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Spr.Earl said:
Are any about,is so where?

Of which said type of cougar would you be inquiring? Cougars of the AFV Type or non-AFV Type?
armyvern said:
Of which said type of cougar would you be inquiring? Cougars of the AFV Type or non-AFV Type?
The old boat type. ;) ;D
Cougars can often be found in Sports Bars near bases, you need to be alert at all times to prevent them from circling upwind of you and pouncing.  ;)
In all seriousness is the Couger still in the system and I don't mean old boot's looking for Sprog's.
OK, but just for you...

The AVGP Cougar was withdrawn from the CF and made it's final appearance in Stalwart Guardian 04 for LFCA units. It was always the property of the Armoured Corps, being used as a "tank trainer" to teach crews and units the basic principles of armoured warfare, and operationally as an armoured car doing patrols, escort and rear area security (just like you would expect from an armoured car).

CASR did float a proposal for the hulls to be re rolled into an anti aircraft platfrom, with the large turret ring being able to support various off the shelf light AA and AAA turrets (and having the internal volume at the back to hold extra ammunition). While an interesting suggestion, the age and rather decrepit shape of the remaining hulls (first brought on line in, I think, 1977) made this a non starter. Remaining hulls, as well as the AVGP Grizzly APC are being rebuilt into various support vehicles.

In the mean time, stay alert in those sports bars!
Thanks a_majoor,

I really wasn't lying when I said I was not experienced in the AFV type of cougar. I knew they were gone but that was it... No details on this that I could provide!!
Remaining hulls, as well as the AVGP Grizzly APC are being rebuilt into various support vehicles.

This is no longer correct.  The Cougar can currently be found lurking around 7 CFSD and 25 CFSD in Montreal, having been completely withdrawn from service.  I believe that they are for sale via Crown assets (to foreign governments), but efforts to sell these clapped out pieces of junk will likely come to naught.  FWIW, the Cougar suffered from a huge variety of problems at the end of its service life, including mantlet cracks, cracks to the turret ring, missing turret gear teeth and fume extraction issues.

The Cougar was never slated to form part of the AVGP conversion programme, but was to be retained until a suitable alternative was procured.  That plan didn't survive contact (like so many recently) and all vehicles were withdrawn by 2004.  The CLS subsequently cancelled the entire AVGP conversion programme and we have now "donated" the bulk of the servicable Grizzly fleet to the African Union for duty in the Sudan.  As far as I am aware, there are no plans to retain any AVGP variants in service (some Huskies were retained for a limited period pending availability of more Bison MRTs).


Teddy Ruxpin said:
The CLS subsequently cancelled the entire AVGP conversion programme and we have now "donated" the bulk of the servicable Grizzly fleet to the African Union for duty in the Sudan.  As far as I am aware, there are no plans to retain any AVGP variants in service (some Huskies were retained for a limited period pending availability of more Bison MRTs).


So, does that mean the limited AVGP Re-Role (just 122 AVGP excl 19 Husky - retained as MRVs), as per 29 Nov 2004 'final WLAV LE Entitlement draft' (per ATI) from Maj B w\DLR (WLAV-lead) noted to Maj W DLSP5-6 (WLAV-lead), is now scrapped??

"1.  AVGP Re-Role:
Pers - 0;  Light Gun Tractors - 57;  CP - 0;  UAN - 16;  2nd Line MRT - 0;  Wpn/FCS MRT - 25;
Is MRT - 14;  RRB - 10;      Total: 122.

[Modified 23 Oct to remove AVGP Re-Role Options - due to subsequent (to this message trail) CLS direction on Arty Restructuring.]

Bison Re-Role:
NBCD Recce - 4;  Amb - 32;
  (81mm 'Wolf') Mortar - 24;  CP - 69;  MRT - 24;  MRV - 25;
EW - 14;        Total: 192.

Bison Re-Role Options:
Since your proposal is below the total qty of in-service Bison hulls [199], I will ask DAVPM3 to cost 7 more Bison CPs for a total of 76 CPs.
Since this full option will most likely not be affordable, I will let you know how many more CPs above 69 the project can afford, if any.
If the project cannot afford a total of 76 Bison CPs, the project can include the unaffordable qty as a contract option which could be exercised later, if we are able to find some financial slack during our contract negotiation with GDLS and DEW.

2. Assuming there is no more changes on other veh types and qty and since the project will most likely not be able to afford the full options of 76 CPs and 63 LGTs, DLSP will need to set a priority between more CPs or more LGTs.

3.  Note that the proposed dist of Wpn/FCS MRTs to ea LFA [4] do not match the proposed dist of Bison MRT and Bison MRV to ea LFA [3].  Also, the proposal does not allocate a Log Stock for the AVGP Wpn/FCS MRT.  If the Area allocation of Wpn/FCS MRT is reduced to 3 ea [N/C to LFAA], you could shift 2 veh to create a 10% Log stock for a revised total of 24 instead of 25.

4. Under the latest WFM concept, there will be no more unit equipment entitlement of armoured vehs.  LFAs [FCC] will hold the eqpt and will be resp to alloc eqpt on temp loan to units to sp peak ops and trg activities."

Maj W DLSP5-6 (WLAV-lead) advised LCol S DLSP3 on 24 Jan 2005 that,
"There is a push from the DLR folks to put the ASCC and Bty/Tp CPs under armour [Bison], however the requirement to do so should have DLSP3 input as part of a GBAD review and overall WLAV LE review.
Around early Dec 04 . . . issue ref CPs required [for ASCC/Bty/Tp] to support MMEV.  It appeared that there would not be adequate qtys of CPs to meet this late notice GBAD requirement.  DLR had proposed a minimum of 9 Bison CPs to support GBAD.  This is a significant number given that only a max of 76 Bison CPs could be produced, based on available chassis, but possibly less depending on Proj funding.  This could be reduced further if the 10 RRB originally planned for AVGP are transferred to Bison."

FWIW, there's a whole yard full of em at 25CFSD/202 Wkshop
some have been cleaned up, fresh coat of paint, etc which leads me to believe they're runners BUT there's a load more of em that sport the old SFOR / KFOR stencils.

What are they going to do with em?.... your guess is as good as mine but, when you get down to it; is it worth spending any more money on em?
I'll post a reference to the CLS' letter tomorrow, if I can find it.  Stale-dated, ATI-requested e-mails aren't gospel.  I find it somewhat annoying that Gobsmacked took it upon himself to post internal DND e-mail - no matter what the subject and no matter how he got hold of it.  It may not be illegal, but it is rude in my books.

Geo:  the "fresh" ones may have been destined for Africa - depends when you saw them.
I have to agree with Teddy. Those email are well before the CLS direction on Arty Restructuring came out and certainly did not take into consideration purchases of light towed 155, etc.  Poor form indeed.
Umm.... like last friday
There were a lot more of em a couple of months ago... but we all know where those went.