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Ceremonial Guard (CG) Mega Thread [MERGED]

Panzer isn't necessarily all wrong.  There are plenty of rumours flying around and that is exactly what they are.

Here are a few that have been floating since Sept:  "The reg force is taking over" "Open to all MOCs" "No Grenadiers" blah blah.  Speculation won't get you anywhere.  Talk to your OPS, they know what the tasking list is.  It's out there.

A few things you can be certain of.  There will be one company with three platoons.  If you come from anywhere other than the GGFG, plan to be wearing a different cap badge and uniform this summer.
GDSM MTL said:
This is really news to me, coming from the CGG, and even on the official Army website, it states that CG is performed by members of the GGFG from Ottawa and the CGG from Montreal, with a support element of I'm guessing service trades from the 34 Brigade and the 35??(not sure about the last one) Anyhow, whats with these rumors of no CGG?  I can't wait to see the look on my Sergeants face when I tell him that one.  We are one of the staples of CG, how and why would they do this?  And Panzer, where did you hear these preposterous things?

GDSM MTL, there were in fact members of 35 GBC represented last year, split between the two CGG divisions. There were pers from even farther away, as well - I think I saw a RNBR hatbadge, and we had someone from the PLF filling in as staff.
HighlandIslander said:
GDSM MTL, there were in fact members of 35 GBC represented last year, split between the two CGG divisions. There were pers from even farther away, as well - I think I saw a RNBR hatbadge, and we had someone from the PLF filling in as staff.

I have no doubts that other regiments are involved and should be, but Panzer's comment about "CGG is no longer an official part of CG" was what really baffled me
GDSM MTL said:
I have no doubts that other regiments are involved and should be, but Panzer's comment about "CGG is no longer an official part of CG" was what really baffled me

That's what I heard through the grape vine / rumour mill GDSM MTL.  I do know as of right now for my unit that we will be getting 58 positions for rank and file.  Now whether this is the final word on it - doubt it - its CG. 
In many ways, it's going to be a question of MONEY!!!
the Ceremonial Guard budget is handled by Central Area... The army of the Middle as it were.
The GGFG belong to the middle.... while the CGG belong to the Army of the east.... So, you can prepare yourself to see the CG positions offered by preference to the GGCG & LFCA troops interested in a summer's worth of ceremonial drill...

Will there be CGG troops as part of the CG... you can probably count on it.  The unoficial "brigade of guards" club will make sure of that....

Then again, considering the reservists tied up in ROTO training.... will LFCA units be able to fill CG positions..... I think not.
geo said:
In many ways, it's going to be a question of MONEY!!!

It always is - and if CG can find a way of using less troops (which personally is a bad idea - scarlets stink to high heaven after 3 days, and we pull 6 day rotations because of troop level) to save money they will.
not my point.... the money for the CG task is given out by LFCA.  They will, by preference, pay it out to LFCA troops alone if they can get away with it.... and Too bad for the CGG
geo said:
not my point.... the money for the CG task is given out by LFCA.  They will, by preference, pay it out to LFCA troops alone if they can get away with it.... and Too bad for the CGG

They key words here are "if they can get away with it", which to my knowledge, they cannot.  Too bad for CGG? We're Canada's oldest militia unit, do you really think we're going to just fade away from the CG?  There's a reason we are given precedence.
Good luck for all those doing the CG,  it is a great experience overall.  Yes there is times you may be shaking your head as to what is going on or not going on in regards to training.  But look at it this way.  The CG is a military show much like Cirque De Solie.  There is Prop's, costumes precise movements or drill that is performed in front of a " audience" and that of course also includes the Band.  There are those who are required in the background to make the show run smoothly.  Such as Drivers, storemen, medics, clerks, cameramen, the list goes on. 

The primary goal of the CG is mounting of the changing of the guard on the hill, providing the guard for the GG's residence and I think they have included a Guard for the War Memorial for at least part of the summer as well.  Those tasks and getting ready for them are Priority #1 everything else is and will take a back seat to it.  Other tasks that could also be ongoing during that time is sending ( usually part of the Band ) to the NS Tattoo ( although that may not happen every year as the Tattoo changes its format slightly from year to year).  There is Fortissimo that if run combines CF bands to perform on the hill with a Silent drill team from the CG ( good clip on Youtube) and the gun run.  The CF Gun run has been for the past couple of years supported by the CG and is another tasking opportunity for both Reserves and Regs. 

