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CMA accreditation??

cn said:
I do hope they change their minds on this (because I bent-over-backwards to get in to CTS just to do the SEP) but you are right that the time line on this may not be something to hold your breath for. 

That would be fantastic, there are really very few options for people in our position. But as long as CTS is going to work towards getting back on that list and the CF is willing to let schools try there is a bit of hope. I have a July 5th start date but was able to negotiate a second start date for the Jan/2011 course if the CF was not done my App in time. So my hopes are now with that.

cn said:
I know for a fact that CTS is is CMA registered

just to add, it does say registered, but some of the schools say accredited, I wonder what the difference is?
BorderMedic said:
just to add, it does say registered, but some of the schools say accredited, I wonder what the difference is?

"CMA: Requirements for accreditation" : http://www.cma.ca/multimedia/CMA/Content_Images/Inside_cma/Accreditation/pdf/requirements.pdf

"Registration for first accreditation" :

CTS is "An accredited private career college,"

"At the program level, community college programs are eligible for accreditation by professional accrediting agencies. Professional accreditation means a specific department or program has been evaluated as meeting the standards of the accrediting agency of a certain profession.":

Talked with recruiters, and CTS, and emailed the CMA (they never responded).

Not many options from the recruiter, and CTS says they are looking into getting back on the list, although if their stumbling block is the CMA approval we will be waiting a while, they are scheduled to be evaluated May 2011. So I will not be waiting around for that.

Time to explore other options..........

This is devastating news... How can they do this to people who have been working hard to get in to their school of choice. (on the APPROVED LIST of course)

I was accepted to durham college, but I chose to go to accept Humber because I have heard it is a better school. I am waiting to hear from a lieutenant at my RC on tuesday about some "Policy Changes" that were taking place. I really hope that they can work this BS out.

I am now expecting the worst, and if what I am reading is true, and I do not receive this job offer simply because they CF decided to pull the plug on my school, I wouldn't know what to think.

So now I wait 2 days and keep keeping my fingers crossed.
funkmasta said:
So now I wait 2 days and keep keeping my fingers crossed.

Good luck on that, Funkmasta.
Do not forget - Humber is an accredited program:
"Status: 6-Year Accreditation. Expiry date: 2013/02/28"
They may show that they are accredited, but as of last Friday, they were still not on the CF approved list. And he also confirmed that Ontario schools were not the only one's taken off the list.

Of course as so many of us are finding out already, NOTHING is concrete with the Canadian Forces. They could very well be approved by Monday.

*he being the recruiter.
Has anyone received any more information as to what is going on? What will be the options of those who are qualified applicants, but are enrolled in schools that have been dropped?

I am going to call CFRC Kitchener tomorrow and find out exactly what's going on here.
funkmasta said:
Has anyone received any more information as to what is going on? What will be the options of those who are qualified applicants, but are enrolled in schools that have been dropped?

I am going to call CFRC Kitchener tomorrow and find out exactly what's going on here.

Yes, I was one of the unlucky few to have been merit listed only to be taken off because the school I was accepted to was taken off the list suddenly.  Both the school (CTS) and my recruiter have told me they are being reviewed by the CMA to get their accreditation back and if/when that happens then I can continue with SEP.  If not, or if it takes long enough (is not completed by the new fiscal year) then I was told that we would just be taken in as unskilled direct entry applicants.

What I've done in the meantime is had my acceptance to CTS moved from the Sept. '10 course start to the Jan. '11 start to hopefully give them more time to get approved (hopefully in time), because ideally I'd rather go through a diploma program than the JIBC's certificate.  But if somewhere along the line they offer me direct entry then I'd take it. 

The only thing I can do on my end is wait it out and see what happens, and if you're in a similar situation that's all you can do as well.  Keep in touch with the RC and see if they've made any progress with your school getting back on the list, cross your fingers and be patient.  Good luck to you all..
Fairly devastating news as far as humber.
The NCM SEP is available for CMA accredited Primary Care Paramedic PCP programs.

Notice that the affiliation between Humber and the CMA is for the Advanced Care Paramedic program.

