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CT Offer & Posting Information & Problematic Circumstances


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I have received my offer and my posting instruction state my contract starts Aug 16, so I don't know if that means I start training. I have a problem though, our wedding is booked in September in Vegas and we just bought a house. I am one hour away from where I have to go for training. So will they allow me to travel each day? Also what will happen in terms of the wedding plans, will I be proposed to re-book, which I would do.
Coyner said:
I have received my offer and my posting instruction state my contract starts Aug 16, so I don't know if that means I start training. I have a problem though, our wedding is booked in September in Vegas and we just bought a house. I am one hour away from where I have to go for training. So will they allow me to travel each day? Also what will happen in terms of the wedding plans, will I be proposed to re-book, which I would do.

Want me to be harsH?  You are setting yourself up to become an Administrative Problem.  End result could result in your Release.

We can't answer you.  You will have to discuss this with your Course Staff.  Don't be surprised with any negative outcome.
Well really they are not problems, I mean they are quick fixes, just re-book and do whatever they tell me to do. These are just questions and inquiries. In the end I got my offer and that's what I want, if my family life has to adjust then we are prepared but it never hurts to ask questions.
Coyner said:
I have received my offer and my posting instruction state my contract starts Aug 16, so I don't know if that means I start training. I have a problem though, our wedding is booked in September in Vegas and we just bought a house. I am one hour away from where I have to go for training. So will they allow me to travel each day? Also what will happen in terms of the wedding plans, will I be proposed to re-book, which I would do.

You should be good to go.  Most training bases offer one of two options.  If your house is close by to one of many training bases, you will has the opportunity to purchase a bus pass, that allows you to board DND managed transportation.  Most of these routes are also used to train future Military drivers, hence the discount on the pass.;



As for time off for your wedding.  This is a bit tricky.  They may give you the time off, if you present your case in advance.  I remember this one guy wrote a 16 page letter, to the base commander, prior to him arriving for his course.  As soon s he left the bus, he demanded to be presented to the quarters of the Commander.  When there, after knocking for a good 5 minutes, the troop handed the letter to the Gent at the door, turned away, and walked towards the bus.

Few days later, he was pulled away, by two gents wearing the tradition "Escort to the Ceremony" red berets, however he was not seen again.  Rumour had it was he got married and went on a really good honeymoon, where he decided to not come back and serve in Germany.

Anwho, I digress.  Good luck, and let us know how my advice worked out for you, okay?

Thanks for the advice, I just got my offer yesterday, so Monday I will send my intention of taking the offer. Plus the concerns I have, I live an hour away from the base so I don't mind driving everyday, but also prepared to stay up on base. Just the wedding part, which too me is a quick fix because, just re-book for a date before my commencement date.

Also I want to STRONGLY iterate, this is far some complaining, just family concerns, but let me tell you we are still quit excited to become a member of the military family.
George Wallace said:
Want me to be harsH?  You are setting yourself up to become an Administrative Problem.  End result could result in your Release.

We can't answer you.  You will have to discuss this with your Course Staff.  Don't be surprised with any negative outcome.

Your not setting your self up to be an administrative problem, Just you might have to be flexible on possible changing date due to course requirments  but be upfront and im sure you'll find out what can be done for you. People are usually surprised that they will work with you if it is possible to do so if it dosen't interfere with course.

Good Luck
Coyner, I understand (somewhat) where you're coming from.

I'm going to a new posting this summer and am also getting married (in Vegas as well!) in August.

All I can suggest is that you make sure your chain of command is aware.  Let them know that you're willing to change the date but would obviously like to know what the scheduling is like sooner rather than later so your guests can adjust as necessary.

Where's the wedding planned for anyway?
Strike said:
Coyner, I understand (somewhat) where you're coming from.

I'm going to a new posting this summer and am also getting married (in Vegas as well!) in August.

All I can suggest is that you make sure your chain of command is aware.  Let them know that you're willing to change the date but would obviously like to know what the scheduling is like sooner rather than later so your guests can adjust as necessary.

Where's the wedding planned for anyway?

10 days to go

:oops: :off topic:
recceguy [5], our wedding is either at the Little White Wedding Chapel or Shalowmare (spelling maybe off). I am going to let my file manager know of this when I respond with intention to accept the offer. My COS is 16 Aug 11, and our wedding if 08 Sep 11 to 12 Sep 11, so I'm hoping there is something we can figure out.

Wedding wise, Vegas is the way to go!! Congrats to you!
Coyner said:
recceguy [5], our wedding is either at the Little White Wedding Chapel or Shalowmare (spelling maybe off). I am going to let my file manager know of this when I respond with intention to accept the offer. My COS is 16 Aug 11, and our wedding if 08 Sep 11 to 12 Sep 11, so I'm hoping there is something we can figure out.

Wedding wise, Vegas is the way to go!! Congrats to you!

That would be me that asked.

Recceguy is counting down to a date that is completely unrelated to this thread.
Its crazy how many people get married in Vegas.  I'm not in the middle of a posting or enrollment, I've been in for 10 years, but its interesting to know that so many people go to Vegas.  My fiance and I are going there at the end of Sept to get married as well! We have family coming and wanted to make it special so we are going to the Pahrump Valley winery about an hour outside of Vegas to have our ceremony.  Let me know what you guys think of it and some hints when you get back from there if you don't mind to help out :)
Thanks very much and enjoy your time there and enjoy your marriage. 
Well, hopefully a compromise can be met, I am going to let them know, I imagine that we will have to rebook but maybe if I give them enough notice when I tell them I accept the offier, maybe things will work-out. Depends when the next CAP is because that would be my first course for Artillery Officer.
Well, everything got worked out and I have accepted the offer for Artillery Officer. All I can say is the file manager was on her game and I appreciate all the advice. Now it is time for me to get Super Saiyan-like, and training at 100x Earth's Gravity as I hear CAP is nuts!