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Charges Laid for Corruption of a Database

geo said:
I'm dissapointed :(  where's that old "march the guilty ba$tard in" enthusiasm ;)

I had it removed at my last "over 40" medical.  Sorry, old friend.  Been at NDHQ too long it seems.
Heh... been contaminated by the "notwithstanding" clause I see
Ex-Dragoon said:
CBC is out to lunch as usual calling them Officers.... ::)
Well, technically, they are officers.  Petty officers.  Then there are non-commissioned officers, warrant officers and even commissioned officers.  Of course, I realise that when someone says "officer", they mean either (a) a police officer or (b) a commissioned officer.
Greymatters said:
The one word you emphasized, and its misspelt...    ;D

Beer makes me type words that are mis-spelled.  When I'm drinking, I lack the discipline to use spell check.

(Right back at ya!)  ;D
Greymatters said:
The one word you emphasized, and its misspelt...    ;D
Since we're on to grammar now, I think you meant to say "it's" vice "its"  >:D
According to CBC's website, "officials are currently trying to find them jobs that won't involve sensitive information and computers."   Good luck, nowadays.   It will be interesting to see what comes out of this. 
I know that they are PO's, but I'm sure there is a ship/boat/tub in need of painting somewhere....

Not much sensitive data involved in that  ;D
NFLD Sapper said:
News Release
Charges Laid for Corruption of a Database
NR 08.051 - August 12, 2008

OTTAWA – The Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) has charged two military members today with several offences in relation to the alleged corruption of a database while they were posted in Ottawa, Ontario.

Petty Officer Second Class Sylvia Reid, now a member of Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Regina, and Petty Officer Second Class Janet Sinclair, a member of the Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters in Esquimalt, British Columbia, were each charged with one count of Sabotage, contrary to Section 130 of the National Defence Act, pursuant to Section 52 of the Criminal Code, one count of Conspiracy, contrary to Section 128 of the National Defence Act, one count of Mischief in Relation to Data, contrary to Section 130 of the National Defence Act, pursuant to Section 430(5) of the Criminal Code and one count of Wilful Property Damage, contrary to Section 116(a) of the National Defence Act.

For those interested, selections from the relevant legislation follows below:

Section 52 of the Criminal Code:
52. (1) Every one who does a prohibited act for a purpose prejudicial to
(a) the safety, security or defence of Canada, or
(b) the safety or security of the naval, army or air forces of any state other than Canada that are lawfully present in Canada,
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years.
Definition of “prohibited act”
(2) In this section, "prohibited act" means an act or omission that
(a) impairs the efficiency or impedes the working of any vessel, vehicle, aircraft, machinery, apparatus or other thing; or
(b) causes property, by whomever it may be owned, to be lost, damaged or destroyed.
(3) No person does a prohibited act within the meaning of this section by reason only that
(a) he stops work as a result of the failure of his employer and himself to agree on any matter relating to his employment;
(b) he stops work as a result of the failure of his employer and a bargaining agent acting on his behalf to agree on any matter relating to his employment; or
(c) he stops work as a result of his taking part in a combination of workmen or employees for their own reasonable protection as workmen or employees.
(4) No person does a prohibited act within the meaning of this section by reason only that he attends at or near or approaches a dwelling-house or place for the purpose only of obtaining or communicating information.

Section 128 of the National Defence Act
128. Every person who conspires with any other person, whether or not that other person is subject to the Code of Service Discipline, to commit an offence under the Code of Service Discipline is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years or to less punishment.

Section 430(5) of the Criminal Code
430. (1) Every one commits mischief who wilfully
(a) destroys or damages property;
(b) renders property dangerous, useless, inoperative or ineffective;
(c) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property; or
(d) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property.
(5) Every one who commits mischief in relation to data
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
(5.1) Every one who wilfully does an act or wilfully omits to do an act that it is his duty to do, if that act or omission is likely to constitute mischief causing actual danger to life, or to constitute mischief in relation to property or data,
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Section 116 of the National Defence Act
116. Every person who
(a) wilfully destroys or damages, loses by neglect, improperly sells or wastefully expends any public property, non-public property or property of any of Her Majesty’s Forces or of any forces cooperating therewith,
(b) wilfully destroys, damages or improperly sells any property belonging to another person who is subject to the Code of Service Discipline, or
(c) sells, pawns or otherwise disposes of any cross, medal, insignia or other decoration granted by or with the approval of Her Majesty,
is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to imprisonment for less than two years or to less punishment.
PMedMoe said:
Dishonorable discharge, I would hope.

Dismissal, maybe even Dismissal with Disgrace, but the only way to get a Dishonourable Discharge is from the US forces.
N. McKay said:
Dismissal, maybe even Dismissal with Disgrace, but the only way to get a Dishonourable Discharge is from the US forces.

Oops!  :-[  That's what I meant.
NCI Op? This is not some techno-phobe here.....this is going to be interesting  ???

Probably never find out what data it was....

Its really nice some people are getting such enjoyment over this....I think some people need to realize that these two individuals while alleged to have done something wrong have friends and family like we all do and who are worried for them. I just hope karma does not come back and bite some of you on the @ss, because it always does.

Ex-Dragoon said:
Its really nice some people are getting such enjoyment over this....I think some people need to realize that these two individuals while alleged to have done something wrong have friends and family like we all do and who are worried for them. I just hope karma does not come back and bite some of you on the @ss, because it always does.


Ex, I won't comment on the case but I can say that I worked with Janet, on my rotation in NDHQ before this one and I replaced her when this all started and she went on Mata leave, and her other half went to parts unknown because of the charges that have now finally been laid.

Although I was not involved in any of it I can tell you that I walked into what was a poisoned work environment and in my personal opinion it sprang directly from having essentially a wife and wife pair working in the same job in the same office and one of them being the senior person in charge. 

I have no idea why DND allowed that arrangement.

This little piece already posted here...
How to make friends and influence people at NDHQ. A cursory search of the principal names reveals:

is a minor example of the contempt that these two showed for all those who worked as IMN's in NDCC with them.

In short, I was there, I too await the verdict, but I'm not cutting any slack.
Hey if they did what they have supposedly/alleged to have done then I have no issue with them being punished. My issue is with some of the members here getting such enjoyment out of it.