I was in touch with the program cordinatior for the PCP program, and she said exactly this.
"We have never had CMA accreditation for our PCP program."

I also can't get a hold of anyone at the recruiting detachment. I even got an answering machine when pressed 0 for the operator.......

So very frustrating...  :salute:
Just got all of this info confirmed. Durham and Cambrian are the only options for the NCM SEP.

I was advised to apply to those schools, both of which are full, and definitely not accepting applications.

My dad and I will be contacting his lawyer likely tomorrow.
funkmasta said:
I was in touch with the program cordinatior for the PCP program, and she said exactly this.
"We have never had CMA accreditation for our PCP program."

The two Toronto PCP programs, Humber and Centennial ( I do not see Centennial on the CMA link ), were ( are? ) affiliated with the Christopher J. Rubes Centre for EMS Studies. The Rubes Centre is operated directly by T-EMS, and has been accredited by the Canadian Medical Association since 1993.
Rubes Centre is still CMA accredited for ACP, both internal and regional.:

But, for PCP:
Status: Voluntary Withdrawal. Effective date: 2009/06/02

At this time, Rubes Centre is closed due to G20:
mariomike said:
The two Toronto PCP programs, Humber and Centenial ( I do not see Centenial on the CMA link ), were affiliated with the Christopher J. Rubes Centre for EMS Studies. The Rubes Centre is operated directly by T-EMS, and has been accredited by the Canadian Medical Association since 1993.
Rubes Centre is still CMA accredited for ACP, both internal and regional. But, for PCP:
Status: Voluntary Withdrawal. Effective date: 2009/06/02

So why would Humber be on the list of accepted schools as of February 2010, the deadline for ontario college applications?? I followed the process that was set out by the CF, and applied to the schools that I was told were accepted for the program.

PMedMoe said:
To do what, exactly? 

Likely to waste my money
He's entitled to his entitlements....
funkmasta said:
Likely to waste my money

I'd have to agree - websites and lists are subject to change frequently and without notice...forget the fact that the CF in and of itself doesn't actually owe you anything.  The way I see it, you have three options - if you want to go the SEP route, apply for a later start at one of the other colleges, wait in line in the recruiting process to go through the training with the CF or if you really want to be a paramedic, apply for a later start at the college of your choice and do it yourself.


Hang in there Funkmasta.  Referring to the list of CMA PCP schools, you should give every school a shout and see if you can get into their PCP/EMT programs within due time.  The worst they can say is no were full, but get put on all of the cancellation lists for all CMA PCP/EMT schools across Canada.  The PCP course I took, there were 2 people who backed out last minute.  It happens.  :2c:
Rafterman1 said:
Hang in there Funkmasta.  Referring to the list of CMA PCP schools, you should give every school a shout and see if you can get into their PCP/EMT programs within due time.  The worst they can say is no were full, but get put on all of the cancellation lists for all CMA PCP/EMT schools across Canada.  The PCP course I took, there were 2 people who backed out last minute.  It happens.  :2c:

That was one option I explored when I first heard the news, so I called both Cambrian and Durham and both said the programs were not only full, but also had full waiting lists.  This means that even if everyone enrolled in the course were to back out before the start date, there are enough people on the waiting lists for both schools to fill those positions.  As a result, both schools are not even taking applications anymore, the earliest you can now apply for admittance is for Sept. 2011. 
cn said:
That was one option I explored when I first heard the news, so I called both Cambrian and Durham and both said the programs were not only full, but also had full waiting lists.  This means that even if everyone enrolled in the course were to back out before the start date, there are enough people on the waiting lists for both schools to fill those positions.  As a result, both schools are not even taking applications anymore, the earliest you can now apply for admittance is for Sept. 2011.

Did you call other PCP/EMT schools outside of Ontario? 
Rafterman1 said:
Did you call other PCP/EMT schools outside of Ontario?

No, just Ontario.  But from what was explained to me, the CMA issue is county wide, many of the PCP/EMT programs lost their accreditation in other provinces as well so I'd imagine there is a similar situation in other areas as well. 

For my situation personally, I'm not really able to go elsewhere for now (unless I'm getting the help from SEP or direct entry).