industry wears dress shirts and slacks to work, we are not industry. Headdress should be ball caps, boonie caps or helmets for work dress.

PT dress is personal problem. Buy your T shirts and shorts as you need them, and Army stop forcing people buy shit from your canteens; it doesn't matter that there are a whack of different T shirts at PT, it matters that people are doing PT.

The Royal Regiment of Scotland scoffs at your puny orders of dress!

Yon's a braw, bonnie brochure!

We need two uniforms.

(1) Work/Combat dress (coveralls, combats, flight suit ect depending on trade)
(2) Formal/Parade
(2.1) Ceremonial, not publicly funded (Mess dress, ancestral uniforms ect)

We complicate it way too much. The work/combat dress should be your everyday office, warehouse, shop, ship, field, airfield ect. I really dont care that industry wears dress shirts and slacks to work, we are not industry. Headdress should be ball caps, boonie caps or helmets for work dress.

PT dress is personal problem. Buy your T shirts and shorts as you need them, and Army stop forcing people buy shit from your canteens; it doesn't matter that there are a whack of different T shirts at PT, it matters that people are doing PT.
Why not bundle 2. and 2.1 together, at least as far as the base items and excluding mess dress? RCN and RCAF will be need enough of a limited number of patterns to enjoy some economy of scale, and the Army's kit boils down to high-collared jackets, striped trousers or kilt, and an assortment of caps/hats, generally in blue, dark green, or red.

Give everyone HCW jackets for summer ceremonial.
That’s a Bingo

Frankly for the field force there isn’t much more need of anything other than the combat uniform, a dress uniform and a PT outfit.

Pretty sure the workers in the Air Force and Navy, don’t need another uniform as well.

Cost savings would be realized by not having several different uniforms to stock.

Office dress for those in offices - can be 3B, I mean it’s almost like this was though through
But how will people instruct others in the fine art of folding things and ironing things?
That’s a Bingo

Frankly for the field force there isn’t much more need of anything other than the combat uniform, a dress uniform and a PT outfit.

Pretty sure the workers in the Air Force and Navy, don’t need another uniform as well.
I actually liked the two DEU uniforms the Airforce issues. Light weight and heavy weight. :unsure: :rolleyes: