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CAUTION- Windbag Alert!!!!

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whiskey 601 said:
That was a just a stupid, arrogant and sexist comment that has no place on this website. Clean up your language or take a hike.

I agree with you whiskey.  People are entitled to their opinion.  That doesn't mean that we are also entitled to it.  More so when it's sexist or deeply hurtful to others.  Watch your step bubba.  People will see your post and you will be dealt with accordingly if you don't clean it up.

Cheers!! :cdn:

The Army Guy

Bubba, we can trash Carolyn Parrish - but clean up the potty mouth.

Consider yourself warned.
I think its unfair to lump Parrish to the NDP. She beats to her own drummer (or is that voices). The NDP is concerned (as is it's job) with American policies, she has a personal problem with them. Although all are have the right of free speech, Parrish's public musings are both tactless and inflammatory.

Although I have no problem with Bush personally, I have issues with his policies. But being Canadian, I can only be a bystander because I have no right to judge internal US policies. That right only comes to the fore when it impacts Canada directly - ie trade policies. They have made their choice and I think it is presumptuous for us to question it. Smacks of meddling in someone else's backyard.

As for Bubba - the title of this topic fits you also. At least Parrish is articulate and literate.
verbal warning,fair enough troops,i'll do my best to clean up my potty mouth ;D  it's just that the majority of americans voted for george,and i think that we,and especially our politicians should respect that.she just trying to make cheap publisity again.
bubba said:
it's just that the majority of americans voted for george,and i think that we,and especially our politicians should respect that.she just trying to make cheap publisity again.

Um, a majority of Americans DIDN'T vote for George...  If you look at it, There are 205,000,000 eligible voters in America.  Bush received 59,000,000, thus he only actually received support from 28.7% of Americans.  Bush is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth because just over 1/4 of eligible voters voted for him.  How's that for scary?  Just a thought, but I wonder why the other 145,000,000 Americans were ineligible to vote?  Sure, under 18 can't, but that's not 1/3 of the country...


I was going to go in a long winded rebuttal of your post. Instead I'll just say  ::)


I am a little disappointed no one quoted my fart/Parrish comparison. I thought it was witty. ;)
RCA said:
I think its unfair to lump Parrish to the NDP. She beats to her own drummer (or is that voices). The NDP is concerned (as is it's job) with American policies, she has a personal problem with them. Although all are have the right of free speech, Parrish's public musings are both tactless and inflammatory.

The more I think about your statement, the more I agree with you. I don't think the NDP would touch her with a 10 foot pole at this point. Problem is, what to do with/about her? She is looking for engagement on the issue, perhaps a Parliamentarian might oblige her. I think Bill Blakie would be a good candidate to challenge her comments and expose the potential damage caused by her actions, while perhaps strengthening the NDP's own. A lot of Conservatives and Liberals have time to hear him out on issues, perhaps he will exercise some initiative on this one?
Torlyn said:
Um, a majority of Americans DIDN'T vote for George... If you look at it, There are 205,000,000 eligible voters in America. Bush received 59,000,000, thus he only actually received support from 28.7% of Americans. Bush is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth because just over 1/4 of eligible voters voted for him. How's that for scary? Just a thought, but I wonder why the other 145,000,000 Americans were ineligible to vote? Sure, under 18 can't, but that's not 1/3 of the country...


That takes into account the people that didn't vote. As it stands, he won 51% of the popular vote and the Electoral College. As to numbers, he received the most votes of any President in US history. I'd say that gives him as much mandate as any President has ever had. I don't look at the apethetic that didn't vote. Like our own that refuse or don't participate, their voice is not eligible. We should only hope to garner the same percentage of voters next time around.
She's like the liberal party court jester. As for the US being "out of step" with the rest of world: thank god they are. Personally I'd day they're "a step ahead".
recceguy said:
As to numbers, he received the most votes of any President in US history.

I find it interesting that Kerry also received more votes as the defeated runner up than any president in history (prior to this election, of course).  ;)

rw4th said:
As for the US being "out of step" with the rest of world: thank god they are. Personally I'd day they're "a step ahead".

No, they're about two steps behind. I live and work in Fort Lauderdale so I've been following this closely as it affects my family and I greatly. Recent polls have shown that the majority of Bush supporters still believe Iraq had something to do with 9/11, supported al-Quida, and had wmd's; all of which have been shown to be false.