For all those events you have to have practice practice and if you mess up will practice some more to get it right.  Regardless of anyones personal outlook on drill if you have to do it then doing it right should be your only goal.  As we are in the military and your getting paid anyway to be there for a block of the summer.  The Army can and has included other training as manpower, funds, and time permit.  This fluctuates year to year and by the sounds of it will be somewhat restricted this year.  ( but I don't have the facts on that and unless you work in HQ for it neither does anyone else. )

As for units traditionally being the core of it or who is going to run the CG that is all going to depend on the CFTPO local Area polled first and then out on the national levels it will go.  There is tradition for it but the reality is manpower available.  If you are not GGFG or CGG you will be re-badged during that CG experience.  I am not going to get into the whats and whys of it here but in the end does it matter?

For those who are on it for the first time enjoy, for those returning remember to help by sharing your experience with others.  Everyones goal is to put on the best show possible.  And no matter how the CG is run this year. ENJOYING IT IS COMPLETELY UP TO YOU
Just out of curiosity - are those in supporting roles re-badged?  I know it is the norm (as far as I've personally seen) for drivers (et al.) to be badged as soldiers in the regiment.  Does this mean that if I am a driver for the summer, I'll be GGFG or CGG?  Just curious!
GDSM MTL said:
They key words here are "if they can get away with it", which to my knowledge, they cannot. 
Too bad for CGG? We're Canada's oldest militia unit, do you really think we're going to just fade away from the CG?  There's a reason we are given precedence.
There is a limit to what precedence will give you.
Note that it was not my intent to "diss" the CGG I have several friends that serve or have served in it's ranks.  There are many things going on here... and they are all realted to MONEY.  If LFCA cannot fill all the positions for infrastructure, rank and trade courses AND ROTO positions, then there will be no problem with the CGG (and pert much all other unit across the country) in finding employment in LFCA including CG .
In the event that LFCA has the personnel and they need all the MONEY allocated to reserve training & CG, then the CGG and other units who have traditionaly provided troops to CG, will be left on the outside - looking in....  (LFCA will after all be able to say that there is always "La Garde en Rouge up at La Citadelle" )
Corps of Guides said:
Just out of curiosity - are those in supporting roles re-badged?  I know it is the norm (as far as I've personally seen) for drivers (et al.) to be badged as soldiers in the regiment.  Does this mean that if I am a driver for the summer, I'll be GGFG or CGG?  Just curious!

Yes they are re-badged to patch up either regiment
GDSM MTL said:
Yes they are re-badged to patch up either regiment

You sure about that? The two years I was there, it was only the rifle coy and the band that was re-badged. Drivers, CQ/RQ, medics, clerks, you name it, they kept their own unit identities.
I wasn't entirely sure.  I'd love to be a "Foot Guard" again, even if it was for the summer (I was a GGFG cadet moons ago - just a bit sentimental I suppose!).

I really wanted a rank and file position, but if I'm driivng, well, thats okay too

Anyone know what the work is like for drivers?  Will I get a bit of time off for working out and such?  I'm really hoping to take advantage of the Carleton facilities if they're available to CG.

Thanks for the responses!  Cheers!
Driving at CG is actually a pretty good tasking (some people I have worked with would take it any day over rank and file). The hours are pretty decent, unless you're the duty driver, which isn't every day. All pers attached to CG are given access to the fitness facilities at Carleton, which are very good. Your meals will be provided by the dining facilities at Carleton, which are significantly poorer than the fitness facilities, in my opinion...
I know what duty drivers do (I think?), but any idea of what the day-to-day is like?  I imagine it'd be ferrying Officers and Sr. NCOs about, no?
Corps of Guides said:
I know what duty drivers do (I think?), but any idea of what the day-to-day is like?  I imagine it'd be ferrying Officers and Sr. NCOs about, no?

And running meals/refreshments to Rideau Hall and the War Memorial - IIRC.
i think in 5 years ive known one CG driver whos gone to Afghan and performed, the rest usually release or become class b hounds.

I would stay away from being a driver in the militia, more chances then not your extremely lazy and you don't even know it.
