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Current Dress Regs

Similarly, bad moustaches in November are self correcting, because partners/prospective partners aren't blind. Similarly the same will happen with most mullets and dyed hair.

We don't make NHL money for hockey hair to be okay. 😄

And @Arty119 the number of times I've been in a ship where people are yelling 'bang' for a weapons firing is sadly not zero, so things are just a different kind of bad. Legitimately not buying replacements for safety critical equipment that we use regularly for day to day issues to replace the items for the CAF because budget cuts, and no idea if the roll out that is already 3-5 years delayed will get bumped again. But I guess people will just touch things to see if they are hot in a fire or feel around for casualties instead of using TICs. 🤷‍♂️
C2 gunner long agp Budda, budda, peanut budda!