Further, the high turnout was helped by the religious wackos coming out to vote to enshrine bigotry and hatred in their state constitutions by voting for the anti-gay marriage initiatives in many states.

So, many Bush supporters are uninformed and/or chose to ignore facts or simply voted for him because he is such a "good christian." I thought Iran and other countries had shown that theocracies are a bad thing?

Several of the americans in my office yesterday were wandering around in a daze mumbling "I can't believe there are that many stupid people in this country."

Bush acceptance speech:
Simply put, Carolyn Parrish is the "Queen of the Useful Idiots" and should have no place in politics.

Several of the americans in my office yesterday were wandering around in a daze mumbling

Well, seeing as how you live in Florida, that part I can believe  :)

As to the rest of your post, when do you plan on moving back to Canada, where the political atmosphere is more to your liking, and your compatriots are better informed?
No, they're about two steps behind. I live and work in Fort Lauderdale so I've been following this closely as it affects my family and I greatly. Recent polls have shown that the majority of Bush supporters still believe Iraq had something to do with 9/11, supported al-Quida, and had wmd's; all of which have been shown to be false.


Thanks for pointing that out. You show honesty and courage, although not everyone in the USA obviously is blindfolded...

So, many Bush supporters are uninformed and/or chose to ignore facts or simply voted for him because he is such a "good christian." I thought Iran and other countries had shown that theocracies are a bad thing?

This furthers the idea that religion and politics should NEVER, EVER mix... Unfortunately, they're usually in "bed" together these days...

Several of the americans in my office yesterday were wandering around in a daze mumbling "I can't believe there are that many stupid people in this country."

That is exactly what I said when I found out he won, and many people in my office said too!!!

I used to say stupid, I used to say I /hated/ Americans... I used to say they were retarded in fact. I do not anymore, although there may be a lot of stupid people in the country, I believe it's it's not stupid to point the finger at the media for the fact many people don't know Kerry from Bush or what each one is all about. I blame 55% on people's laziness and 45% on the media directly.

I talk to Americans, dozens upon dozens of them from all over the country each 5 days of my work week. I was poking around trying to get an early indication the day before the elections and day of to see who was voting for what. I didn't ask people who they were going to vote for, or encourage or discourage anyone what so ever. Just subtle questions. Interestingly enough, my little "head count" turned out to be almost exactly like the actual vote did. Almost even, except in any southern state. Bush seems to have a VERY firm hold there (Naturally).

It seems many American's are old fashioned so to speak also, and the Republican party smacks of old-school red neck values. Most of the young people I spoke to (18-22) didn't really care and many of them said they weren't even going to bother voting.---->  :boring:

Wonder what would happen if we could get at least 1/2 of Canada's eligible voters to do thier part?!?!
??? -  ::)
Recruit Joe said:
Wonder what would happen if we could get at least 1/2 of Canada's eligible voters to do thier part?!?!
??? -  ::)

We routinely get (federally) more than 60% turnout.  This last election was the lowest since confederation (sans prohibition) and it was 61.2% turnout of eligible voters...

Can't stand Carolyn Parrish.

Wish she would shut up.

Dumb as the proverbial bag of hammers.

Glad to live in a place where she can say what she likes and people are allowed to make up their own minds about the extent of the idiocy.

Paul Martin couldn't shut her up if he wanted.  He needs her vote just to hang on to power.  Without her he is two down even with the NDP.

muskrat89 said:
As to the rest of your post, when do you plan on moving back to Canada, where the political atmosphere is more to your liking, and your compatriots are better informed?

When I can get an equivalent job in the programming language I know and the wife forgets how much she hates the cold  :)

Actually, for once I'm not embarrased to live in south Florida:
Broward county    - 64% Kerry
Palm Beach county - 60% Kerry
Miami-Dade county - 54% Kerry
Kirkhill said:
Can't stand Carolyn Parrish.

Wish she would shut up.

Dumb as the proverbial bag of hammers.

To all, if you want, her parliamentary email is Parrish.C@parl.gc.ca.  If we don't voice our concerns to her, with a CC to Paul Martin (Martin.P@parl.gc.ca) and perhaps one to a "friendly" (Harper.S@parl.gc.ca) nothing will get done.  Request some form of answer from her as well.  It'll be from an assistant, but at least you know someone in her camp knows your displeasure...

Likely won't even be from her assistant, but an auto remailer;

"The Hon C Parrish thanks you for your comments. If you would like to correspond further please contact......"
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