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Combat Engineers

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PanaEng said:
Wow, two years from application to starting course?

Good luck.

Thank you,
It's been a wild ride getting here.
I stuck through and I fly out in 2 days.

Feels amazing,

I was wondering if I could chat with an active Combat Engineer and pick their brain about the trade? Maybe even meet up and chat about the ups and downs of the trade.

If that's possible, I'd be extremely thankful!
Sure, there's tons of them around in Gagetown.
Not sure if online here :-)
Check the boards here and at "The Combat Arms"; lots of articles with good info and comparisons with other arms. Or post some specific questions; One or many of us will answer (specially if you bait them with a stupid statement ;-)  )
I've been doing a lot of reading on the forum, and the topics of "daily life of a combat engineer" seem a bit dated. I am very interested in the trade from what I've seem on the forces website, and their speciality in the combat diver side. My biggest concern is I am 28 years old, is that too old to start in this trade?

Thanks for all your help, I will try and keep my questions not stupid haha

Angus6369 said:
My biggest concern is I am 28 years old, is that too old to start in this trade?

The Combat Arms, and Combat Engineer, are discussed here,

Am I too old to join/do well/fit in? (Merged thread)

In case you have not read this,

All Things Combat Diver (merged)
10 pages.
I have read those, I felt the first post was more about someone who was in the forces rejoining later in the reserves. Thank you though for taking the time to show them to me. All help is very appreciated!
Angus6369 said:
I have read those, I felt the first post was more about someone who was in the forces rejoining later in the reserves.

"Am I too old to join/do well/fit in? (Merged thread)" is a merge of nine pages of discussions, all on the same topic.  Many are about joining the Regular Force, including the Combat Engineer trade and Combat Arms in general.

Angus6369 said:
Thank you though for taking the time to show them to me. All help is very appreciated!

You are welcome.  :)

Oh! I may have skipped over some because of the first posts I read, I will re-read it. Thank you for pointing that.
As a tip you will be better off going to Google and just adding the line "site:army.ca" at the end of your search. For example, search "Am I told old to join the forces site:army.ca". This works much better (in my opinion) than the in site search bar and will return more relevant results.
Got word this morning that I'll be off to basic in the New Year! Looking forward to it, I did read that whole post Mariomike suggested and it did help quite a bit!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Angus6369 said:
Got word this morning that I'll be off to basic in the New Year! Looking forward to it, I did read that whole post Mariomike suggested and it did help quite a bit!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Congratulations and good luck.  :)
Hey guys, as things change over time, I'm looking for the latest info on combat engineers, PRes in particular.

- To achieve the rank of Private-Trained (or Sapper), a candidate requires successful completion of BMQ, BMQ-Land, and DP1 course. Correct?
- To achieve the rank of Corporal, are there any other course requirements, or only a time requirement, or both? What are the expected general responsibilities of a combat engineer Corporal?
- To achieve the appointment of Master Corporal, I understand the PLQ course is required, and a certain time in the Corporal rank. Is this correct? What are the expected general responsibilities of a combat engineer Master Corporal?
- Just to know as a fun fact: Is it still considered a Combat Arms trade? Even though it has 'combat' in the title, the answer to this question seems to vary among troops.

Gunshark said:
Is it still considered a Combat Arms trade?

You may find this discussion of interest,

Are Combat Engineer a Combat Arm?
what are the courses after ql3 fr combat engineer?

i cant find any informtion on the courses of how long thy are? i would ssume theyre called ql4 and ql5 etc
Gsc023 said:
what are the courses after ql3 fr combat engineer?

Specialty Training Combat Engineers may be offered the opportunity to develop specialized skills through formal courses and on-the-job training, including:
•Combat Diver
•Soils Analyst
•Explosive Ordnance Disposal
•Instructional Techniques

Advanced Training 
As they progress in their career, Combat Engineers who demonstrate the required ability and potential will be offered advanced training. Available courses include:
•Radio Communications — Field Operations
•Water Supply — Advanced
•Power Boat Operator
•Heavy Equipment Operator
MikeL said:
I'm pretty sure this has been discussed here.

How often they see combat depends on the theatre and their employment.  For example if they were attached to a Combat Team/Rifle Company say during Op Medusa then they saw their share of combat.  They can be used for breaching(making holes in walls, etc),  blowing IEDs, etc.  There is also the Combat Engineers who do more of the construction type roles like building up FOBs,  etc  We had Engineers helping build up our COP, etc.  There was also Engineers as part of the BG QRF,  some worked in the BG TOC at ESCC.  I'm quite sure I'm missing a number of other roles they fill.

You will probably want to look around the Engineer sub forum within this section(Combat Arms)

Oooooh, this could be a good thread!

I was wondering if specific CERs (1,2,5) or the 4 ESR did more combat than others? Or more humanitarian missions? Or more building FOBs/bridging stuff like that?

Thank you for hopefully responding!  :P
ConsideringCareers… said:
Oooooh, this could be a good thread!

I was wondering if specific CERs (1,2,5) or the 4 ESR did more combat than others? Or more humanitarian missions? Or more building FOBs/bridging stuff like that?

Thank you for hopefully responding!  :P

You need to start doing your own research, instead of sitting there expecting to be spooned neat stuff.

Look it up bucko!!
GAP said:
You need to start doing your own research, instead of sitting there expecting to be spooned neat stuff.

Look it up bucko!!

Seriously man? I have been looking that type of stuff up for a few hours now trying to figure it out, either I am not looking it up properly (too specific or too vague), or I have been finding stuff that is very outdated and probably is not even relevant to today.

I am just trying to get some help in making a life decision for my self. Not trying to get spoon fed.

I am a new poster, and attitudes like that, being pushed away for asking a simple question, really doesn’t make anyone feel welcome.

Thanks anyway.